I Have a Trillion Merits

Chapter 849: Die to the Lord!

"Don't come here!"

The wanderer in the early stage of the realm master looked shocked, and then the whole person retreated in a hurry, trying to escape the battlefield.

But no matter how he retreats, the red figure is always with him.

A smile appeared on the surface of the red cloud, and he looked at the wanderer in the early stage of the realm master in front of him, just as a mortal was looking at the little piglet that was about to leave the cage in his own captivity.

In his opinion, this realm master's early wanderer had a strong body of law aura, and it was completely different from the Taoist seeds he had collected.

It should be available to fill the needs of the heavens in the Promise World...

When he was satisfied in his heart, he saw the wanderer from the early stage of the realm master roaring at him fiercely, and then galloping towards the red cloud with the spirit treasure in his hand.

The laws around the body are turbulent, and the mana in the body is turbulent, like a madman.

Upon seeing this, Hong Yun's expression remained unchanged, and he said with some suspicion, "I'm afraid it's not a fool! Using this human body law to condense Dao's seeds, there will be no defects, right?

Just as he hesitated, the wanderer in the early stage of the realm master had already rushed in front of Hong Yun, and then used the strongest magical powers of his life to attack.

This person knew very well in his heart that if he fell into the hands of this red-robed Taoist, he would not be able to escape death. Rather than flee in a hurry, it would be better to stay for life, and perhaps have a glimmer of life.

As soon as this person took the shot, he saw Hong Yun stunned there, and a touch of joy immediately appeared in his heart.

But when he rushed to Hong Yun's body, he found that Hong Yun only raised his hand slightly, and he was stunned in the starry sky. Both the laws in the body and the mana were instantly stagnant and unable to operate.

Hong Yun raised his hand and emptied his grip, and a terrifying suction burst out from his palm, absorbing all the power of the law in the body of the wanderer in the early stage of the realm master.

The endless power of the law emerged in the starry sky, and finally slowly condensed into a small Tao Ze seed in front of Hong Yun.

This red cloud did not leave a hand, and directly absorbed the power of the law in the body of the wanderer in the early stage of the world master. The whole person was like a mummy, floating in the starry sky.

Hong Yun raised his hand and hit it lightly, and then patted the body of the wanderer in the early stage of the realm master into the battlefield not far away.

In that battlefield, the demon puppet under the control of the demon puppet ancestor is constantly attacking the saints of the same rank.

Although there were several opponents, the ancestors of the devil puppet still did not fall behind with the devil puppet under his seat, and even faintly gained the upper hand.

The ancestor of the demon puppet suddenly raised his head, and saw a mummy floating towards it. Observing the principle of cultivation remaining in the mummy corpse, it was a realm master-level mummy.

It was the corpse of the early wanderer who had been photographed by Hong Yun casually before.

The ancestor of the demon puppet immediately showed a touch of joy, and then converged the body of the early wanderer of the realm master, refined in the battle, and at the same time confronted the several wanderers of the saint level in front of him.

After he thoroughly refined the corpses of the early wanderers of the world master into his own demon puppets, the saint-level wanderers within the battlefield here would all die tragically on the spot.

The ancestor of the devil puppet slammed his hand towards the direction of Hongyun: "Thank you for the reward, the devil puppet will certainly live up to the expectations of the master, and all enemies that will commit crimes will be killed here.

When the voice fell, he controlled several magic puppets under his seat to entangle again, trapping the wanderers of the saint level here and unable to escape.

In the starry sky not far away, when the **** Qingtian was trapped by the red sand prisoner, his complexion changed involuntarily, and then he roared and wanted to break free.

It was because Hong Yun had just taken action to kill the early wanderer of the realm lord, who was under his command and his right-hand man for several epochs.

Now that he was beheaded and even taken away by him, the corpse had to be refined into a demon puppet.

How can he not be angry?

The Qingtian God roared, and just as he was about to break free from the red sand prisoner, he suddenly raised his head and looked upward, and a towering palace descended again.

boom! ! !

In an instant, it fell on the top of Great Sky God's head, causing his thoughts to be stagnant, and the power of the law and mana that had been restless in his body instantly stagnated.

The formerly precarious world of Red Sand Prisoners has once again become indestructible.

Seeing this, Hong Yun simply didn't take the Pure Yang Palace back, and turned to look at the rest of the realm master level in the battlefield.

As for those saint-level Promise World Powers, after seeing Hongyun's movements at this moment, one by one seemed to see the mainstay, while behind them stared at the opponent in front of them strangely.

Afterwards, he and other saints confronted the enemy together, wanting to learn the appearance of Hongyun before, extracting all the power of the law in the body of the opponent in front of him, and condensing it into the seed of Taoism.

Even for a time, they really succeeded, condensing into several Dao Ze seeds, thrown into the Promise World.

After those Dao Ze seeds entered the Promise World, the world barriers of the Promise World seemed to be much stronger.

The power of the merits after the Taoist changes flew out of the Promise World, and fell in the bodies of the saints who contributed the seeds of the Tao.

All the injuries of these sage-level powers were restored, and the realm seemed to be slightly improved.

And those great abilities who helped out before have more or less gained the power of merit after the change.

This movement made those saint-level powers who had not obtained the power of merit jealous.

One by one staring at the wanderers in front of him, green light appeared in his eyes.

Lord Lord, sincerely don't deceive me!

For them, this catastrophe was not only a catastrophe, but also a great opportunity.

They have stayed in this state for a long time.

Can't be deposited all the time.

Now they finally found their way forward in these wanderers.

For a while, the power of the mighties in the Promise World seemed to have increased a lot.

The expressions of those wanderers changed, and they couldn't help adding a bit of panic in their hearts.

The saints of the new world in front of them seem to have become more fierce...

In the starry sky battlefield not far away, Hong Yun once again locked his gaze on a wanderer in the early stage of the realm master.

The Wanderer's opponent in the early stage of the realm master was the western **** who obtained the fusion of the Dionysian New Wine, led by the Bacchus, and his combat power after the fusion was comparable to the initial stage of the realm master.

This is also the reason why they can block the early wanderers of a realm master.

Looking at the wanderer who was fighting with Bacchus, a smile flashed in Hong Yun's eyes for no reason, and then the whole person galloped in the direction of Bacchus.

The Bacchus who was fighting also noticed the red cloud that was rushing forward, and nodded slightly.

Seeing this, the wanderer couldn't help but grinned and said, "Pretend to be dead to the Lord!"

The voice fell, and a strong attack surged out instantly.

But when he first shot, he found that the whole body moved backward involuntarily...

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