I Have a Trillion Merits

Chapter 850: A powerful enemy strikes

When he turned his head, he saw a figure in a red dress galloping towards here, extremely fast, and he had already come to him in the blink of an eye.

He turned to look at his original opponent, only to see a strange smile on the opponent's face, and then turned his head to attack the battlefield not far away.

Help the powers of other Promise Worlds to fight those wanderers from the stars.

The unnamed wanderer was shocked in his heart, and then quickly wanted to escape from here, but no matter what he did, he couldn't get rid of the powerful suction from behind.

In his body, the endless Dao began to converge continuously, and then broke out directly, slowly forming a small Dao Ze seed in the back of his head.

Hong Yun raised his hand and lightly clicked, then the Dao Ze seed directly fell into his hand, and then he slapped the body of the wanderer at the level of the realm master towards the place where the demon puppet ancestor was.

Seeing another Wanderer at the level of the realm master died tragically in Hong Yun's hands, Qin Yuan's expression changed, and then he tried his best to force the Moon Spirit Rabbit back.

But no matter what kind of magical powers he uses, the Moon Spirit Rabbit is always not far in front of him, with magic weapons in his hands changing, pressing him abruptly, or unilaterally slinging.

And the Sky God, who was trapped in the Red Sand Prison Realm at this moment, woke up and turned around. After seeing that there was one more Realm Master-level Wanderer in the battlefield, his complexion changed drastically.

He looked up at the sky, and saw the terrifying palace descend again, wanting to stun it as usual.

The **** of heaven roared, the laws around his body rioted, and endless mana poured into his hands to fight, and a dazzling light broke out on it, and then he forcibly broke the red sand prisoner that bound him directly.

Before that Pure Yang Palace was about to fall and hit him, he barely escaped from the coverage of Pure Yang Palace.

Qingtian stood in the starry sky in embarrassment, looking at the direction of Hongyun and roaring angrily: "Asshole thing, this seat will definitely pump your soul and soul, and never live beyond life!"

When the voice fell, the power of the law around his body surged again, and a terrifying law tide broke out in an instant.

Qingtianshen galloped towards the red cloud, the law above the battle in his hand was dazzling, and the sharp aura on it seemed to tear the entire starry sky.

In just a moment, the God of Heaven had already appeared in front of Hong Yun, and the Zhan Ge in his hand swung away at him suddenly, bursting out extremely powerful power in an instant.

A terrifying law blade galloped towards Hongyun, seeming to want to kill it directly here.

Upon seeing this, Hongyun couldn't help sighing in his heart.

He did not expect that this Great Sky God could actually break through his Red Sand Prisoner Realm. He originally thought about using the red sand prisoner realm to trap the Great Sky God, and then search for a few more Dao Ze seeds to fill the Promise. The world's heaven needs.

Now it seems that there is no hope...

It can only be seen how many Dao seeds can be found by those great abilities of the Promise World in this battle.

Hong Yun reluctantly raised the Godkiller Spear in his hand and shook it lightly, then directly smashed the law's blade that rushed in front of him.

Then the whole person disappeared in the same place instantly, and when it appeared, he had already arrived in front of Qingtian.

The Godkiller spear in his hand suddenly pierced out, as if traveling through the void, and instantly appeared in front of the **** Qingtian, as if he wanted to poke him into a chill.

Qingtian's expression changed. Although he had known that Hongyun was hiding his cultivation base for a long time, he was still a little surprised when he saw Hongyun's true strength.

A middle-thousand world that has just completed consummation, its controller has such a cultivation ability, it is hard to say that this person is really a holy son who has gone out from the great world to experience.

If this is the case, then his protector is hidden in this starry sky.

Qingtian looked ugly, but his hands did not reduce his movements, raising his hands to block the Killing Spear, and then Zhang Ge in his hands went straight away again.

Endless Dao spread and hovered in its hands, like a terrifying dragon, heading straight to the red cloud.

Upon seeing this, Hong Yun showed a smile of joy on his face, then attached the Gunkiller to his side, raised his hand and grabbed it directly at Qingtian God's Zhang Ge.

Qingtian's complexion turned red, and this act was no different from humiliating him.

This person should be killed!

The God of Heaven roared, and the power of the law emerging on his body became more and more violent, and the mana in his body surged into the warge in his hand, and he wanted to directly slay the red cloud here.

But as soon as Zhan Ge was pierced out of his hand, Hong Yun was directly caught in his hand.

No matter how hard he struggles, he can't move.

At the next moment, Qingtian God only felt that the enveloping laws above the war battle in his hand were gradually disappearing, as if he was forcibly swallowed by the red cloud on the opposite side.

In just a few moments, the power of the law covering the war battle in the hands of the gods had completely disappeared.

But the next moment, Qingtian felt that the power of the law in his body was gradually dissipating, and he was forcibly pulled out by the red cloud.

As soon as he was about to move, a huge shadow appeared on the top of his head, which was directly suppressed by Chunyang Palace.

Under its feet, the sky was full of red sand surging, gradually surrounding it, making it impossible to escape.

Qingtian's expression changed drastically, and he knew in his heart that if he was really trapped here by these means, his fate would be no different from those of the realm master-level wanderers who Hongyun had forcibly plundered Dao.

He had just stepped into the late stage of the world lord but only a few epochs, and he was also a talented person in the thousands of worlds.

He still has a great future. He also wants to see the scenery at the top of his spiritual path. How could he die here...

Qingtian turned his head to look at the hidden place in the distant starry sky, and roared: "If you can't come out again, this seat is really going to die in this person's hands..."

As soon as this statement came out, everyone in the entire starry sky was shocked.

Even Hong Yun was stunned. Could it be that there are reinforcements behind this person?

When he was hesitant, he saw a large number of saint-level wanderers from the depths of the starry sky once again rushing directly into the starry sky battlefield.

Cang Xuzi incarnates in a large formation, linking all the stars in the starry sky, emitting an extremely terrifying light. Before those wanderers stepped into the starry sky battlefield, they had already wiped out about 30%.

"You bastard, dare you to be presumptuous?"

In the deepest part of the starry sky, a roar came, and then a palm print covering the sky directly patted it.

Cang Xuzi's complexion changed. He knew in his heart that the large formation he had deployed could only block the attack of the realm master in the middle stage, and the master of this supernatural power had obviously reached the later stage of the realm master, how could he possibly block it? Come down.

After seeing the supernatural powers, Qingtian Shen's eyes flashed with joy.

"Sky God, my old friend, I didn't expect you to have today too, hahahaha..."

Hong Yun slowed down, his eyes gradually cold, and he smiled softly: "So you still have a back hand, but do you think you don't have to die like this?"


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