I Have a Trillion Merits

Chapter 851: Hongyun's true strength

Looking at the red cloud in front of him, Qingtian's expression changed, and his aura exploded, and the power of the endless law wanted to break through the shackles of the red sand prisoner.

He could hear that the killing intent in Hong Yun's heart had been determined. If he were trapped here, he would probably die tragically after being sucked up by the power of the law, just like the two world masters under him.

And in the depths of the starry sky in the distance, the two wanderers who came out of the late stage master of the world, their complexions also changed after seeing the action of the red cloud.

One of them even shouted: "Dare you!"

The other person also hurriedly said: "Let go of him, I can leave you a trace of true spirit, let you reincarnate in other worlds..."

Hongyun could not help but sneered when he heard the words.

Then he raised his hand to directly cover the forehead of the **** of heaven, and in an instant, an extremely terrifying swallowing law surged out of his palm and merged into the **** of heaven.

The Heavenly God who was trapped in the red sand prisoner only felt the power in his body constantly surging, and then gathered towards one place, rushing straight into the depths of the soul.

The God of Heaven looked up to the sky and roared, trying to control the power of the law in his body to stagnate, but no matter what he did, he still failed to prevent the power of the law in the body from gradually losing.

In the distant starry sky, the wanderers in the late stage of the two world masters roared, and then galloped towards the red cloud.

At this moment, above the head of the God of Heaven, the power of the law is constantly circling, and then gradually compressed into a seed of the law under the control of the red cloud.

It's just that this seed of the law is completely different from the two world masters he killed before, and it contains the power of the law with different attributes, and it is extremely pure.

Hong Yun gave a chuckle in his heart, then put away Qingtian God, secretly refined the law seed in his hand, and looked at the wanderers of the two realm masters who were galloping towards him, with a sneer on his face.

Then he raised his hand slightly, and the Killing Spear appeared in his hand, turning into a long dragon, rushing towards the wanderers in the late stage of the two world masters.

In just a moment, the three directly collided.

boom! ! !

A huge roar spread through the starry sky, waves of terrifying laws were set off, emerging all around, killing all the wanderers in many areas.

This move also completely forced the two wanderers who had used the latter to stop directly in the starry sky.

One of them said with a vigilant face: "Are you not the late stage master?"

The other person was puzzled, a burst of divine light burst out of his eyes, and he looked at the red cloud.

Hong Yun frowned slightly, then raised his hand to block him.

However, the two divine lights were tangible and intangible, and they seemed to be unable to stop them. They shuttled directly, but there was no threat.

I saw that person open his mouth and said: "He is still the late stage master, but his cultivation power is infinitely close to the half-step starry sky saint level..."

Hearing this, a glint flashed in the eyes of the first wanderer, and then he muttered to himself: "I didn't expect to encounter such a arrogant one in the ruined sky and the starry sky. It's interesting..."

At ordinary times, it is not easy for a world master who has just broken through to reach the level of the world master, and most of them rely on the origin of the world to break through.

It is even rarer to be able to reach the middle stage of the master, let alone the later stage of the master.

The two of them have traveled an unknown number of universes, and have seen an unknown number of Tianjiao, among which the most terrifying evildoer can reach the post-master level after the world has just formed.

But it was the first time they saw the cultivation base of the saint in the half-step starry sky like Hongyun was infinitely close.

Chi Shen muttered to himself: "It is the most interesting to kill such terrifying evildoers."

Beside him, Tianyu Supreme also nodded with a smile.

The two brothers didn't know how many starry sky universes they had traveled. There were guardians behind those enchanting evildoers like Hongyun. Even though they had the intention, they didn't dare to take it lightly.

After all, the weakest guardians of the ordinary have reached the realm of the starry sky saint, not to mention the guardians behind those Daozi.

Tianyu Zhizun looked at the Promise World behind Hongyun and said softly: "It seems that this world has extraordinary potential to enable you to achieve the level of cultivation you are now."

Then, he turned his head to look at the Scarlet God beside him, and continued to speak: "I have changed my mind. You can kill this person, but the world behind it belongs to me..."

Chishen hesitated for a moment, then grinned and said: "Okay, this person will belong to me after the matter is done, and the world behind him will belong to you."

"But you think it over. If you really want to control a world, you won't be so comfortable when you walk in the stars in the future."

Wanderers are divided into two types, one is the world is shattered and forced to wander in the starry sky, and the other is just like the two of them, after destroying their own world, they bring a complete world core and heaven. Wandering among the stars.

They all want to be just like ordinary people, and they all want to set foot on the peak of their spiritual path, but the process is completely different.

Normally speaking, Tianyu Supreme would not want to control the real world of one party. Although this was a big opportunity for him, it was more of a constraint.

It's just that the potential of the Promise World created by Hongyun is too terrifying, and with it, it may be possible for Tianyu Supreme to climb the peak of cultivation road faster.

That's why Tianyu Supreme wanted to change his mind, take control of a world, and become the real master of the world.

Tianyu Zhizun thought for a moment, and then chuckled: "I am sure."

After speaking, he galloped in the direction of Hongyun.

When the Chi God on the side saw this, he followed closely behind and rushed towards the red cloud.

Both of them were the cultivation bases of the world master in the later stage, although they were nothing compared to Hong Yun, they were even weaker.

But if the two join forces, they may not have the power to fight.

Even if there is a chance, Hong Yun can be killed here. The Scarlet God has always been keen on killing Tianjiao evildoers.

He came from a humble background and relied on all kinds of opportunities and cruelty to get to where he is now, so he didn't like this kind of goddess who was born with a smooth flow.

Looking at the red cloud in front of him, Chishen licked his lips, and then suddenly there was a horrible knife of burning flame law in his hand, which directly slashed towards the red cloud.

On the other side, Tianyu Supreme also had an extra small seal in his hand. The small seal was suspended above his palm, and then he continued to absorb the seizures in his body and began to grow gradually.

However, in the blink of an eye, it has become immensely huge, just like the pure Yang Palace used by Hongyun before, and directly pressed down towards Hongyun.

The two came one after the other, approaching the red clouds.

Hong Yun saw it, but there was no color on his face. He raised the Gunslinger in his hand slightly, and then swept away at the two people in front.

In an instant, the roar came!


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