I Have a Trillion Merits

Chapter 852: Tianyu Supreme's backhand

In the starry sky, the endless law ripples spread out, just in the blink of an eye, it has swept the entire starry sky battlefield.

In the center of the law tide, countless stars shattered, making it impossible for everyone in the field to see the scene in the center of the battle.

After the endless dust dissipated, everyone saw the scene in the middle of the battle.

I saw the Great Killer Spear in Hongyun's hand blocking the Big Sword and Xiaoyin, and he blocked them abruptly.

On the other side, Chishen and Tianyu Supreme looked extremely ugly.

They didn't expect that the two of them originally thought that they were working together to deal with the red-robed Taoist in front of them, and they should have caught it.

But now the red-robed Taoist was blocked in the starry sky with one enemy and two, which made the two of them look a little ugly.

Chishen turned his eyes and glanced at Tianyu Supreme beside him, and said in a cold voice: "Try your best to kill this person here, otherwise when he grows up in the future, even if the two of us escape from this starry sky, we will not be able to survive. ."

Hearing this, Tianyu Supreme also looked solemn and nodded slightly when he looked at the relaxed red cloud in front of him.

He knew in his heart that a potential power like Hongyun, if he survived this time, it would only take a few epochs and he would grow to an extremely terrifying stage.

Therefore, they must cut the grass and roots here, and completely kill Hongyun here, so that there is no worries about the future.

Then he could also take the world of great potential behind Hongyun as his own.

The two looked at each other, and then roared at the same time. The laws around the body rioted, appearing directly in the starry sky, entering the magical artifacts in the hands of both, and pressing against the red cloud at the same time.

Feeling the law of confrontation in front of him, Hong Yun narrowed his eyes and moved his body slowly back.

With his current cultivation base, although he can barely block the two of them, if he wants to completely crush them, it is still a bit embarrassing.

In the blink of an eye, Hong Yun's figure flickered and disappeared directly in front of the two of them. The next moment he appeared behind Chishen and Tianyu Zhizun, and he swung the sharp spear in his hand.

He smashed directly at the two of them, as if to cut through the starry sky.

Chishen and Tianyu Supreme felt the terrifying pressure from behind, as well as the inexplicable sense of threat that spontaneously emerged from their hearts.

The two of them didn't look back, and the laws behind them appeared instantly, as if a huge disk was blocking them behind them.

boom! ! !

A terrifying roar sounded, and then there was a wave of manic laws ripples rippling across the starry sky.

Chishen and Tianyu Supreme were involuntarily beaten out, and the two directly slammed into a small nearby star, deeply imprinted in it.

Then I heard the roar of the two from the star, and a terrifying explosion wave came. I saw the whole star completely turned into dust and disappeared into the starry sky.

Chishen and Tianyu Supreme stood in the starry sky, looking at Hongyun with scarlet eyes, and shouted angrily: "Kill!!!"

As the voice fell, the two of them disappeared into the same place instantly, and when they appeared, they had already arrived in front of Hong Yun.

The Lingbao in his hand pressed down towards the red cloud, trying to kill it completely.

Hong Yun let out a cold snort, and then retreated abruptly, then raised his hand and gently tossed it towards the starry sky.

Just above the heads of the two of them, a huge palace appeared instantly, exuding an aura of extremely ancient vicissitudes, with strange laws entwined on it, and they were descending rapidly towards the two.

A small black tower also appeared on Hong Yun's side, suspended on both sides of it together with Qiankun Gourd.

The sky full of red sand spewed out from the universe gourd, the small tower was surrounded by the sky, and disappeared in front of everyone together with the sky full of red sand.

When it appeared, it had already come to the side of the Red God and Tianyu Supreme, and the endless red sand completely surrounded them, and finally turned them into a terrorist cage to trap them in them.

And Hong Yun instantly disappeared in place at this moment, and the extremely terrifying law of devouring exuded from the sharp devouring spear in his hand, stabling at the two.

The two were about to move, but they were interrupted by the red sand prisoners around them, making them unable to move.

On the top of the two people's heads, the huge and incomparable Pure Yang Palace smashed down, directly on the two people's heads, causing the two of them to fall into a short period of dizziness, and the laws and mana in the body were stagnant and unable to move.

The two of them could only watch the magic-devouring spear that contained the law of devouring terror attack.

Suddenly, the Scarlet God exudes extremely strong laws of fire, and the strong action uses the laws and mana in his body to burn the red sand prisoner that bothers him.

Then he fleeed here with Tianyu Supreme, evading Hongyun's blow dangerously and dangerously.

He could see that Hong Yun was so powerful that he could even fight with him to gain the upper hand. If he was the only one left, he might not even be able to escape.

So Tianyu Supreme couldn't die this time, at least he couldn't die before he escaped.

Tianyu Zhizun glanced at Chishen, and secretly transmitted his voice: "Thank you!"

Chi Shen said coldly: "No need to say more, I'll still think about how to escape from here..."

Tianyu Zhizun also frowned. He could see that the two of him seemed not to be the opponents of the red-robed Taoist in front of him.

If this red-clothed Taoist cannot be beheaded, I am afraid that both of them will also die tragically in this starry sky.

If you want to escape, according to the current situation, it is also very difficult.

After thinking for a while, Tianyu Supreme gritted his teeth and said: "If I want to escape, maybe I have a way."

Hearing this, Chi Shen couldn't help but his eyes lit up and asked aloud: "What can you do, even if it is said, if I hesitate any more, I am afraid I will die in this starry sky."

Tianyu Supreme flipped his hand to take out a spiritual treasure, which looked like a jade pendant, suspended in his palm, exuding inexplicable laws of power.

It's just that in the eyes of the Scarlet God, this jade pendant has no magic, just when he is angry.

I heard that Yu Zhizun slowly said, "This thing is the legacy of a thousand worlds. If you use this thing, you can summon a peak of the realm master, or even a half-step starry sky saint-level phantom to launch a blow. , And we only have time for this blow to decide whether to fight or flee."

When the red **** heard the words, his eyes lit up instantly. If he could really summon a half-step star saint in a blow and severely wound the red Taoist in front of him, perhaps they would not need to flee here at all.

You can even behead the red Taoist in front of you to get a chance!

Taking a step back, even if the Taoist in red cannot be seriously injured, they can still take advantage of this blow to escape the starry sky.

He didn't believe that the Taoist in red dared to step out of the starry sky!


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