I Have a Trillion Merits

Chapter 855: People of the same origin

Hearing this, in the starry sky, everyone only saw the outstretched hideous giant claws in the Pure Yang Palace gently gripping the nine dragons that traversed the starry sky.

In an instant, nine terrifying dragons that were unmatched in the eyes of everyone, directly exploded under this claw.

The power of endless laws fills the entire starry sky!

The distant Red God and Tianyu Supreme saw this, their eyes widened in an instant, and they looked at the hideous giant claw sticking out of the Pure Yang Palace with an expression of disbelief.

In their opinion, such a terrifying magical power, how could it be directly squeezed and exploded by understatement.

What monster is sealed in the Pure Yang Palace? It's so powerful?

The two of them were terrified and just wanted to escape the starry sky.

He saw Hong Yun's hand sweeping with the Killing Spear, and directly stopped the two of them.

And the dragon robe phantom on the jade pendant, looking at the hideous giant claws protruding from the Pure Yang Palace, frowned slightly.

After a long time, he slowly said, "Have I seen it anywhere?"

In Chunyang Palace, a beast roar came out again, trying to tear the starry sky.

The horrible ripples spread to the front of the dragon robe phantom body, and were gently blocked by his raising his hand.

Behind him, Tianyu Supreme hurriedly said: "Senior, save me, please help me get out of this starry sky!"

When Chi Shen heard this, his face also showed a look of expectation.

They could see that the power of the dragon robe phantom was gradually dissipating, not to mention severely wounding the red cloud, it was just the fierce giant claw protruding from the Pure Yang Palace, it could be crushed directly.

All they want in their hearts now is to leave the starry sky here.

Hearing the words, the dragon robe phantom shook his head slightly and said: "If he stops here, you will not be able to escape this starry sky..."

With that said, the dragon robe phantom looked at the red clouds in the distance, and said softly: "I seem to have sensed your breath in other worlds. It is an aura that is the same as you."

Hong Yun couldn't help being stunned when he heard this.

What exactly is the breath of the same origin with him?

He had no doubt that this dragon robe phantom was lying, because he was disdainful of lying at their level.

Since this person has said that he has sensed the aura of the same origin in other worlds, it must exist.

Hong Yun hurriedly said, "I don't know where the seniors sensed the same breath as the juniors?"

The dragon robe phantom was silent for a moment, seeming to be in memory.

After a long time, he just said, "That is the world I used to live in. After I left, I left it to my sons to take care of it, leaving some foundation. That time, I felt that the world where I was originally seemed to have been ruined. It was also at that opportunity that I sensed the breath of the same origin as you!"

Hong Yun frowned slightly when he heard the words, and then he arched his hands towards the dragon robe phantom and said, "Can you tell me in detail, Senior?"

Longpao Xuying turned his head to look at Tianyu Supreme who had summoned him, sighed helplessly, and then slowly said: "Yes, but you need to give up this person's life. It is also a deal between you and me. !"

Hong Yun turned his head and looked at Tianyu Supreme, grinning: "Of course it can, but this person needs to leave something..."

Tianyu Supreme hurriedly said: "What is it?"

Hong Yun smiled and said, "You must leave a seed of the Dao for each type of Dao. In addition to the seed of the Dao, you have to hand over all of what you have gained over the years!"

Hearing this, Tianyu Supreme's complexion changed drastically, and after thinking about it in his heart, he decided to comply with what Hongyun said.

Although condensing a few Dao Ze seeds will shackle him and even retreat faintly, it is better than losing his life.

As for the things that I have harvested over the years, I still have the green hills, and I'm afraid that I won't be able to burn them without firewood.

As long as one's own cultivation is still alive, it's a big deal to wander a few more epochs in the starry sky, and you will always have to gain something.

Tianyu Supreme's complexion was dignified, and a few Dao Ze seeds appeared in the hand raised. The moment these Dao Ze seeds appeared, their aura also instantly wilted.

Seeing this, the Chishen on the side hurriedly said: "Then what should I do!"

Tianyu Zhizun turned his head and glanced at Chishen, grinning: "You can try it to see if this person will let you go?"

Hearing this, Chishen's expression changed drastically, and he immediately wanted to retreat.

But the next moment, endless red sand instantly surrounded him, forming a red sand prisoner, trapping him to death.

If he were in his peak state, this red sand prisoner would not be able to trap him, but now he has lost too much blood, his cultivation and aura have dropped a lot, it is impossible to break through the shackles of the red sand prisoner. .

Chishen said with a grim expression: "You pit me!"

Tianyu Supreme frowned slightly, and said: "Everyone has a life. When you and I wander the stars, I have already thought of the current situation."

When the voice fell, he gently pushed the Dao Ze seeds in front of him, and instantly pushed them to Hong Yun's body. After Hong Yun accepted them, his complexion became a little more relaxed.

Then he continued to look at Tianyu Supreme.

The latter looked a little ugly, but still gritted his teeth and took out all of his body, suspended in the starry sky, densely packed with spirit treasures filled with endless light.

What's more, its upper law is rich in aura, which seems to far exceed the level of the realm master.

Seeing this, Hong Yun raised his hand and grabbed it gently, and the various strange treasures in front of Tianyu Supreme instantly disappeared in place.

Upon seeing this, Tianyu Supreme said in a cold voice: "If this is the case, can I leave here?"

Hong Yun nodded slightly and said, "Friends, please!"

Tianyu Supreme glared at Hongyun fiercely, and then decisively left the starry sky here.

When the distant Qin Yuan saw Tianyu Supreme left the starry sky, his complexion changed drastically, and he cursed in his heart: "Bastard thing, it's **** it."

This Tianyu Zhizun can leave this starry sky, but how can he leave.

Not to mention the Moon Spirit Rabbit with all the spirit treasures in front of him, there is still a Great Killing God in the distance.

How could he escape the starry sky under these two men?

Qin Yuan cursed secretly in his heart, knowing that he shouldn't have accepted the invitation to come to this starry sky to plan opportunities.

And in the starry sky battlefield at this moment, it seems that it is nearing the end.

Those wanderers at the level of saints have no one in ten.

As for the powers of the Promise World, even if they die, there is still a way of heaven to protect their souls and souls.

Although the deaths and injuries are heavy now, but in thousands of years, the true spirit conceived by the heavens can be reborn and reincarnated.

So these casualties are nothing to the Promise World at all.

As for the gates at the level of the realm master, they also suffered a lot of injuries, and they could only barely struggle.

In front of Hong Yun, just listen to the dragon robe phantom slowly opening his mouth: "The person I saw with the same origin as you, that person's spirit aura is a bit strange, it seems to come from the same place as you."


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