I Have a Trillion Merits

Chapter 856: Press the starry sky with one hand!

When Hong Yun heard the words, there was a look of surprise on his face, and then he thought in his heart: "The soul is weird. He comes from the same place as himself. Could it be that he also turned around from that world?"

Since he can appear in the prehistoric, it is normal for someone to appear in the rest of the world.

He looked at the dragon robe phantom in front of him, and asked aloud: "Where is that person now?"

The Dragon Robe Void slowly shook his head and said: "I don't know that the place where that person last appeared is the world I once controlled, called the Immortal Qin World!"

"He triggered me to stay alive in the world of Immortal Qin. It is still unknown whether I can survive, not to mention the distant galaxy, how can I know the subsequent whereabouts of this person..."

Hearing this, Hong Yun couldn't help sighing.

Originally, he still had some expectations in his heart. Maybe he could go to the rest of the world and meet his "hometown" in the future, but now it seems that it is impossible.

The dragon robe phantom nowadays has begun to gradually disperse, as if the power is gradually disappearing.

Hong Yun quickly asked: "Where you are now, but the big world?"

Hearing the words, the ghost shadow of the dragon robe raised his head, looked towards the deepest part of the starry sky, and then slowly said: "Yes, where I am now is a great world, my younger generation, listen to my words, if I set foot on the ancient starry sky in the future, ten thousand Don't leak the slightest information about the world you are in, let alone any connection with those who are good at deduction..."

The voice fell, and the phantom of the dragon robe completely dissipated in the starry sky.

There are only many saints who are fighting wantonly or the power of the initial world master level.

And the Scarlet God who was trapped in the red sand prison by Hongyun.

The red **** saw the dragon robe phantom disappear completely, and the last glimmer of hope in his heart was also completely wiped out.

Then when he saw Hong Yun looking at him, he hurriedly said: "Friends of the Daoist and don't do anything, this seat can also condense the seeds of the Dao for you, and offer all the opportunities and backgrounds, and only ask the fellow daoists to let this seat a life!"

Hong Yun heard this and chuckled: "Kill you, those things are naturally mine. What qualifications do you have to negotiate terms with the poor!"

When the voice fell, he raised his hand and pressed directly to the head of the Red God, and a manic swallowing law instantly surged out.

Want to swallow all the power of the law in the red god, absorb it out, and condense it into the seed of Dao.

Chishen looked savage, and seeing Hongyun's heart to kill him became more determined, he couldn't help but laughed wildly: "You thought Yu Zhizun was a trustworthy person that day, if he escaped, everyone here will be buried for me! Hahahahahaha..."

Hong Yun heard the words, a flash of playfulness flashed in his eyes, and then joked: "Do you really think that the poor way will let him leave here alive?"

Chishen heard the words, a flash of astonishment flashed in his eyes, and then looked at Hongyun with an expression of disbelief.

Seeing Hong Yun's actions becoming more brutal, Chishen turned his head and looked at the direction in which Tianyu Supreme had disappeared. The hideous color on his face gradually faded, replaced by a touch of madness.

Tianyu Supreme, you dare to pit me, let me bury it with me!

In the next moment, the divine light in Chi Shen's eyes gradually dissipated, and several Dao Ze seeds slowly condensed in front of him, and then they were taken into the bag by Hong Yun.

Hong Yun raised his hand to point at the corpse of the Scarlet God and lightly clicked. On the corpse, countless lights flashed, as if a space contained in it was shattered, and all the treasures in it were floating in the void.

After that, he was taken into all hands by Hongyun.

And in the distance of the starry sky battlefield, seeing the death of the red god, Tianyu Supreme ran away from the starry sky, Qin Yuan, his complexion changed drastically at this moment.

Quickly using means to escape the starry sky here, a jade charm appeared in his hand, and the next moment it shattered suddenly, and Qin Yuan's figure instantly disappeared in place.

Upon seeing this, the Moon Ling Rabbit made a smile on her face, then raised her hand and patted it lightly.

I saw in the distant starry sky, a terrifying light curtain came crashing down, directly in the starry sky, like a blockade, suspended in the starry sky.

Among them, it was Jinyuan who had just escaped.

Qin Yuan came back to his senses, looking at the terrifying light curtain that locked himself in the starry sky, a look of sorrow appeared on his face.

You must know that this jade talisman in his hand was obtained from the relics of the Great Thousand Worlds. After being crushed, it can travel through a star field, how could it be stopped in the starry sky.

Could it be that this jade talisman has fallen into disrepair for a long time, and the power of the formation and the law in it has long been dissipated?

Moonling Rabbit looked at Qin Yuan who was trapped in the starry sky, and clapped his hands with satisfaction: "This treasure left by the master is really easy to use. Even the secret treasure in the hands of the starry sky sage could not escape back then, not to mention. It's the pinnacle of your little realm master!"

Afterwards, she turned to look at the embarrassed early stage of the realm master who was fighting the sky, raising her hand and squeezing it casually.

I saw the body of the wanderer in the early stage of the realm master burst into cracks, and blood was scattered in the starry sky.

In front of him, Qi Tian opened his mouth and swallowed the wanderer's flesh and blood together with the power of the law, and then wagging his tail and ran to the Moon Spirit Rabbit.

Yue Lingtu waved his hand with a look of disgust, and Chu Tian continued to follow nonchalantly.

In the distance, Hongyun also showed a look of surprise after seeing Yueling Rabbit's move, and then helplessly shook his head: "This little guy, I am afraid that he has not yet shown his true strength."

After that, Hong Yun raised his hand and gently shook the void in front of him, and the manic swallowing law instantly filled the starry sky battlefield.

What makes people strange is that these manic swallowing laws have not had any effect on the wanderers under the realm master.

On the contrary, those wanderers at the level of the realm master, at this moment, under this terrifying swallowing power, there is no power to resist, and their body shape is drifting towards the red cloud uncontrollably.

In the starry sky battlefield, everyone can see the panic on the faces of the wanderers at the level of the realm master.

The crowd floated to Hong Yun's body, and the next moment his body was swallowed and absorbed.

Someone struggled and said: "Please let the Lord Master let me wait for a while, I am willing to wait for the Lord Lord!"

Hong Yun heard the words, his eyes lit up, and then he looked at the people in front of him.

Then he raised his hand and tapped a few wanderers at the realm master level, and saw that the moral power in the few people he had clicked instantly slowed down, and then only a few small Dao Ze seeds were cut out, and they were released by them. next to.

As for the remaining dozens of realm master levels, a single voice in the body turned into a seed of the Tao, tragically dying in the starry sky.

The remaining wanderers at the level of the realm master showed a sense of the rest of their lives after the catastrophe.

Then he bowed his hand to Hongyun respectfully and said: "Master of the world, if the adults are unwilling to shoot these miscellaneous fish, I will be happy to do it for you!"


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