I Have a Trillion Merits

Chapter 857: Out of the stars

When Hong Yun heard the words, a smile appeared on his face, and then he said: "It doesn't need to be like this. This battle is also a great opportunity for them."

Hearing this, these wanderers from the starry sky all showed a touch of embarrassment on their faces.

They originally wanted to come here to seize the opportunity, but they did not expect that the potential of this newly born Zhongqian world would be so great.

Moreover, the background is extremely terrifying, and the realm masters of this world alone are enough to crush them all.

For them, this should be regarded as a thief, so let's lose the rice!

Hong Yun turned his head to look at Qin Yuan who was trapped by the Moon Spirit Rabbit, and the smile on his face became more intense. For him, these wanderers who wandered in the starry sky all year round were also a channel for him to understand the starry sky.

And this Qin Yuan was able to wander in the starry sky for such a long time, and also reached the level of the pinnacle of the world master, for him to understand the starry sky better.

Hong Yun's figure moved slightly, and then came directly to Qin Yuan's side, looked at Qin Yuan who was trapped in the formation, smiled and said, "How? Does this fellow Daoist still want to leave?"

When Qin Yuan saw this, he immediately let out his breath. The whole person became a lot more decadent, and he slowly said, "Family Daoist is really a good method. Under these circumstances, he can hide his strength to such a degree!"

He didn't expect that the young and energetic, much more tyrannical God of Heaven would be easily beheaded by Hongyun in this way.

Even the two Wanderers at the pinnacle level of the realm master who concealed the depths of the starry sky fell to the point of death and fleeing.

Had it not been for Tianyu Supreme who had left behind, I am afraid that both of them would have died here.

After a long time, Qin Yuan suddenly said, "Don’t the Taoists be afraid that Yu Zhizun will come back. As far as Pang Dao knows, this person has some connections with some sacred places in the starry sky, so he can mix in the relics of the Great Thousand Worlds all the year round. ."

Hong Yun smiled and said, "When did I say I would let him go?"

Qin Yuan was taken aback when he heard this, and then shook his head: "Now Yu Zhizun has left the starry sky here, and you also promised the senior not to kill him, now..."

Hong Yun stroked his palms and smiled, "Pan Dao only promised to let him leave the starry sky, but he never said he would let him go."

Upon hearing this, Qin Yuan's eyes widened instantly, and he looked at Hongyun in disbelief.

How can you say such a shameless thing from the mouth of the man in front of you?

After a long time, Qin Yuan sighed and said, "If this is the case, how should fellow Taoists deal with the poor Dao?"

Hong Yun smiled and said, "Then it depends on the choice made by the Daoist."

After Qin Yuan heard what Hong Yun said, a wry smile appeared on his face, and then lifted his palm, and a ghost seed phantom appeared directly in his hand.

Then slowly he said, "This is the soul seed of the poor Dao. I would like to offer it and worship the Taoist friends."

When Hong Yun heard the words, a smile appeared on his face, and then raised his hand to accept Qin Yuan's Soul Seed directly, and then turned his head to look at the Moon Spirit Rabbit on the side.

Seeing the Moon Spirit Rabbit raised his hand slightly, the huge light curtain around Qin Yuan's body disappeared instantly.

Qin Yuan sighed helplessly in his heart, then he arched his hands at Hong Yun and said, "Poor Dao Qin Yuan, I have seen the master!"

Hong Yun smiled and waved his hand, then looked at the Moon Spirit Rabbit on the side, and said, "We still need to go out. You are optimistic about these people here. Only after experiencing blood and fire, these talents can truly grow. !"

Yue Lingtu nodded seriously when he heard the words.

Now that the Promise World has completely achieved Zhongqian World, they are also completely exposed to the starry sky, and the master wants to cultivate her own team, she can naturally see it.

Therefore, the people in the starry sky battlefield will be the pillars of the future Promise World.

Qin Yuan on the side showed a look of surprise on his face after hearing what Hong Yun said, and then said: "Master is going on this trip, but are you going to find Tian Yuzhizun?"

Hong Yun smiled and said, "That's the case. You still need to be a guide for this trip. I want to see what the starry sky outside this starry sky looks like."

Upon hearing this, Qin Yuan showed a look of helplessness on his face.

Although he recognized Hong Yun's strength and potential in his heart, it seems that his master's idea is still too simple.

The starry sky is extremely dangerous, and wanderers who wander the starry sky like him all year round are also afraid of the danger of God's death.

As soon as Qinyuan wanted to persuade him, he heard Hongyun speak: "You don't need to worry about this, you have confidence in yourself!"

After hearing what Hongyun said, Qin Yuan sighed deeply, then folded his hands and said, "Qin Yuan would like to abide by the decree of the Lord!"

When the voice fell, he dared to go directly outside the starry sky.

Hong Yun flickered, followed behind Qin Yuan, and dared to go beyond the starry sky here.


Before Hongyun and the others left, the few wanderers who had taken the lead to surrender at the level of the realm master looked at the Moon Spirit Rabbit in front of them with flattering expressions.

Upon seeing this, Yueling Rabbit nodded slightly and said, "In that case, you will wait and follow my master in the future, and you will have a future in the future!"

Everyone nodded after hearing the words.

Then, under the arrangement of the Moon Spirit Rabbit, he entered into the Promise World, refined all the principles of his body's cultivation, and dedicated it to this realm of heaven.

And the Cang Xuzi, who turned into an array above the starry sky, also manifested at this moment, allowing the Wuzhu large array to circulate in the starry sky here.

Now the situation on the starry sky battlefield has shown a one-sided situation.

These wanderers from the starry sky, under the blessing of wanderers who have no realm master level, are not the opponents of the mighty powers of this realm at all.

Cang Xuzi glanced at the starry sky battlefield. After seeing the situation clearly, he immediately left with a smile and returned to the Promise World.

I don't know how long it has been, in the starry sky battlefield.

The wanderers from the other starry sky showed horror on their faces, and then shouted and wanted to escape.

They could see that under the blessing of the wanderers without the level of the realm master, they simply could not defeat the power of these Promise Worlds under the suppression of this great formation.

And the most important thing is that these powers from the Promise World seem to be crazy, and their supernatural powers become more and more terrifying.

If you want to plunder the Dao in their bodies, condense them into Dao is a seed.

In an instant, all the wanderers were going crazy, one by one desperately trying to escape the starry sky, struggling to escape from the starry sky battlefield.

But when they came to the edge of the starry sky, they found that even if there was no one as an eye, the entire starry sky was completely sealed off.

All the wanderers were wailing, and they were horrified to find that they couldn't escape from this large array, and couldn't leave this starry sky.


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