I Have a Trillion Merits

Chapter 859: Starry Sky Ancient Road

In the prehistoric continent, just after Sanqing returned to the prehistoric land, Hongjun's words rang in his ears.

"You come to Zixiao Palace soon!"

Sanqing and others looked at each other when they heard the words.

After a long time, Tongtian said, "Big Brother, the teacher hasn't shown up for a long time, why would you suddenly let me wait to go to Zixiao Palace at this moment?"

Yuan frowned slightly: "Could it be that my teacher discovered what I was waiting for to go to the world where Red Cloud is?"

Lao Tzu shook his head slightly and said, "Don't worry too much. Since the teacher asked me to wait to go to the Purple Cloud Palace, there must be a reason. I'll see if you please go and take a look."

After speaking, he took the lead in rushing in the direction of Zixiao Palace.

During the journey, Lao Tzu still felt a little uneasy. After Hongjun fit into the way of heaven, he faintly noticed that his teacher was a little different from usual.

Moreover, coupled with the fact that they have not shown up for a long time, the connection between them and Hongjun has become weaker and weaker. This is the source of his anxiety.

After all, they are the disciples of Hongjun's seat, the famous prehistoric saints.

There must be something strange about how it is possible to lose contact with the teacher.

I don't know how long it took, when everyone had just arrived in the chaos thirty-three days away, they saw several figures standing in front of them, seeming to be waiting for them.

It was Hou Tu and Nu Wa, and after seeing Sanqing coming, they showed such a look on their faces.

Nuwa said to Sanqing, "Nuwa has seen three seniors."

Laozi nodded slightly, and then asked aloud: "Do you know what the teacher asked me to wait for?"

Nu Wa shook her head slightly: "I don't know. I was practicing in Wa Palace, but suddenly I heard the teacher's summons. That's why I came here, and I met Hou Tu also here."

Houtu nodded, speaking of her being different from Sanqing and the others, and in the strict sense, she is not Hongjun's closed disciple.

But she was there every time the Zixiao Palace met, and she was actually not much different.

Everyone looked at each other, and then Lao Tzu broke the deadlock and said: "If this is the case, then I don't want to stay here to speculate, go to the Purple Cloud Palace."

Several people nodded when they heard the words, and then galloped towards the purple night palace together.

However, in a moment, everyone came to the Zixiao Palace, and at a glance they saw Hongjun sitting above.

It's just that everyone has some doubts in their hearts, why aren't the two people, the lead and the Zhunti here?

Only Hongjun himself saw the decree issued by Hongjun, and guessed the reason, but the others did not know it.

After seeing everyone in the hall, Hongjun's eyes flashed with struggling, and then there was a touch of warmth in his eyes, and he said, "You have been to the world controlled by Hongyun now, how do you feel? ?"

When Sanqing and the others heard the words, they were taken aback, and then they began to speak: "The world is consummating, and it will be completely consummated in a few days, and the strength of the world and the richness of aura must exceed this realm. It is a good place."

Hearing this, Nuwa and Houtu couldn't help but froze for a while.

They didn't expect that Sanqing and the others had disappeared before going to the world where Hongyun was.

The two were a little upset, why Hongyun invited Sanqing and the others but didn't invite them.

Hongjun nodded slightly and said, "Yes, Hong Yun has a great chance at this time. If it weren't for this, he would not become the master of the world. If he can't stay in this world in the future, you can go to the world where Hong Yun is. ..."

Hearing this, Sanqing and the others were taken aback, and the feeling of anxiety in their hearts became more and more intense.

Laozi even said: "Teacher, but what accident happened in this world?"

Hongjun smiled, and then said: "No accident happened. You know peace of mind. What I just said is just leaving a way for you to wait. If there is an accident in the future, there will be a silver lining."

"What's more, this world is only a new life. There is still some time before the life span is cut off. You can rest assured."

Hearing this, I couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief.

Every world has its own lifespan, and now I don’t know how long it will be before the prehistoric extinction, even if they die, the prehistoric will not be extinct because of it.

Perhaps one day in the future, they will move towards the Age of Doom, when they should set foot directly in the starry sky, or go to the world where the red clouds are.

Just when everyone was at ease, the warmth in Hongjun's eyes on the stage disappeared instantly, as if it was a different person, and he looked at the people below and said: "You...just stay in this world!"

Sanqing and the others froze for a moment, then bowed their hands to Hongjun above and said, "I will follow the teacher's decree!"

Hongjun waved his hand, and everyone went directly out of Zixiao Palace.

After leaving the Zixiao Palace, Tongtian hesitated slightly: "Have you ever discovered that the teacher seems to be a little different from before?"

When everyone heard the words, a cloud of shadow rose in their hearts.

The change of Fang Cai Hongjun is so obvious, how could they have not noticed it, but they dare not admit that it is their teacher or heaven in Zixiao Palace...

Everyone looked at each other, each was speechless, and then left in all directions.

They remembered Hongjun's previous words in their hearts, and as for the last words, they all treated them as if they hadn't heard them.


At this moment, the starry sky outside the starry sky where the Promise World is located.

Hong Yun stood on the ancient road of starry sky, looking at the strange starry sky in front of him, his mind was slightly shocked.

Speaking of it, it was the first time he faced such a starry sky.

When Qin Yuan saw this, a dark color flashed in his eyes. When he escaped from his world that was about to collapse, he had set foot on the ancient starry sky.

Perhaps at that time, I was far inferior to Hongyun.

After a long time, Qin Yuan said: "The day Yu Zhizun has already escaped from here. All the deduction methods are invalid in the starry sky. Only the level above the starry sky saint can deduct a clue. The master is sure to take it. Capture and kill?"

Hong Yun slowed down, looked at the depths of the starry sky ahead, a smile flashed in his eyes, and then said: "Since I dare to chase it out, there must be some back hand in my hand. Don't worry."

When Qin Yuan heard the words, he stopped talking, and stood quietly aside.

Hong Yun was standing on the ancient road in the starry sky, watching the faint footprints that stretched to the starry sky under his feet, a shocking expression flashed between his brows.

The so-called ancient starry sky road is nothing more than a mark left by the predecessors.

How strong is the person who left the mark to be able to leave a mark in the starry sky, and after an unknown number of epochs, he can still appear in front of people.


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