I Have a Trillion Merits

Chapter 860: Deserted land

Hong Yun let go of his spiritual thoughts, carefully feeling the footprints left on the ancient road in the starry sky, the power of the vicissitudes and terrifying Taoism slowly overflowing.

He had never seen the power of Dao Ze over this footprint, and it contained terrifying ideas, which could guide future generations forward.

Qin Yuan on the side saw the appearance of the red cloud, shook his head slightly, and then said: "The footprints on the ancient road of the starry sky, I do not know how many epochs have existed, and every power who steps on the ancient road of the starry sky wants to learn from these The way forward is glimpsed in the footprints, but no one has ever succeeded."

When Hong Yun heard the words, he couldn't help but froze, and then he said: "Have no one succeeded since ancient times?"

Qin Yuan nodded and said: "That's right, the footprints on the ancient starry sky, I don't know how many epochs existed, and how many talented people in these epochs want to see the way forward from these footprints, but there is nothing. One person succeeds, including the master of the starry sky who has mastered the starry sky of one party."

Hearing this, Hong Yun shook his head slightly, but sighed in his heart that he couldn't see how elegant the owner of this footprint was.

After a long time, Qin Yuan suddenly said: "I don't know how long Yu Zhizun has been away that day, do I still have to stay here?"

Hong Yun smiled and said: "There is no need to be so nervous, that person can't escape the palm of my hand, you can rest assured."

Qin Yuan heard this and stopped talking.

Between the red clouds raised his palms, the small black tower was suspended in the palm, exuding a series of obscure principles.

At the moment when this small tower appeared, Qin Yuan couldn't help but froze, and then looked at the small tower in Hongyun's palm with some shock, as if he knew what it was like.

The small tower hovered around Hongyun's body, turning for a long time, and let out a soft roar.

It seemed that he sensed that Qin Yuan's expression was wrong, and Hong Yun asked, "Have you seen this small tower?"

Qinyuan hesitated for a moment, then nodded and said: "It seems familiar, but I am not sure it is. After all, the spirit treasure I know is the treasure of the lord of the starry sky. That thing shouldn't be here... …"

Hong Yun hesitated. This small tower suddenly appeared in the prehistoric world. He didn't know the origin, so he was not sure about the authenticity of Qin Yuan's words.

After a while, Hong Yun smiled and said, "If this is the case, you don't need to pay more attention to it."

When the voice fell, he raised his hand and tapped on the small tower.

In an instant, a wave of ripples spread out from the small tower, spreading to the entire starry sky here.

Wherever the Taoist ripples pass, traces are revealed in the starry sky, spreading to the depths of the starry sky...

Upon seeing this, Qin Yuan showed a look of surprise on his face. He didn't expect that this small tower could have such an effect, it could chase the enemy in the starry sky and lock the enemy's trail.

This ability is generally at least at the level of the master of the starry sky.

He is now more and more sure in his heart that this Lingbao is the one under the Master of the Starry Sky that he knows.

The function displayed by this small tower is too familiar, almost exactly the same as what he had heard from the rumors.

Hong Yun looked at the ripples of Dao Ze that spread to the depths of the starry sky, nodded slightly, and then said, "I'll wait and go for a line!"

When the voice fell, he directly followed the direction of Daoze ripples towards the depths of the starry sky.

Qin Yuan followed, rushing into the depths of the starry sky together.

I don't know how long it took, the outlook of the two people began to change gradually, and the starry sky, which was more familiar from the beginning, turned into a place where the stars were interconnected with extremely dark gray.

In the starry sky where the two of them are now, many stars are gloomy and without life.

This seems to be an abandoned place.

Hong Yun leaned out his divine mind, scanned over the many stars, and sensed the gloomy auras contained in these stars.

There are no creatures on these stars, but some traces of the existence of creatures.

One after another, the ancient cities were in ruins, and there were even high-rise buildings that existed in Hongyun's previous world.

Just in this starry sky, there are several stars with traces of vitality, but the original traces on these stars indicate that their development process is completely different.

Some have embarked on the road of cultivation like the prehistoric, and some have embarked on the road of science and technology on the planet where he was in the previous life.

It's just that without exception, these stars have long no longer the aura of the existence of creatures, and even this starry sky is full of dead silence.

As if abandoned by the universe.

Hong Yun frowned slightly, looking at the small tower hovering in his palm, all traces gradually disappeared at this moment.

It was as if Yu Zhizun disappeared inexplicably when he came into the starry sky that day.

He turned his head to look at Qin Yuan on the side, and saw that Qin Yuan's expression was a little weird, as if he was afraid and greedy, staring at the stars in front of him unblinkingly, the formation of those with traces of living beings.

Hong Yun asked aloud, "Do you know where this is?"

Qinyuan swallowed, and then said in disbelief: "If I didn't guess wrong, this place should be the site of a huge world."

The site of the Great Thousand World?

There was a look of doubt on the surface of the red cloud, and he had just observed it carefully. Although there were traces of creatures on these stars, there should be no people with too strong cultivation level among the existing creatures.

How could this be the site of the Great Thousand World, this old man was a little confused because he was afraid that he had lived too long.

It seems that he sensed the doubts in Hong Yun's heart, and Qin Yuan said: "The so-called Big Thousand World is not just one world. In addition to those sacred places with rich heritage, it can develop itself into a big Thousand World, and there are other things to become a Big Thousand World. One way can go."

"That is to link the many stars here, combine the countless middle-thousand worlds that contain the existence of creatures, and work together to form a big-thousand world."

"This is the easiest way, but it's also the hardest way."

Hong Yun looked at several stars in the distance, his face couldn't help showing a hesitation, then he looked down at the small tower floating in his palm, and couldn't help but feel certain in his heart.

Then he said: "If this is the case, then I will go and take a look."

Since the small tower guided him to this starry sky, it means that Tianyu Supreme is hiding here.

This person must not escape, otherwise once the position of the Promise World is exposed, misfortune will be unpredictable at that time.

Hong Yun turned his head and looked at one of the stars, which was a star that had moved towards the side of science and technology, and immediately moved towards that star.

Kinhara followed closely...

The two of them just stepped into this star, and saw the flames suddenly rising below the sky, blasting towards the two of them.


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