I Have a Trillion Merits

Chapter 861: Geocentric city

Hong Yun looked at the devastated planet under him, and the few soaring flames that rose straight up, couldn't help but frown slightly, then raised his hand and shook it lightly.

When those few soaring flames were about to come in front of him, they were crushed out of thin air.

boom! ! !

The terrifying roar resounded here, the smoke filled the sky instantly, and a pungent smell spread to a hundred miles.

Hong Yun looked at the fragments splashing out of the explosion, and there was a sense of a world away flashed in his eyes.

When he was an ordinary person in his previous life, this weapon had only been seen on TV, and the several soaring flames that rushed at him were enough to destroy a city.

This is far beyond the weapons he has seen on TV.

On the side, Qin Yuan raised his hand and stroked his beard, and said with a stunning expression: "Although the mortals that existed before on this planet could not practice cultivation, they have already reached their peaks with the help of external objects."

Hong Yun nodded slightly, and then looked at the city below.

There is no life on this planet now, only devastated and some broken buildings are left, and this situation has obviously been going on for an unknown period of time.

What only surprised him was that even if the planet had been uninhabited for so long, the defense system on it could still operate, which was really amazing.

After all, the more sophisticated the instrument, the more it needs to be maintained, which is enough to see how the power of science and technology on this planet has reached its peak.

The red cloud divine thought spread out directly, covering the entire planet in an instant.

The way he felt before was different from now. Standing in the starry sky and sensing all the stars, he could not detect everything in detail. Now he can only detect this star with his divine consciousness, although it is more than before. Clear.

After a while, Hong Yun let out a soft sound, and then slowly fell to a derelict city.

Qinyuan also opened his mouth and said, "What did the master find?"

Hong Yun smiled and said: "I originally thought that there are no living creatures in this star, but I didn't expect that in the center of the planet, there are still many living creatures hidden..."

Qin Yuan heard this, a strange color flashed on his face, and then said: "There is no spiritual energy in this starry sky. Even if there are living creatures, I am afraid it is low in intelligence and useless."

Hong Yun shook his head, and then slowly came to a building, jumped directly from the top, and landed in front of a huge iron gate.

The iron door is closed tightly, and it looks like a refuge in some times of crisis, and there is a password system on the side of the door.

Hong Yun raised his hand and lightly clicked, and a water curtain instantly appeared beside the two of them, and there was a flickering picture above the water curtain, which seemed to look back in time and space.

After a long time, the picture above the water curtain flickered more and more slowly.

Then they saw that someone had appeared in front of the iron gate, and not a single person, but tens of thousands of creatures, and some young animals.

Someone dressed in uniform came to the door and pressed the code lock, opened the door, and accepted everyone in.

I don't know how long it has passed, and a series of soaring flames sounded on the ground, and there were countless figures from outside the domain, destroying wantonly on this star.

Fire, explosions and gunpowder smoke filled this star...

Qin Yuan frowned and said: "This may be the reason why this star shattered. The creatures that suddenly broke in seemed to be wanderers in a certain universe. I also saw the existence of the saint in the starry sky."

Hong Yun nodded, he could clearly perceive the remaining lifespan of this star, and at most hundreds of years, the star would be completely dead.

At that time, the creatures that existed in the heart of the earth would be completely annihilated, as if they had never appeared before.

Since this is an integrated Great Thousand World, it may be broken into by a wanderer when the Great Thousand World is crossing the catastrophe, thus destroying the entire world.

And now the people in the heart of this earth may be all the creatures integrated in this vast world.

Qin Yuan suddenly said, "Will Yu Zhizun that day hide here?"

Hong Yun smiled and said, "He is in this vast world, but not above this star."

Qinyuan arched his hands and said: "If this is the case, then I will catch him sooner, otherwise I will often have more dreams at night."

Hong Yun waved his hand: "It doesn't need to be so, since you are here, then take a look."

When the voice fell, Hong Yun disappeared in place, and when he reappeared, he had already appeared inside the gate, followed by Qin Yuan.

Among this huge iron gate, there are still countless isolated iron gates, which seem to be blocking something.

At the end of the passage, lights gradually came on.

Hong Yunshun's light came to a place that was suspected to be an elevator, and his back figure disappeared again.

Follow the route discovered by him all the way deep into it.

But for a moment, the two of them suddenly opened up, and dim lights lit up the whole building.

What appeared in front of the two of them was a huge underground city, a city created by hollowing out the ground, and the core of the earth provided energy to supply the entire city.

It's just that the current decay of the earth's core has not been able to support it for long.

The city is divided into two areas, the outer city and the inner city, and all people perform their own duties.

The two Hongyun walked among the people, without anyone noticing, they walked all the way from the outer city into the inner city.

In contrast, the outer city is more like a slum. Looking at these familiar utensils and costumes in front of him, Hong Yun's Taoist robe changes, instantly transforming into costumes that match this place.

When Qin Yuan saw this, he couldn't help but froze for a moment, and then he also changed himself like a red cloud.

The two appeared in front of everyone, causing everyone in the field to change their eyes, which was extremely shocking.

Hong Yun muttered to himself: "I haven't felt this way for a long time..."

Qin Yuan heard the words, and a look of surprise flashed across his face. As far as he knew, his master had never appeared in other worlds other than the worlds of cultivation.

Why look at him now, the moment he walks here is more like a nostalgia.

Regardless of the surprise around him, Hongyun walked in this city, and at the same time completely let go of his spiritual thoughts, completely wrapped up the entire stardust, and explored the depths of the earth's heart from the outside.

Just like this city, there are about six cities. There are living creatures in the six cities, adding up to tens of millions of people.

Hong Yun sighed slightly, and then when he was in the outer city, when he was about to leave, he was suddenly pulled by the corner of his clothes, and looked down at a dirty little girl.

Seeing Hongyun, the little girl looked back: she retracted her hand in fear, and said timidly: "Brother, can you give me something to eat? My mother is starving to death..."


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