I Have a Trillion Merits

Chapter 862: Move one world

Yuanyuan looked at her elder brother timidly, and the croissants on her head trembled nervously.

She didn't want to go out, but her mother had already passed out of hunger. If she didn't eat anymore, she might have to be buried in the soil like her father.

At that time, she was left alone in this dungeon.

Hong Yun looked at the little girl in front of him, and a strange color flashed in his eyes. He could see that the little girl's physique was different from ordinary people.

If it is placed in the age of practice, it can be said to be an outstanding generation for a day, but it can only be an ordinary person here.

Hong Yun turned his hands, revealing a trace of mana in his body, transforming into a white-faced bun in his hand, and said with a smile: "What's your name?"

Yuanyuan swallowed while looking at the white-faced bun in Hongyun's hand. Since she was born, she had never seen such exquisite food.

Some are just compressed biscuits made with earth dragons, and they are also top foods in the outer city.

She looked up at Hongyun, and then said: "My name is Yuanyuan."

Hong Yun put the white-faced buns in Yuanyuan's hands, then patted Yuanyuan's head, a trace of mana merged into her body, and then turned and left.

After leaving the dungeon, Qinyuan said in a puzzled way: "Why is this the master? This action is very likely to cause the little girl to die. Even if the master has a back hand, he may not be able to see a mortal who is hopeful. Endure the darkness!"

Hong Yun laughed and said: "There is no need to continue to endure the darkness, everyone in this world can survive..."

As soon as his voice fell, he was directly suspended in the air, looking down at the entire planet here, and then raised his hand in the void and shook it gently, and he saw a big earthquake on the planet below, as if an earth dragon was about to break out of the ground.

Qin Yuan's complexion changed, and then he was surprised: "This move will contaminate this realm's cause and effect. If it is discovered by those who destroy this realm, I am afraid it will be difficult to do good."

Hong Yun looked straight and said coldly, "If they dare to come, they can try it."

When the voice fell, I saw several dungeons rising on the entire planet, and the panic of the residents in the city sounded. In their opinion, the change here is like the end of the world, as if they have returned to the one who fought with the outside invaders. Years.

Hongyun raised his hand lightly and muttered to himself: "Go to sleep! Just sleep."

When the voice fell, the voices in these dungeons stopped abruptly, and countless citizens suddenly fell into a coma.

At the same time, there are a lot of mana in the midair, which is inextricably divided into these several dungeons, like rain falling from the sky, entering every city's body.

He is constantly repairing his body, and at the same time he is repairing the souls of the creatures here.

The creatures that grew up in this environment will suffer more or less damage to their bodies and souls. At this moment, under this red cloud movement, all their injuries have recovered.

As Hong Yun raised his hand, several dungeons disappeared on this planet in an instant, and when they appeared, they had already entered the Promise World.

Tiandao of the Promise World saw a few dungeons appearing out of thin air, and a touch of sadness flashed in his eyes.

However, after sensing the will of Hongyun, there was a bit of joy on the face.

The emergence of these dungeons has not only added a lot of population to this, but also brought a new way to the world, and perhaps another way could be created.

Seeing what Hong Yun did, Qin Yuan couldn't help sighing in his heart. In his opinion, Hong Yun's move was obviously a new born calf not afraid of tigers.

What is the easy generation of a person who can destroy a large world.

If that person explores the cause and effect here, I am afraid that the world of Promise will be in catastrophe.

Hong Yun seemed to be aware of what Qin Yuan was thinking, and couldn't help but smile: "Are you worried?"

Qin Yuan nodded with a wry smile: "The cause and effect involved in this world is too great, and the living beings here are even more involved. Letting them fend for themselves is the best choice."

Hong Yun smiled and said, "What do you think of Promise World?"

Qin Yuan's face was solemn, and after thinking for a while, he said, "The potential is huge, and I may have the opportunity to enter the realm of the great world in the future!"

Hongyun said: "The promotion and destruction of the world requires battle results. If it can bring a brand new path to the world of Promise, it will become the realm of a thousand worlds in the future, and there will be more hope. Only a hundred flowers will bloom and a hundred birds will compete. Only then can we create a prosperous world!"

Hearing this, Qin Yuan was shocked. He didn't think of this. He only thought about the pros and cons, but never considered the future.

If you think about it from the perspective of this discourse, perhaps these people will bring this brand new path into the world of Promise, which can really make it develop rapidly, and they hope to enter the realm of the great world.

The red cloud spirit was all over the entire star. After detecting that there were no more creatures on this star, he turned and climbed into the starry sky.

This big world is made up of several stars and one side is the universe.

In addition to the stars on the side of this science and technology, there are also several stars of spiritual practice, martial arts, and gods.

However, unlike this technology-side star, no creatures survived on the other stars.

In Hong Yun's view, this is not because technology has crushed cultivation, on the contrary, he can perceive the remnants of powerful cultivation fluctuations in this universe.

If it weren't blocked by a few other stars, I'm afraid this technology-side star would have already disappeared in this universe.

As for the other stars, why are there no creatures left?

Perhaps they have already left this universe, or they may have all been wiped out in the original battle.

After all, for those wanderers, this star is not a threat to them, but the other ones are not necessarily.

Qin Yuan turned his head to look at all the stars in this universe, and said, "Maybe Yu Zhizun has already escaped from this universe and he is missing..."

When Hongyun heard this, he couldn't help but smiled and said, "He hasn't left yet."

Hearing this, Qin Yuan's eyes flashed a little doubt, just about to speak, he saw Hong Yun raising his hand and holding it empty.

The power of terrifying laws burst out in an instant, and a dilapidated star not far in front of the two of them exploded and completely turned into dust in this universe.

Then a figure shot out from it embarrassingly, it was Tianyu Supreme, who had fled not long ago.

After escaping from the universe where Hongyun was, he came here to repair his injuries with the help of the remaining world core.

This is a huge universe he accidentally discovered. He even used secret methods to hide this place from being noticed by others, and used it as his own back-hand.

But he never thought that Hongyun would chase the door shortly after he left.

Tianyu Supreme glared at Hongyun coldly, and said angrily: "Could it be that fellow Daoist is going to make a mistake?"


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