I Have a Trillion Merits

Chapter 863: The road to battle

Hongyun looked at the desperate Tianyu Supreme, with a smile on his face, and said: "I only promised that senior would let you leave the starry sky where I was, but I never promised to give up chasing after you. I gave you time. Flee, but you were still caught up by me!"

Qin Yuan, who was on the side, also looked bad, and lowered his head, not looking at the opposite Tianyu Supreme.

He always felt that his master did not match the character of such a cultivation base, and was a bit weird.

Tianyu Supreme froze for a moment, and then a burst of anger in his heart.

How could there be such a shameless person in this world who said that he would surrender all his treasures and the seeds of the Tao, and then let them go, how could they be so rebellious!

He looked around, looking at the many abandoned stars in this universe, he couldn't help but his heart moved, and then his body instantly disappeared in place.

Seeing this, Hong Yun chuckled softly: "Since the poor Dao has come here, how can you still escape!"

The voice fell, and he raised his hand to hold the starry sky in front of him. A terrifying force of restraint instantly filled the entire starry sky, grabbing Tianyu Supreme from nothingness.

Tianyu Zhizun's expression changed drastically. Although he knew that there was a big gap between himself and Hongyun, he didn't expect the gap to be so big.

Tianyu Supreme roared, and suddenly a spiritual treasure appeared on his body, like a palace, bursting out a bright light in the starry sky, abruptly freeing it from this imprisonment.

In the next moment, the palace-like spirit treasure encircled and spread out in an instant, tearing a hole abruptly on the edge of the starry sky.

Tianyu Supreme sneered, and then galloped toward the opening, trying to escape the starry sky.

Hong Yun shook his head helplessly, and then the Magic Devouring Spear appeared in his hand and was thrown away directly by him.

The Devourer Spear turned into a terrifying dragon in the starry sky, galloping towards Tianyu Supreme.

Roar! ! !

The horrible roar echoed in the starry sky, and the dragon that was transformed into the Spirit Devouring Spear pierced through the chest of Tianyu Supreme.

Nail it to a star on the edge of the starry sky.

Above the abandoned star, Tianyu Supreme's face was as gray as death, and he looked at the red cloud unwillingly.

He thought that he could harvest the powerful Zhongqian World from this trip, and then take this to take the next step.

But he never thought that the potential of the Promise World was indeed as strong as he expected, but this Hongyun's cultivation base could already crush them.

If you don't want to kill them all in one go, I'm afraid that Qingtian is not its enemy.

Hong Yun and Qin Yuan fell above the abandoned stars, looking at the dying Tianyu Supreme, a sneer flashed in their eyes.

Tianyu Supreme Spirit gradually dissipated. When he was still wise, he couldn't help but sneered when he looked at the red clouds above: "Existing like you, on the way of fighting in the great world, you will surely attract countless enemies. Sooner or later, you will die like I am today. Eliminate, I will be one step ahead today, waiting for you on the road..."

After the words fell, Tianyu Supreme's soul was completely dissipated, and the mana and Dao in his body dissipated in an instant.

Hong Yun lifted slightly, and the Gunslinger shot up in the air and landed on his hand.

He turned his head to look at Qin Yuan aside, and asked aloud: "What this population said, what is the way of fighting for the front in the great world?"

Qin Yuan smiled bitterly and shook his head and said, "The old man doesn't know much, but knowing the battle of this great world is a great opportunity for the master, and it is also a crisis that can be destroyed."

A look of doubt appeared on the surface of the red cloud, and he put away the body of the star Shang Tianyu Supreme, and then said: "Let's talk and listen!"

Just listen to Qin Yuan slowly opening his mouth: "There are three center paths in this great world, namely, the level of the realm master, the level of the star sage, and the level of the lord of the starry sky."

"What this person said before he died was that one of the roads was at the level of the realm master, and then all the realm masters of the Tianjiao level in the endless starry sky will participate..."

Hong Yun frowned: "What opportunity does this great world have for the battle to attract so many enchanting evildoers?"

Qin Yuan slowly said: "No matter what level of road, killing is not forbidden. On the path of the master level, in addition to plundering the heritage and spiritual treasures of the same generation, there is something at the end of the road. Enough for the opportunity for the Zhongqian World to enter the Big One."

"Everyone who gets this chance, if he doesn't fall halfway, he will definitely become the lord of the starry sky in the future and have the opportunity to stand at the top of the three thousand universes."

A look of surprise flashed in Hong Yun's eyes, and then recalled what Qingtian had said before the battle, and couldn't help but smile: "If this great world is full of things like Qingtian on the way to battle, then it will be interesting!"

Qinyuan sneered, and then said: "The God of Heaven is just a idiot who can only speak big words. He doesn't even have the courage to go to the universe, let alone embark on a journey!"

"Even if he has the courage to embark on the road of fighting, he is only a small cannon fodder. Only like the master can he walk halfway."

Hearing this, Hongyun remained silent for a long time.

Then he chuckled: "Interesting, when will this road to battle open?"

Qin Yuan frowned and said: "Three thousand years later, the road to fight for the front will be opened, but if I wait to start from the starry sky here, it will take at least one thousand years on the road."

Hong Yun smiled and said: "In that case, I will walk around after two thousand years to see how gorgeous these three thousand universes are."

Qin Yuan was silent for a long time, and then nodded and said, "Follow the Lord's decree!"

Afterwards, Hong Yun explored his divine mind and once again covered this abandoned universe, wanting to see if there are any creatures on the abandoned stardust.

After careful investigation, it was found that there was no aura of creatures on these abandoned stars.

Then he raised his hand and held a virtual grip in the starry sky. In an instant, all the stars in the universe burst apart, and the core of the world that had come to an end was broken and dilapidated.

Hong Yun waved his big hand and put it inside, and then hurried towards the Promise World with Qin Yuan.

Although this universe is abandoned, there is still a trace of energy in the core of the world among these stars. How can he waste it, and simply take it back and integrate it into the world of Promise to grow it again.

After Hongyun and Qinyuan returned to the Promise World, they found a towering stone tower at the temple.

Around the stone tower, Tianjiao of this world surrounded them, and they looked at the stone tower in front of them with scorching eyes.

The incarnation of the will of Heaven came, and he told Hongyun about this matter.

Hong Yun chuckled and said, "This dead rabbit is lazy, so he wants to do this."

As he said, he raised his hand and grabbed it lightly in front of him, and Moon Spirit Rabbit and Killing Sky appeared in front of him for a few moments.


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