I Have a Trillion Merits

Chapter 864: The teacher is in danger!

Hongyun caught a current Moon Spirit Rabbit. At this moment, seeing his master coming back, he said with a sorrowful expression: "Is the trip going smoothly, master?"

Before Hong Yun spoke, he saw Qin Yuan looking at the stone tower in front of him with a shocked expression: "Isn't this the trial tower made by those disciples in the Great Thousand World Holy Land? It is comparable to the treasure of the stars, why does it appear here? "

Hong Yun was shocked when he heard the words, and then looked at the stone tower in front of him, frowning involuntarily.

You know, when I saw the small tower before, Qin Yuan was surprised, but after all, it was not too shocked because the small tower was still flawed.

How come you are so shocked now when you see the stone tower that Moon Spirit Rabbit has made to slacken in front of you?

Upon seeing this, Yueling Rabbit also said with slightly bright eyes: "You old man has some eyesight."

Qin Yuan's face turned black when he heard the words.

Then the latter looked at the Moon Spirit Rabbit earnestly, and suddenly relieved after thinking of the endless variety of magic weapons when the former was fighting with him.

He could tell that Hong Yun shouldn't be the first owner of the Pure Yang Palace.

It's just that he couldn't think of who was the last owner of that Pure Yang Palace and why the background was so terrifying.

Not to mention the various magic weapons in the hands of the dead rabbit, the palace alone is enough to become the dojo of the Lord of the Stars.

Not to mention the terrifying spirit beasts in the palace.

He could faintly feel that the spirit beast that was shot at the beginning was not the strongest one in this Pure Yang Palace.

Hong Yun looked at the hippy smiley Yueling Rabbit in front of him, his complexion blackened, and then he raised his hand and slammed into Yueling Rabbit's forehead.

Yueling Rabbit screamed in pain, and then looked at his master with aggrieved expression.

Beside him, Qi Tian and several other spirit beasts looked around for themselves, seeming not to notice the vision.

Hong Yun looked at the Moon Spirit Rabbit and asked, "Have those people who died fighting in the starry sky ever go into reincarnation?"

Before this battle, he began to lay out.

As long as he is not dead and the Promise World is not completely shattered, he can preserve the soul seeds of all creatures in this world.

Those who fought side by side in the starry sky, the dead are branded in this realm with the seed of the soul.

After hearing Hongyun’s question, Yueling Rabbit nodded quickly and said: "Those soul seeds have entered into reincarnation. As for the wanderers who died in the starry sky, I also used the secret method to store the remaining soul seeds and brand them in. In the trial tower."

After hearing this, Hong Yun showed a look of surprise, then looked at Yue Lingtu and nodded in satisfaction.

This dead rabbit is sensible.

Once in this trial tower, the souls of these people will be immortal. As long as the trial tower survives, they can always exist, being imprisoned and in the trial tower, used to hone the many powers of the Promise World .

Since they dare to invade this world, these consequences are what they have to bear.

Qin Yuan also sighed: "This treasure is really good. With this thing, the chance of this world entering the Great Thousand World has increased a bit."

Hong Yun also nodded slightly, and then looked down above the center of the earth, two ghosts standing in the east and west.

The leader is the two gods of death in the East and the West.

These two people were not lightly injured in the previous battle, and now they can just use the way to climb to the gods of this realm to repair their injuries.

As for Wang Lang, who had guarded the cycle of reincarnation before, he became the overcast son of the two ghosts.

This can be regarded as fulfilling the original promise.

After this realm enters the great world in the future, this person will certainly be expected to step into the realm master level.

Hong Yun looked back at the rest of the Promise World.

Bacchus has now opened a tavern in the East, transformed into a fat uncle, smiling all day long, giving people a drink, and his eyebrows are full of satisfaction.

Athena, Zeus and others, still standing on the mountain, have never joined the world.

Cang Xuzi traveled through the mortal world, turned into a weak scholar, traveled all over the world, and created a great reputation in Confucianism and Taoism in the mortal world.

Many people who have experienced this battle have practiced in their own dojo or traveled in the mortal world.

Perhaps it is the scene after the collapse that can cherish the stable life in front of me even more.

Hongyun looked in a certain direction again, at the junction of east and west, and dungeons that revealed the world were scattered on the central axis of the Promise World.

At this moment, the people walked out of the room, looking at the scorching sun in the sky, tears fell from the corners of their eyes.

How long have they not seen the outside world.

Although Hong Yun had corrected some of their memories, the feeling of loneliness in his heart could not dissipate.

Now that I see the scorching sun in front of me, I feel a sense of renewal.

At this time, the incarnation of the will of Tiandao descended from the sky and looked at Hongyun with a smile: "These people have brought a lot of different things to this world. I can feel that a brand new road has been opened in this world. ."

Hongyun couldn't help but nodded when he heard the words.

Regardless of whether these people will fully develop technology in the future, they will still combine technology with martial arts, immortality, Confucianism, or Shinto in this world.

No matter what kind of path it is, it has a different meaning for this world.

Only when we are inclusive of all the rivers, can we bloom!

Perhaps one day in the future, his Hongyun can truly lead this realm to the level of the great world, and can stand on the top of the road of cultivation.

At this moment, Yueling Rabbit said: "Master, I have sent those three guys back. It's just that when I look at the way of heaven in that world, it seems a little weird."

Hearing this, Hong Yun couldn't help frowning slightly.

He naturally knew who the three men Yueling Rabbit were talking about were Sanqing and the others.

It's just that in the predicament, the teacher has long been fit to the heavens, and what is weird?

He asked aloud: "The way of heaven in that world? What's the explanation for this?"

Yueling Rabbit frowned slightly, thought about it carefully, and said: "I don't know too much, but the way I can sense it is that there is another person's will in the way of heaven, but it is now in a state of being suppressed. Next, maybe in dozens of epochs, that suppressed will will completely disappear."

Two wills?

A hint of thinking flashed in Hong Yun's eyes, and then suddenly remembered what the teacher had said to him before, and a terrible thought suddenly appeared in his heart.

Is it possible that the suppressed will is the failure of his own teacher?

What the teacher said that day was to leave a way for their disciples. Could it be that the original body fits the heavenly way and is a conspiracy of the heavenly way?

Hong Yun only felt a little bit horrified in thinking.

At the beginning, Hongjun only became a realm master with the help of the method of fusion of heaven, and did not completely control the prehistoric.

If this is really a conspiracy of Heaven in the prehistoric world.

Then this matter is really troublesome.

The teacher is in danger!


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