I Have a Trillion Merits

Chapter 865: Return to the prehistoric

Hong Yun's eyes were slightly cold, and he was now the master of a realm. The cause and effect between him and Honghuang was mostly broken, and it wouldn't matter if he entered the land again.

After all, there is always part of cause and effect connected, and it is impossible for Heaven to exclude them.

He wanted to see if he was doing this by God, or whether the teacher really had a problem.

Hong Yun turned his head to look at the Moon Spirit Rabbit on the side, and said: "You are in the world now, and you are assisted by Qin Yuan. Don't be lazy."

Hearing the words, Yueling Rabbit's eyes lit up in an instant, and said, "Master, are you going to go to the wilderness for a while?"

Hong Yun nodded and said, "It will take some time to go here. You wait and wait in this realm."

After hearing the words, Yueling Rabbit nodded repeatedly, then turned over and took out a token-like spirit treasure, handed it to Hongyun, and said, "Master, this treasure is left by the previous master. You can bring it with you. It can shield avenue perception."

Hearing this, a look of doubt flashed across the surface of the red cloud, and then he looked at the token-like Lingbao and accepted it casually.

Turning his head to look at Qin Yuan, he said, "And stay here to look at her, don't let her go out and run around."

Qin Yuan nodded when he heard the words, "I must follow the decree of the master!"

After the voice fell, Hong Yun raised his hand to open a door in front of him. On the other side of the door was Honghuang, sensing the familiar aura in front of him, he directly stepped into it.

After Hongyun left, the door was closed.

Yueling Rabbit let out a long sigh of relief, then turned around and saw Qin Yuan with a vigilant face, and said with a smile: "Friends of Tao, why stare at me like this? There are new creatures in this world, let me go and take a look. Look, fellow Daoists need to accompany you?"

When Qin Yuan heard the words, he naturally knew who the group of people was talking about in Yueling Rabbit's mouth.

It was the technological side creatures he and Hong Yun brought from the abandoned Daqian World Heritage Site.

Qin Yuan shook his head and said, "I will not go. I am not curious about the world that relies on foreign objects, but I will say in advance. I hope that the daoists will take care of what the master said before, and don't go away. !"

Moon Lingtu smiled, and then his figure disappeared instantly.

Upon seeing this, Qin Yuan shook his head helplessly, and then disappeared in place.


At this moment, in the precipice.

The red cloud hovered in the clouds above the prehistoric land, and Shennian scanned the entire prehistoric continent. After seeing the familiar scene, he was silently relieved.

Just as he was about to go to the Zixiao Palace, Nuwa and Houtu's voice suddenly rang in his ears.

"Senior brother is finally back, but you can come to the underground palace to tell!"

"Brother can come to the Wa Palace to have a comment!"

Hearing these two voices, Hong Yun couldn't help but feel a little headache, and then a thought flashed in his heart, then raised his hand and lightly, his figure disappeared instantly, and when he appeared, he had already arrived in Penglai Immortal Island.

Today, there are only a few disciples in Penglai Fairy Island. After a while, he will move the entire Penglai Fairy Island into the Promise World after he explores what happened to the teacher.

Hong Yun sat in the hall, raised his hand and gently grabbed the void in front of him, and two more portals appeared in front of him in an instant.

Opposite these two gateways are the Difu and Wa Palace.

Nuwa and Houtu, who were waiting in their dojo, looked at a portal that suddenly appeared in front of them, and couldn't help showing a look of surprise on their faces. After seeing Hongyun, they smiled and walked directly into the door.

When they came to the main hall of Penglai Fairy Island, Nuwa and Houtu looked at each other, and they both saw the surprised look in each other's eyes.

Hong Yun raised his hand and said, "Two juniors, please sit down!"

When the voice fell, someone carried Lingguo Immortal Tea and placed it in front of the two of them.

Hou Tu smiled and said, "It seems that the brother has made a lot of progress during this period. I am afraid that he has already stepped up to the level of a saint!"

Hong Yun smiled and said: "Yes, now I have completely controlled one of the worlds and stepped into the realm master level. I did not allow the two juniors to go there before because there is a catastrophe in that world. Even at the saint level, there is a danger of death. !"

Hearing this, the two of them were quite moved. The slightest dissatisfaction with Hong Yun for not allowing them to travel to the world they were in was also completely dissipated.

Nu Wa said with some curiosity, "Is it possible that the saint was not the main force in the previous catastrophe?"

Hong Yun nodded.

Indeed, when facing those wanderers before, the sage level was nothing more than a few trash fish at best. What really determines the direction of this battle is their master-level power.

One or two more saints will not hinder the overall situation.

Hong Yun smiled and said: "This time I return to the prehistoric land, and I have to stay for a while. After the matter is processed, if the two seniors want to go to have a look, the seniors will surely welcome each other!"

Nuwa and Hou Tu and everyone nodded when they heard this.

Afterwards, the two of them looked at Hongyun with some curiosity, and asked, "Senior brother is here, but are you going to move Penglai Xiandao into that world?"

Hong Yun shook his head: "It's not the time yet. I came to Honghuang this time, not because of this. Have the two juniors and sisters met the teacher in recent days?"

Nuwa and Houtu heard this, and then nodded.

Some time ago, they had met Hongjun in the Zixiao Palace, but that time it was Hongjun's call, and everyone went, except for the two in the West.

Is it possible that the senior brother came back this time because of teacher He somehow?

There were some doubts in their hearts.

Just listen to Hongyun asking aloud: "Have the two juniors ever noticed something strange or strange about the teacher?"

When Nuwa and Houtu heard this, they really thought of the two completely different appearances when Hongjun was in the Zixiao Palace before confessing to them.

He nodded immediately and said: "The teacher does seem to have changed a bit, but I am not so sure, and I don't know what happened. Is it because the brothers are here to return to the prehistoric times?"

Hong Yun nodded, then looked at the two of them and said, "It is for this reason. After I stepped into the realm master level, I felt a lot more than before. I found out that the teacher was a bit strange, so Come here to confirm one or two."

When the two heard this, a look of worry flashed across their faces.

Then he said: "Maybe the senior brother can go and ask the three senior brothers in Sanqing, the three of them have much more cultivation bases than the two, and perhaps they have noticed more things than the two of me."

Hong Yun nodded and said: "If this is the case, then I will go there."

Nuwa and Houtu looked disappointed and looked like red clouds, and then stood up and said at the same time: "If this is the case, then I will stop bothering you. I wish my brother a smooth trip!"

Hearing the words, Hong Yun quickly got up, raised his hand to open the two doors between the halls, and watched the two girls leave.

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