I Have a Trillion Merits

Chapter 866: Find out

After sending the two away from Penglai Fairy Island, Hong Yun sat alone in the hall, looking at the direction of the original Zixiao Palace and couldn't help thinking.

It seems that what Yueling Rabbit said at the beginning is likely to be true.

Even Nuwa and Houtu can see that the teacher's current state is a bit wrong, can it really be calculated by the Dao?

Just like Pangu of the year!

After thinking for a while, Hong Yun opened a door directly in front of him, leading to Lao Tzu's Shouyang Mountain.

At the same time, Chuanyin Yuan and Tongtian, let them come to Shouyang Mountain to gather together.

On the Shouyang Mountain.

I was looking at the pot of pills in front of him, and a look of expectation flashed in his eyes.

After returning from the Promise World, he used the foreign Dao and a large amount of resources collected at that station to refine a group of medicines that could allow him to break through the sage level.

During this period, I have failed many times, but now it is a little eye-catching, maybe it can be done.

Just as his heart was moving, he heard a familiar voice in his ears.

"Junior Brother, this time, Senior Brother is uninvited, and I hope that Senior Brother will forgive me!"

Laozi returned to his senses, and saw someone walking slowly down the mountain, as if crossing time and space between one step, and came directly in front of him.

Upon seeing this, Laozi quickly smiled and said, "Brother came here, but the brother was not able to meet him. Please forgive me, brother!"

Hong Yun waved his hand slightly, and then said: "Counting the time, the other two juniors are coming soon."

Laozi wondered: "Does the Junior Brother mean my two younger brothers?"

Hong Yun nodded.

Then, he looked at the furnace of pill that was being refined in front of him, his eyes seemed to see through the furnace, and after seeing the brewing in it, a look of surprise flashed in his eyes.

Although he knew that Laozi's alchemy talent was unparalleled in the world, he did not expect that he could step out of the constraints of the saint.

If this pill is completed, I am afraid it can help Laozi step into the level of a half-step world master.

Upon seeing this, Laozi quickly said, "Brother, what do you think of my potion of medicine?"

Hong Yun smiled and said: "It's really good, the junior alchemy talent is really excellent, if this pill can be born successfully, the junior is afraid that he can use this pill to break through the half-step world master level."

Hearing this, Lao Tzu's face immediately showed a touch of joy. Just as he wanted to ask something, he sensed two breaths galloping from far and near.

It is the primitive and Tongtian who came to Shouyang Mountain.

The two came to Shouyang Mountain, saluted the two of Hongyun, and said, "I've been waiting for my brother, brother."

After a stop in the starry sky outside the Promise World before, the gap between the three of them is much less, almost nothing, at least it can be commensurate with brothers.

Seeing the three people gathered together, Hong Yun asked, "I asked you to wait for you to come here, because I have something to ask!"

The three nodded their heads after hearing the words, indicating that they knew everything.

Just listen to Hong Yun continuing to speak: "During this period of time, after you returned to the wilderness, did you ever notice that the teacher was a little abnormal?"

The three of them couldn't help but meditate for a moment.

After a while, I heard Tongtian say: "Recently, there is something wrong with the teacher, the words are hot and cold, sometimes there seems to be no emotion, and I look like a stranger."

The other two people heard the words, as if they were reminiscing in their eyes, and then nodded and said: "It is true, the teacher is a bit weird recently, and the words that make me wait for you to get close, seem to regard the Promise World as what I am waiting for. Back road!"

Hearing this, Hong Yun's eyes showed a touch of contemplation. When he left Honghuang that year, Hongjun also said this.

At the beginning, he thought that the teacher was asking him to think more of his juniors and to help him out. Now it seems that the teacher at that time already knew that he had fallen into the trap of the avenue.

So in advance to find a way out for Lao Tzu and others.

But a few of them are now prehistoric saints, and they are under the control of heaven. Just like them, it is difficult for them to escape from the control of the prehistoric.

Hong Yun glanced at the three of them, then nodded and said, "In this case, I also have some preparations in my heart. I will go to see the teacher in the Zixiao Palace."

Upon seeing this, Laozi said quickly: "As seen by the younger brother, if the younger brother is going alone this time, I am afraid that he will be stunned, so why don't I go to the Zixiao Palace together to take a look."

Yuan Yuan and Tongtian nodded again and again.

Hongyun pondered for a moment, and then said: "That's good, then trouble a few juniors!"

Then he turned and left Shouyang Mountain and galloped towards the direction of Zixiao Palace.

Sanqing and others followed closely.

However, in a moment, everyone came to the front of Zixiao Palace, but now the gate of Zixiao Palace is closed, and they have never seen what it looks like inside.

Hongyun took a deep breath, and then said loudly, "Disciple Hongyun, come to see the teacher!"

Sanqing and others also bowed their hands quickly.

The next moment, a cold voice came from the Zixiao Palace: "You wait for this time, what's the matter?"

Hong Yun said: "The disciple has just gone through a catastrophe before, and now I come to the Zixiao Palace, but I have to ask about something, and I ask the teacher to do it!"

When the voice fell, everyone saw the closed door of Zixiao Palace slowly opening in front of him.

Hongjun did not know when he had already appeared on the stage, looking down at the people in front of him.

Upon seeing this, Hong Yun frowned, and then led Sanqing and others into the main hall of the Purple Cloud Palace.

Coming to the front, he folded his hands and said: "Teacher, the disciple has just taken control of a world, and there are still many things that I can't understand. Please let me know!"

Hearing this, Hongjun on the stage seemed to shine before his eyes, and then said calmly: "What you control is Zhong Qian World?"

He nodded and said, "It's the middle and front world!"

After that, Hongjun continued to speak: "To control a world, you must first control all the creatures in the world and fit the way of heaven, so as to achieve complete control..."

Hong Yun frowned slightly, as Hongjun said below that he didn't care anymore.

It would definitely not be his teacher who could fit him in the way of heaven, because Hongjun was in the way of heaven in the first place, so he knew the drawbacks of this move.

What's more, now that Hongyun has completely controlled the Promise World, there is no need to go to fit the way of heaven and make another move.

The Sanqing and others behind him also looked ugly, looking at Hongjun on the stage with some suspicion.

Is it possible that what you are sitting on the stage now is no longer your own teacher?

Although the three of them had doubts in their hearts, they did not speak.

Hong Yun sighed deeply, then flipped his hand to take out the token given to him by the Moon Spirit Rabbit, and raised his hand to input mana.

I saw a wave of weird laws reverberating in Zixiao Palace.

Instantly flooded the entire Zixiao Palace...

The next moment, it seemed that something had been expelled.

Hongjun's body trembled on the stage, and his eyes changed instantly.

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