I Have a Trillion Merits

Chapter 867: Method

In the Zixiao Palace, Hongjun slowly opened his eyes, looking at Hongyun and others in the audience, a look of nostalgia flashed in his eyes.

"You are here!"

Sanqing and the others were taken aback for a moment, then a flash of grief flashed in their eyes, and then said: "Teacher, you..."

Hongjun smiled and said, "Everything is in my expectation, you don't have to be sad when you wait."

As he said, he looked at the red cloud at the forefront and said: "On the contrary, it is you, which surprised me as a teacher. The thing in your hand should be a product of the great world!"

Hong Yun was slightly stunned, and then thought that the previous owner of Pure Yang Palace seemed to be a mighty power in the great world.

He is still a ruthless person who can pick up the evil spirits of Tianjiao in the entire world.

This jade medal in his hand should be the legacy of this person.

It's just that he was a little surprised at what a terrifying existence it was that he could behead this person.

Hong Yun nodded and said: "Exactly! Teacher just now... but the spiritual wisdom is occupied by the heavenly way?"

Sanqing and the others all changed their faces when they heard this, no wonder the teacher's state was wrong during this period.

If the soul is really occupied by the Heavenly Dao, then Hongjun's previous actions will have evidence to follow.

He will not lay a back ground for himself and others ahead of time.

At this moment when everyone was horrified, they heard Hongjun sneer and said: "Heaven? It's a mere puppet, how can I occupy this seat?"

As he said, he looked up at the sky, and said in a cold voice: "This time the secret shot is the avenue in the Magnificence. It is not dead, trying to merge the two worlds and return to the realm of the great world."

A hint of surprise flashed in Hong Yun's eyes, and said: "Even if the two sides merge in the thousand worlds, I am afraid it will be difficult to reach the place of the big thousand world."

A hint of hesitation flashed in Hongjun's eyes, and then said: "From the perception of heaven, I found the realm master of the Hongmeng world, and seemed to have found the way to step into the starry sky."

As soon as this remark came out, everyone in the field was shocked.

Especially Hongyun, although the ruler of the general world is the pinnacle of the star, according to the records in the Pure Yang Palace, if it can hide the world's position and prevent it from being exposed to others' eyes.

Perhaps the world can really be promoted to the Great Thousand World, and then use the resources of the Great Thousand World to cultivate and improve the cultivation level.

If the master of Hongmeng really found a way forward, then this method would be feasible.

Hongjun seemed to see the worries in everyone’s eyes, and couldn’t help but smile: “Don’t worry about waiting. You can support several Yuanhui as a teacher. If you really can’t support it, I will send you to the world where Red Cloud is. ."

"Teacher..." Sanqing and the others looked ugly.

Hong Yun frowned and said, "Is there no other way?"

Hongjun pondered for a moment, and then said: "Unless there is a saint in the starry sky, use means to forcibly cut the connection between the two worlds, otherwise there is no other way."

Star saint?

An unexpected movement flashed in Hong Yun's eyes. If he could get a chance on the way to fight for the front, he might be able to help the teacher break the connection with Hongmeng.

Hongjun looked at the red cloud and shook his head slightly and said, "The difference between the realm master level and the starry sky saint is like a cloud and mud. Even if you are now in the late stage of the world master, it may take a long time to be promoted to the starry sky saint!"

Hongyun was silent for a long time upon hearing this.

He naturally knew that what the teacher said was true. If he wanted to be promoted to the starry sky saint level, a few yuan would be far from enough.

But the teacher has not much time left.

Suddenly, he looked at the jade plaque in front of him. Since this thing can obscure the perception of the avenue, if it is handed over to the teacher, can he drag a few more Yuanhui?

At this point, he raised his head to look at Hongjun above, and said: "If the teacher holds this jade card, can he drag a few yuanhui?"

Hongjun was stunned for a moment when he heard the words, and then smiled: "You do have a heart, you should hold this thing yourself! It might be useful to step out of the starry sky in the future."

Hong Yun smiled and said, "Teacher, don't worry, the disciples have a chance!"

Hearing this, Hongjun was silent for a moment, and then said: "With this thing, I might be able to double the time."

Hearing this, Hongyun instantly lit up.

Then he raised his hand to give out the jade medal in front of him, hovering in front of Hongjun, and said: "In that case, I would like to ask the teacher. At this time, if the disciple does not fall, he will definitely become a saint in the starry sky!"

Hongjun nodded with satisfaction, and then handed Jade Pai to his hand.

With this jade plaque, he can block the avenue from being suppressed, and relying on the predominant way of heaven, it is absolutely impossible to suppress it.

He can also take advantage of this opportunity to try whether he can completely escape from the realm of heaven and control it.

He wants to try the method that Hongyun gave him.

Control the way of heaven and refine the core of the world.

In this way, truly step into the realm master level.

After seeing Hongjun accepting the jade card, a smile appeared on the face of the red cloud.

After all, this jade card was a legacy of the previous owner of the Pure Yang Palace, and Yue Lingtu wanted to come from there with some spirit treasures he didn't know, so he could take this opportunity to take out a few more pieces.

Hong Yun bowed and said: "If this is the case, the disciple will return first to see if he can step into the starry sky in the future."

Upon seeing this, Hongjun waved his hand and smiled: "Let's go!"

Hearing this, Sanqing and the others also hurriedly said, "The disciple will also leave."

Hong Yun turned and left Zixiao Palace, followed by Sanqing and others.

After everyone left the Zixiao Palace, Hongjun sighed slightly, and then played the jade card in his hand to refine it.

In an instant, a strange wave of laws continued the entire prehistoric state in an instant.

at this time.

In the Harmony.

On a sacred mountain, a middle-aged man showed a look of surprise and frowned when he looked at the original place where the prehistoric was.

He was already in full control of the original location of the land.

But why does it suddenly disappear today.

The man used the means to start deducing the position of the prehistoric land, but he was allowed to move, but he could not find the position of the prehistoric land.

After a long time, the man sighed in his heart. It seemed that it would take some more time to locate the land so that he could carry out his plan smoothly.


In the precipice.

Sanqing arched his hands towards the red cloud: "I hope my brother can truly ascend the position of a saint in the starry sky in the future, and save the land and waters."

Hong Yun nodded with a serious face, and said: "Senior brothers, please rest assured, brothers must do their best."

Sanqing heard the words and bowed to Hongyun before returning directly to their respective dojos.

There were only three Hongyun left in the field.

Looking at Nuwa and Houtu in front of him, Hong Yun smirked.

Then it seemed to have thought of something, and suddenly he said, "The two juniors are willing to go with me to the Promise World, how about Quan as relaxation?"

Nuwa and Houtu were taken aback when they heard the words, and then smiled like a flower and said, "Okay!"

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