I Have a Trillion Merits

Chapter 868: Travel with the United States

After seeing the two of them agreed, Hong Yun also showed a smile on his face.

Then raised his hand in front of him and tapped slightly, and saw a light door instantly appear in front of the three of them, and the door slowly opened, revealing the appearance of the opposite.

This is a world that is not much different from the prehistoric, but the laws and spiritual strength revealed in it are different.

A look of surprise appeared on the surface of the earth, stretched out his hand gently through the light gate, and then said: "This world is indeed a little different from Honghuang."

Nuwa also nodded, and then after looking at the busy human races across from Guangmen, she slowly said, "I thought there were no races besides the prehistoric ones. I didn’t expect that the world where the brothers is, there are also human races. Survival!"

Hong Yun nodded and said: "That's right, not only this world, the appearance of the human race is inevitable for the great world!"

With that said, Hong Yun raised his hand, and then walked into the light gate first.

When Nuwa and Houtu saw this, they also stepped into the light gate together.

In the next moment, the light gate slowly closed, and the three of them had already appeared in the Promise World.

At the moment it appeared, the moon rabbits who were eating, drinking, and having fun in the current cities shook their bodies violently, and then disappeared into these modern cities in an instant.

When he appeared, he had already come to Hong Yun.

Looking at Hong Yun and Hou Tu and Nu Wa beside him, the Moon Spirit Rabbit holding the ice cream smiled and said, "Master, I am not lazy!"

Seeing this, the red cloud could not help but turned black.

On the contrary, Nu Wa, looking at Yueling Rabbit and the ice cream in her hand, a strange light flashed in her eyes.

Then he said, "What is this?"

Hong Yun looked at the ice cream in Yueling Rabbit's hand, with a look of nostalgia on his face.

I don’t know how many years I haven’t eaten this thing...

Moonling Rabbit showed a smile on her face, then raised the ice cream in her hand and said: "This is the food created by those human races brought by the master, called ice cream is delicious!"

Nuwa was taken aback when she heard the words, and then slowly said, "Human race brought from the outside world?"

Hong Yun nodded: "Just so, these human races are different from other worlds. They have taken another path, a path that does not depend on themselves but on foreign objects, so they are developing well for these external objects!"

Houtu also looked at the ice cream in Moonling Rabbit with interest, with a smile on his face.

Seeing this, Hong Yun couldn't help but his eyes lit up, and then slowly said: "If the two juniors are interested, you can come and take a look!"

Nuwa and Houtu nodded at the same time when they heard the words, "Okay!"

Upon seeing this, Hongyun smiled and led the way, daring to head towards those cities full of modern technology.

Now the world has gone through for an unknown number of years. From the beginning, I felt that the mining could not be finished. Now these human races have learned to use the surrounding things to develop.

Moreover, certain transactions were completed with surrounding countries or cultivating sects. The two routes proceeded in parallel, and they developed extremely rapidly.

These cities now have completely separated from the previous concept of dungeons, and with the strong blessings of this world, they have become more and more sci-fi.

Hong Yun took Nuwa and Houtu into the city slowly, walking in the city in the same style as the people in the city, walking and observing in the same style as the people in the city.

This gave Hongyun a sense of familiarity when shopping in his previous life.

After a while, the three of them came to a small shop selling ice cream and bought a few ice creams, one for each.

Nuwa and Houtu learned the appearance of those mortals, licked the ice cream in their hands, and their eyes instantly lit up. This feeling was something they had never had in thousands of years.

After all, with their cultivation level, apart from retreat and rest, they are not studying foreign objects like these mortals.

Moreover, the human races in the predicament still remain in the feudal society, and they are almost impossible to enter the mortal world due to law imprisoned.

So this experience is still relatively new.

The three of them wandered around the city and then stepped into a larger department store.

Looking at the various kinds of human costumes in the mall, both Nuwa and Houtu were bright before their eyes, completely letting go of their instincts, walking through the mall and trying them on like those mortals.

Hong Yun sighed, then came to the corner and watched a group of boys playing with mobile phones quietly sit down.

Beside him, a boy playing with a mobile phone gave Hongyun a thumbs-up and said, "Brother, it's fierce enough, I've had enough of one girl, you actually went shopping with two girls there."

Hong Yun smiled helplessly, then looked at the phone in the boy's hand with curiosity.

Perhaps the development time is too short. The mobile phone in the boy's hand is like the PHS he eliminated in his previous life. There are only a few simple pixel-style games on it.

The boy laughed and said: "It is also thanks to the adult in the temple who brought us ants living underground to this world. Otherwise, when the resources of that world are exhausted, I am afraid we will disappear completely."

Hong Yun said, "What do you think of this world?"

The boy smiled and said: "This world is naturally good for the world, not only the environment, but also a different path. Now the official has reached an agreement with those spiritual practitioners, and I believe we will also popularize this world soon. The method of practice, coupled with our legacy of scientific and technological power, will definitely restore the flourishing age in the record!"

Hongyun smiled and nodded when he heard the words.

After a while, the boy stood up and left the mall directly with a girl.

And Nuwa and Houtu continued to linger in the mall, looking in the direction of Hongyun from time to time, with a smile on their faces.

Around the evening, there were not too many people in the mall, and Nuwa and Houtu left with Hongyun with unfulfilled expressions.

In the stars.

Nuwa and Hou Tu looked at the sky full of stars around them, and a touch of shock flashed in their eyes.

Speaking of which, this was the first time they looked at the stars like this.

Looking at the stars around them that were shattered in the war, the shock in the eyes of the two people became more and more intense.

Now they finally knew why Hong Yun hadn't let them come to this world before. The mere traces of battle remaining in the starry sky were enough to suppress them.

If they really face those terrifying wanderers, they may not last long.

After a long time, Houtu suddenly said, "Since Brother is already the ruler of this star, do you want to relocate to this star?"

Hearing this, Nuwa also looked at Hongyun curiously.


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