I Have a Trillion Merits

Chapter 869: The mind of the second daughter

After hearing what Hou Tu said, Hong Yun said with a smile: "No need to be like that! Didn't the court have been staring at the underworld for a long time? If the people in the underworld want to come to this world, naturally they can, if not, then Return to the heavenly court."

Hearing this, Houtu and Nuwa nodded slightly.

They could see that there was a place of reincarnation in this realm, but compared to the prehistoric, it was not that perfect.

If the people of the underground palace were brought to this world, that would be great. After all, the underground palace was originally a thing of red clouds.

Houtu unearthed a voice: "That's not a big deal, but if the court wants to take the underworld today, it's not the time yet. If the brother has free time, you can go and ask."

Hong Yun nodded, then looked at Nu Wa on the side, and said: "If it is true that the teacher said in the future, even if the two juniors come to my Promise World."

Although he has already given the jade card to Hongjun, he is not sure how long it can be delayed, let alone promote him to the level of the starry sky saint, so as to get rid of the gap between Hongjun and Hongmeng. relationship.

Hongmeng wanted to use the Primordial World to once again be promoted to the Great Thousand World, and to overlap the broken world again. This was an act against the sky.

In this universe, there may be other great worlds, watching in secret, Hongmeng’s move is very dangerous!

Upon hearing this, Hou Tu and Nuwa arched their hands towards the red cloud and said, "If this is the case, then I will thank you brother in advance!"

Hong Yun smiled and waved his hand: "While I wait, how can I say thank you."

Afterwards, Nuwa and Houtu looked at each other, and then said: "I want to visit this world for a few more days, I don't know if my brother is allowed?"

Hong Yun smiled and nodded and said, "Naturally."

As soon as the voice fell, Nuwa and Houtu disappeared in the same place in an instant, leaving Hongyun alone in a daze in the distance.

After a while, the Moon Spirit Rabbit came to Hong Yun's side, gave Hong Yun a strange look, and then said: "Master, the jade card I gave you does not seem to be on you?"

Hong Yun coughed slightly, and then told Yueling Rabbit what had happened in Zixiao Palace.

Yueling Rabbit's eyes widened when he heard the words, and he couldn't believe it, and said: "There are such talented and clever people in this world. Who is the master of this Harmony World? Can I think of such a method? Let it return to the realm of the great world."

Hearing this, Hong Yun couldn't help but a black line on his face, and then said: "You tell me, if I really break through the realm of the starry sky saint, can I cut off the relationship between the teacher and Hongmeng?"

Yueling Rabbit nodded and said: "Naturally, you can become a saint in the starry sky, so you can freely travel the starry sky, cut the world connection and other trivial things can be done naturally."

Hong Yun nodded in relief, and then looked at the Moon Spirit Rabbit with a bad face, and said, "Come on, tell the master, how many spirit treasures are still hidden in your body?"

Yue Lingtu's expression changed when he heard the words, and then stepped back, stuttering, "No...not many Lingbao!"


At this moment, just when Hong Yun was trying to take out a few more spirit treasures from Yueling Rabbit, now Hou Tu and Nu Wa were visiting the Promise World.

They did not allow Hong Yun to accompany them, but traveled through this world on their own, feeling the completely different rules and systems in this world and the prehistoric world.

Then he went to the west to look at the group of incense-sanctified gods.

In the temple, I saw the whole catastrophe, the battle in the starry sky, and the group of wanderers who were imprisoned.

The more they saw such a scene, the more shocked they felt.

In their view, the future of this world is far more profound than that of the prehistoric.

Perhaps one day, this world can truly ascend to the great world, and it won't be a problem to dominate the universe at that time.

After a long time, Houtu suddenly said, "Sister Nuwa, what do you think of this world?"

Nu Wa smiled and nodded and said, "This world is more perfect than I imagined. Given some more time, it might really be possible to break through the big world under the leadership of my senior!"

Houtu also nodded and said: "The prehistoric world is over. If there is no reason, it may be difficult to break through the shackles of the Middle Thousand Worlds in the future, not to mention that there is Hongmeng coveting on the side..."

"If I want to follow in the footsteps of my seniors, I can't stay in place. If I have the opportunity, I would also like to climb to the summit of spiritual practice and see the scenery in the starry sky!"

When Nu Wa heard the words, her eyes were slightly lost, and then she nodded firmly and said: "Me too!"

When the voice fell, the two of them spread the voice to the red cloud, telling the latter that they both wanted to practice in this world.

After Hong Yun heard the news, a look of surprise appeared on his face, but he didn't think too much, so he let the two choose the dojo to retreat.

After all, both Nuwa and Houtu left a corpse in the wilderness, and the safety here was under his control, so Hongyun was not worried.

On the contrary, he was more eager to take out the Lingbao from the Moon Lingtu.

During the battle in the starry sky, he focused on the spirit treasures in the Moon Spirit Rabbit's hands. After all, those things were rare treasures in terms of rank or power.

How could this kind of treasure keep holding the Moon Rabbit in his hand?

After a long time, Yueling Rabbit took out a dozen treasures and gave them to Hongyun with a weeping face. These were the legacy of her last master, the most precious treasures from the great world, and each one was rare.

This caused Qin Yuan's mouth to twitch involuntarily when he was watching. At the beginning, the Moon Spirit Rabbit used these treasures to take turns, and forced him to hit him.

I think I have never encountered such an aggrieved thing while wandering in the starry sky all my life.

Now Yue Lingtu is a dozen pieces of Lingbao at once, which makes Qin Yuan's heart happy.

Hong Yun took the Lingbao in front of him, then returned to the place where the temple was, looked at the trial tower not far away, smiled and nodded.

Now that these people have come into this world, they must be ready to end like this.

In addition to those world masters who guarded the trial tower, several other world master levels came to Hong Yun together, these are the legacy of the original starry sky battle.

If it weren't for Hongyun to be worried about cultivating the high-end combat power of this world, I am afraid that these people will also enter the trial tower and become a training partner for this world's mighty power.

The crowd came to Hong Yun and bowed their hands to Hong Yun and said, "I've waited to see the master!"

Hong Yun waved his hand slightly, then looked at the crowd with a serious face, and said: "You have been waiting for the starry sky for a long time. I want to learn more about the starry sky. Can I talk about it today?"


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