I Have a Trillion Merits

Chapter 872: Set foot on the stars

Hongyun and Houtu stood in the underworld, quietly watching the underworld rules that were operating as usual.

After a long time, Hong Yun suddenly raised his head and looked upwards, only to see where the heavens were moving, a huge eye slowly opened, looking towards the underworld.

But the next moment, a giant hand directly covered it, forcibly closing the giant eye.

A smile appeared on Hong Yun's face, and said: "It seems that the teacher has made a good progress during this period. Without the interference of Hongmeng Avenue, he can completely crush the Heavenly Dao here."

Houtu also smiled and nodded, and then said: "If this is the case, then the younger sister will wait for the brother to drive in this world!"

Hong Yun nodded slightly, and then left the underworld directly onto the East China Sea.

Three days passed quickly.

On the last day, one after another people galloped towards the East China Sea, crowded with hundreds of people.

Looking at the people in front of him, Hong Yun nodded slightly, and then waved his big hand, directly leading everyone in the field into the Promise World.

After returning to the Promise World, Tian Dao appeared beside him, looked at the people who were brought into this world by the red cloud, nodded slightly, and then placed everyone in this world.

At this moment, Kong Xuan and others came to Hong Yun and others, looking at their master with expectation.

Hong Yun had said before that he was going to the stars.

Now that they brought their relatives and friends in the prehistoric world, it was definitely going to travel in the starry sky.

Moreover, they have now reached the level of saints, and they also have the minimum qualifications to travel with the red clouds in the starry sky.

Hong Yun looked at the people in front of her with a smile on her face, but she shook her head and said, "This time traveling through the starry sky, you are not suitable to go, so you can stay and practice in this world, and look at this world for me! "

Hearing this, everyone showed disappointment on their faces, especially Da Ji pouted and dissatisfied.

But think about it carefully, with their current cultivation base, if they travel to other worlds in the starry sky, they will probably only drag their masters back.

If this is the case, it would be better to stay in this world and practice.

After all, in today's Promise World, the saints are no longer the end point. If the chance comes, maybe they can also try to use other methods to step into the level of the realm master.

Looking at the disappointed people, Hong Yun raised his hand and gently shook it in the void.

In the next moment, the Moon Spirit Rabbit suddenly appeared beside him, accompanied by Heaven-Sweeping and other strange beasts.

After Moonling Rabbit appeared, he looked at Hongyun with a stunned look, and then said with a smile: "Master, it's such a coincidence, you are here too!"

Hong Yun looked at the Moon Spirit Rabbit in front of him with a helpless expression, then looked at the Devourer who was dressed up as a husky by him, and sighed and shook his head.

Then he said, "What do you know about the road to battle?"

"The road to battle?" Yueling Rabbit heard the words, thought about it carefully, and then continued to speak: "This is a good experience. If you have a chance, you can go and take a look!"

Qin Yuan on the side also nodded in agreement. Now Hong Yun is his master. The stronger Hong Yun's strength is, the more benefits he can get.

Hongyun smiled and said, "If that's the case, then you can walk with me as soon as you wait, and look at the endless starry sky, how elegant it is!"

Hearing this, Yueling Rabbit's eyes flashed a strange thing, and then helplessly shook his head.

Her last master died in the starry sky, and even she hasn't even found out what's behind the scenes, only that several saints from all over the world have joined forces with some old monsters.

If not, how could she fall into the starry sky with the enchanting cultivation base of her previous master.

But now it’s good to enter the starry sky, so many epochs have passed, and no one would have thought that she would return to the starry sky. It just so happens that she can take this opportunity to inquire about the behind-the-scenes man.

Chin's principle is a flash of excitement in his eyes.

Now his cultivation level has fallen into a bottleneck. If he can't break through, he will probably fall completely within a few epochs.

After all, he has lived long enough, and after traveling so long in the starry sky, his foundation has long been damaged by the erosion of the starry sky law.

As wanderers like them, without the support of the world, their life span will naturally end.

Unless they can reach the level of a starry sky saint, they will have the opportunity to smooth the erosion of the starry sky law in their bodies and repair their damaged foundation.

Otherwise, even if there is a saint in the starry sky, it can only make them live one more life, and their first life will only have the time for the existence of a middle-thousand world.

For ordinary people, it can be said to be immortal, but for the vast starry sky, it is just a pontoon, which can be capsized at any time.

After the Promise World was completely settled, Hong Yun gently threw the Pure Yang Palace in his hands to the sky, and then directly entered the hall with Yueling Rabbit and others.

Driving the Pure Yang Palace towards the starry sky beyond the Promise World.


Just when Hong Yun and others just left the Promise World.

Both Hou Tu and Nu Wa, who were practicing in a hidden place in this world, looked up at the same time.

Seeing the distant figure of Chunyang Palace, he sighed in his heart.

Now that the seniors can travel through the stars on their own, they don't know when they will have to wait until they can do this.

Now they have found another way in this realm. Maybe they can become a half-step realm master after the brother returns.

I just hope that the brother will not leave them too far...

The two looked away from the starry sky, and then fell into practice again.

At this moment on a sacred mountain in the west.

Zeus looked at the somewhat confused back of Athena in front of him, shook his head slightly, and then said: "The rules of this world have changed. If there is a chance, maybe I can take the last step!"

Athena turned her head and smiled: "Father, don't worry, I know in my heart that I will practice with all my strength, just to see his back!"

Zeus sighed helplessly when he heard the words, then turned and left.

In the prehistoric world at this moment.

Hongjun looked at the rules of heaven that he had banned, and he was relieved.

With this piece of spirit treasure gifted by Hongyun, he can be separated from the predecessor rules for a short time, but this is not a long-term solution after all.

After several epochs, Hongmeng Avenue will strike again.

At that time, we can only see whether Hongyun breaks through the starry sky saint level, and whether it can cut the connection between the two worlds.

Hongjun glanced out of the starry sky, seemed to be aware of it in his heart, couldn't help but laugh, then put away the jade card in front of him, hiding in the void.


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