I Have a Trillion Merits

Chapter 873: Familiar rules

In the Hongmeng world.

The plain-clothed man stood on top of the world, retracted his body, and slowly stepped into the continent below.

Through the lofty snow-capped mountains, the cold wind is like a knife, but it can't leave the slightest mark on his body.

Since it is not possible to find the location of the prehistoric in a short time, it is left to the Dadao to search on its own, and one day it can be found.

I don't know how long it took to travel, the plain-clothed man came to a towering city standing on the snow-capped mountains.

Inscribed the word "wind and snow".

After stepping into the city, the man in plain clothes came to a palace and looked at the young man in yellow clothes in front of him. He was taken aback for a moment, then helplessly shook his head and said, "Yun'er, you are fooling around again..."

The words are full of pampering.

The yellow-clothed youth turned his head and said with a surprised look: "Daddy, you are back!"

Feng Yuan opened the mouth and said, "It's all the city lord, why are they always doing such a foolish act."

Feng Shiyun said charmingly, "It's not that some brothers don't like to stay here, or I don't want this city lord position!"

With that, Feng Shiyun's eyes rolled, and then said: "Has the layout been completed?"

Feng Yuan shook his head and said, "No, the prehistoric world seems to have suddenly disappeared, and it is impossible to sense its position anyway."

Feng Shiyun let out a disappointed "Oh", and then took out a blue jade medallion.

Feng Yuan glanced at Feng Shiyun a little weirdly. If he remembers correctly, this jade tile and that purple electric jade tile are a pair, no matter how far apart they are, at least they haven’t left the universe. Can perceive the other party's location.

It's just that my stupid daughter, why did she suddenly take out this thing.

Feng Shiyun muttered to himself: "I remember, you are a person in the prehistoric! Don't worry, I will let the father treat the prehistoric well."

When the voice fell, he used his magical powers and began to sense the position of the purple electric jade card.

But the next moment, on the blue jade plate, only a slight light flashed, as if it would go out at any time.

Upon seeing this, Feng Shiyun couldn't help but changed his face, and looked at his father in a panic.

Feng Yuan raised his hand and picked up the blue jade medallion, and then activated his supernatural powers.

The next moment, Feng Yuan's expression changed, and then he said, "Whoever holds the purple electric jade card now, this person is about to step out of this universe."

Feng Shiyun was taken aback when he heard the words, and then murmured: "It's impossible! How could his cultivation base set foot on the stars, let alone step out of the universe."


In the vast starry sky.

A majestic palace travels through the starry sky, exuding the horrible atmosphere of ancient vicissitudes around it.

Inside the palace, Hong Yun sat on the upper seat, and suddenly felt something. He flipped his hand and took out the purple electric jade card. Looking at the shimmering light on it, he couldn't help but frown.

If he remembers correctly, this should be the jade medal handed to him by the little girl in the predicament that year.

After seeing the jade medal, the Yueling Rabbit on the side could not help but nodded in satisfaction.

It seems that my own master is just as popular as the previous one!

Only above the purple electric jade brand, the light flashed for only a moment before it was completely extinguished.

Hong Yun put it away again, and then a tiny phantom appeared in front of him. It was Xiao Bai who had been set up by him to practice.

Yueling Rabbit's eyes lit up and said: "Swallowing a clan? Or royal blood, where did the master get the best!?"

Hong Yun instantly turned black when he heard the words, and then dunked directly on the Moon Spirit Rabbit.

Yueling Rabbit was in pain, looked at Hongyun aggrievedly, and then looked at Xiao Bai in front of him with interest.

Xiaobai appeared in the main hall, opened his mouth and yawned, his aura revealed.

Hong Yun said in surprise: "Unexpectedly, it was only a few days before you stepped into the realm master level."

Xiaobai touched Hongyun affectionately, and then snuggled next to him.

The Moon Spirit Rabbit thoughtfully said: "This little guy seems to be the same as the Heavenly Devourer. He has inherited the original ancestors. The aptitude and understanding are far beyond the past, and the future is limitless!"

When the bitter on the side saw the situation, he sneezed in disdain, then turned his head to look aside.

Qin Yuan also looked at Hongyun with envy. What kind of luck is his master. Not only is there a lot of treasures, but he has good aptitude and strong strength. Unexpectedly, chance is also a top-notch existence.

With this little guy, even if there is no Pure Yang Palace, they are enough to walk between the stars and the universe.

The Moon Spirit Rabbit on the side looked outside, and then said: "Master, we are about to leave this universe and set foot on the ancient road to the starry sky."

Hearing this, a strange light flashed on the surface of the red cloud, and then she patted Xiao Bai under her body lightly.

Xiaobai glanced at Hongyun in confusion.

The next moment, Chunyang Palace was directly put away by Hongyun, and everyone instantly appeared in the starry sky.

Looking back, I saw the place where Hongmeng and other worlds were, as if completely disappeared in the starry sky, surrounded by a force of rules, not visible in the starry sky.

Qin Yuan said: "That is the power of this universe to protect the world, and it can prevent outsiders from snooping."

"Except for those big worlds that actively display the world coordinates, only after the world is completely formed, will it leak a little breath for outsiders to perceive."

"In one universe, there are few worlds, and the big one has nine thousand worlds, but there are only a few that can stand at the top of the universe."

Hongyun nodded when he heard the words, the universe he was in was still too young.

Except for Hongmeng, Honghuang, and his Promise World, there are only a few world heritage sites that have been completely dilapidated.

And the reason why Hongmeng's controller wants to swallow the prehistoric and merge the world.

Just want to use the power of the two worlds to break through to the next level, and then use the protection rules of the universe to quietly promote Hongmeng to the Great Thousand World.

At that time, this realm still does not show up in the starry sky, but the things obtained are no less than the great world.

If it weren't for the prehistoric world to have a cause and effect entangled with him, I'm afraid he would really let this person do it.

Hong Yun sighed in his heart, then looked back to the front.

In the vast starry sky, a row of footprints spread from under his feet to the depths of the starry sky.

Qin Yuan sighed: "I don't know what kind of cultivation level this senior had at the beginning, but he can leave such traces here, and I don't know how many Yuanhuis have passed, it is still so clear."

Hongyun's soul leaned out, sensing the terrifying rules emanating from the row of footprints under his feet.

In the sea of ​​knowledge, something seems to be slowly recovering.

After a long time, Hong Yun opened his eyes and muttered to himself: "Why do I feel so familiar with this rule?"

When Qin Yuan heard the words, a look of surprise appeared on his face.

The next moment, I saw Hong Yun raising his hand, Xiao Bai's figure instantly increased, and then he rushed towards the depths of the starry sky with Hong Yun and others.


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