I Have a Trillion Merits

Chapter 874: First sight of the planet of life

In the starry sky, Hong Yun and others rode on Xiao Bai, wandering slowly towards the depths of the starry sky.

In front of everyone, this is a row of faint footprints exuding a terrifying atmosphere, shuttled through the entire ancient starry sky, on both sides are stars exuding magnificent aura.

Just listen to Hongyun opening and asking: "Where is the road to fight for the top?"

Qin Yuan hesitated for a moment, and then he spoke: "The road to battle for this great world is located at the center and edge of all universes. It is surrounded by forbidden areas. Each forbidden area symbolizes the fallen land of the lord of the stars. There is darkness!"

"If I want to follow the ancient starry sky and come to the road of battle, then I need to travel through the endless universe. Even if Xiaobai exists, it will take at least a thousand years!"

Hearing this, Hong Yun smiled and said: "Even if we remove the thousand years of time on the road, we still have two thousand years of surplus time."

Qin Yuan smiled bitterly: "The biggest problem I'm waiting for on the road to fight for the front is not a matter of time, but that there are many dangers in this universe, whether it is the civilizations with high self-esteem, or those who wander in the starry sky. The wanderers, or some unknowable danger, are enough to kill us in the starry sky."

As he said, Qin Yuan sighed quietly and looked at the ancient starry sky ahead and said, "This is also the reason why you can travel in the starry sky only when you reach the level of a saint in the starry sky."

Hong Yun was silent for a moment, and then smiled: "It's okay, soldiers will come to cover the water and earth. Since I have already set foot in the starry sky, it is impossible to return before this constellation breaks through the realm!"

He looked at the vast starry sky in the distance, and said with a smile: "For me, the crisis on this journey is also an opportunity!"

After hearing this, Qin Yuan was silent for a long time, and then smiled: "It is the subordinate who is wrong. My life span is about to end. My bones are full of decay, like a twilight old man. My heart has long lost the wings of battle. Maybe this is what I stopped. The reason for the master level!"

Hong Yun said: "You don't need to be so arrogant, wait for me to set foot on the ancient starry sky, the road to battle for the great world, or have the opportunity to let you step into the starry sky saint level!"

Hearing this, Qin Yuan's face flashed with a touch of emotion, and then he bowed his hand to the red cloud and said: "Then trouble Grandpa."

The Yueling Rabbit on the side listened to the conversation between the two, and a boring look flashed across his face.

Then his eyes lit up, and he flipped his hand to take out an ice cream and licked it in his hand.

At his feet, Biting Sky looked at the ice cream in Yueling Rabbit's hand and groaned twice. Upon seeing Yueling Rabbit, he took out another ice cream and placed it in front of Biting Sky.

Before she could speak, Biting Sky swallowed it in one bite, and then licked the corner of her mouth unexplainably, and continued to look at the Moon Spirit Rabbit.

Seeing this, Yueling Rabbit shook his head and said, "I can't give it to you anymore. There is at least a thousand years left on the road. I don't have enough to eat myself."

As soon as she finished speaking, Hong Yun turned her head and looked.

Moonling Rabbit hesitated to take out an ice cream and handed it over. The red cloud surface was taken aback, and then he took the ice cream in his hand and ate it slowly.

Qinyuan also rubbed his hands and said, "Little rabbit, where's mine?"

After hearing the words, Yueling Rabbit handed over an ice cream with a look of disgust, and then took two steps back quietly.

After a long time, Hong Yun yawned boredly, and then directly sat on Xiao Bai and closed his eyes to rest.

With the existence of Qin Yuan and Yueling Rabbit, he naturally didn't have to worry about the direction.

I don't know how many years have passed, Xiaobai carried Hongyun and others to a gloomy starry sky.

Qin Yuan murmured: "I'm going to the next universe so soon, it seems that this little guy's ethnic talent is really suitable for Aoyou Void."

At this moment, Hong Yun also opened his eyes and looked at the universe in front of him indifferently.

Xiaobai groaned softly, and then the first half of his body slowly disappeared.

In the blink of an eye, everyone's vision changed in an instant, and they saw planets floating in the starry sky, and a large part of them exuded a breath of twilight years.

Hong Yun raised his eyes slightly, looking at the many stars floating in the starry sky ahead, a look of surprise flashed in his eyes.

He could sense that there seemed to be more worlds in this universe than he thought.

Just when he was stunned, Xiaobai approached one of the stars with Hongyun and others, and walked through the protective light curtain outside the world, and everyone saw the new look of the stars in front of them.

Hong Yun looked at the blue star in front of him, and couldn't help but narrow his eyes.

This world is very similar to the world he lived in in his previous life!

It's just that he didn't sense the familiar breath, maybe it's just that the world is similar.

Everyone came outside the stars, surrounded by densely packed science and technology products outside the stars.

Qin Yuan sighed: "Although the individual combat power of this kind of world inhabitant who goes to another road is very weak, the foreign objects they create are surprising."

"Under normal circumstances, even a saint would not be able to step into the starry sky without the protection of the world's heaven."

"But they can use foreign objects to send themselves into the starry sky, and even the rest of the stars. This kind of ability is really incredible."

Hong Yun looked at the space station and many satellites in front of him, and a smile flashed across his face.

In his memory, there should be no other races like the human race, full of potential and creativity, and even sacrifice for future generations...

Hong Yun sighed, and then approached one of the space stations curiously. In his previous life, he had never seen this thing in front of him so close.

As soon as Hongyun approached the space station, the harsh siren sounded inside the space station, and red lights flickered in the passage.

"Warning! Warning!"

"There is an unknown creature approaching the space station, and its purpose is unknown!"

"Staff in the station are ready for battle!"

Inside the space station.

All the astronauts heard the harsh police siren, and one of them came to the main control room with a man in regular clothes and a medal on his shoulder.

In front of him, a huge light screen instantly lit up, and on the light screen, I saw a behemoth wandering outside the space station.

Above the behemoth, there are two figures looking in the direction of the space station. At their feet, there is a rabbit, and a...husky?

In an instant, everyone in the space station looked at the behemoth outside, and their legs were so frightened.

One of them murmured to himself: "This,,, what is this, doesn't it mean that in the entire galaxy, only our planet has the characteristics of biological survival?"

The leader was pale, and said: "This is a **** in myth. The myth says that there is a fish in the North Ming. Its name is Kun. Kun is so big, I don't know how many kilometers away it is!"

"The creature outside is exactly the same as the Kun in the Eastern mythology..."

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