I Have a Trillion Merits

Chapter 875: Go for a walk

In the space station, everyone looked at the huge monster in the starry sky outside, and several figures on it, and they were immediately stunned.

One of them said, "How come they suddenly come here, what are they trying to do outside now?"

Hearing this, everyone was shocked, and then said with a puzzled look: "Yes! Why are they here? What do they want to do?"

At the same time, in this star, the highest level of all countries with space station qualifications received this news at the same time.

In a magnificent conference room, a round table is stored, and six seats are stored around the round table.

The owners of these six seats are the high-levels of the six countries on this planet that can enter the International Space Station.

Almost at the same time, figures appeared on all six seats.

Headed by a middle-aged man with an oriental face, looks majestic, sweeping the entire conference room.

Then he slowly said, "I think you already know what's happening in space, so I won't be oblivious. What are you going to do?"

One of them opened his mouth and said, "Dear Zhang, from the video sent back from the space station, the person sitting on the monster should be the face of you Oriental, but now you are asking us what should we do about this matter?"

When the other people heard this, they also questioned: "Yes! This must be your Eastern conspiracy. You are a country without human rights."

"You must give an explanation to our countries!"

Hearing this, the senior executives of the Eastern Kingdom glanced coldly at those who spoke in the field, and saw a few people's heads instantly lowered, speechless.

Just listen to Zhang Guo said: "We don't know about this matter, let alone the identities of those few people. We can only roughly confirm the identity of that thing from some ancient classics, perhaps it is an ancient myth. Kun in the middle!"


One of them hurriedly said, "That is the history of our Goryeo, you shameful thieves..."

Hearing this, Zhang Guo said coldly: "Shut up! If you speak unscrupulously, I will order to stop the export of kimchi. When the time comes, national public opinion will think about how to deal with it."

Hearing this, Li Ming instantly lowered his head.

Although they have been arguing that the entire universe is theirs, it is only a means to arouse national sentiment.

Not to mention that they, as a big kimchi country, rely on imports for 99% of domestic kimchi.

A small town on the other side contracted their country’s kimchi.

If the other party really bans the export of kimchi, then the national sentiment will inevitably fall completely and national self-confidence will also be affected.

He cannot afford the consequences.

Te Chuan said in a cold voice: "Dear Zhang, you have done a little too much in this matter. Let's discuss how to deal with the behemoth in the starry sky!"

Zhang Guo sneered and said: "Anyone who can travel into the stars without any protective measures can be dealt with with our current technological means? Do you really think you are a cosmic policeman?"

Hearing this, Te Fat turned blushing in an instant, patted the table and roared, "Then what do you say?"

Zhang Guo calmly said: "Try to contact first, and let our astronauts try to talk to them to see what the other party has in mind."

The super fat complexion was ugly and said, "Why are you an astronaut in your country?"

Zhang Guo smiled and said, "How do you look like him?"

The scene fell silent for an instant.

The two monkey-like guys who spoke first saw the coldness in Zhang Guo's eyes as soon as they wanted to speak, and instantly lowered their heads.

Zhang Guo nodded in satisfaction, and then said: "Since there is no objection, the matter is settled. Go back and think carefully about the measures to be taken after the communication is successful."

When the voice fell, Zhang Guo's figure disappeared directly, and it was obvious that he was offline early.

After Zhang Guo disappeared, two of them smirked and went offline at the same time.

Only the fat guy and two monkeys were left roaring incompetently.


Ten minutes after the meeting.

space station.

A young man with an oriental face came to the main control room and said: "Boss, the ground lets you try to communicate with them..."

The headed Oriental asked in doubt: "Communication?"

How to communicate? The sound can't be spread at all, should you hold up a sign and write big characters?

At this point, Chen Quan's eyes lit up. Maybe it's really okay. After all, other methods are likely to be regarded as offensive consciousness. If it is really written in large characters, it is not bad?

In the stars.

Hong Yun looked at the people in the space station with a smile on his face. How could he bear to receive the message from the ground.

It can be said unceremoniously that if he wants to, this planet will be under his watch.

Hongyun smiled and said, "These little guys are not brave."

Qin Yuan on the side looked at Hong Yun with a puzzled face, and saw Hong Yun turning around and saying, "Little guy, there are a lot of delicious foods on this planet, do you want to have a big meal?"

Yueling Rabbit's eyes widened when he heard the words, and he nodded repeatedly.

At the beginning, she was confined in the dark abyss for endless years, and she was tired of eating those genius treasures. Therefore, after Wuji World moved those dungeons, she searched for food in the dungeons all day long.

Only then did she know that mortal food can be so delicious.

A smile appeared on the surface of the red cloud, and then he patted Xiao Bai under him, and saw that Xiao Bai's body shrank in an instant, and then turned into a small fish floating on his shoulder.

When everyone on the space station was just preparing to have friendly exchanges with the giants in space, their eyes suddenly disappeared.

I saw the figure of Hongyun and others disappeared in the space for a moment.

Chen Quan was puzzled: "How did it disappear?"

As soon as he finished speaking, he heard a gentle voice behind him: "You guys, are you looking for me?"

Everyone on the space station immediately trembled when they heard the words, and then turned around tremblingly, only to see Hongyun and others looking at them with a smile.

Everyone was so frightened that their feet were suddenly weak, and they just slumped in place.

In the channel connecting with the ground, there was still a doubt from the ground: "What happened to you? What happened? How could that thing suddenly disappear?"

Hong Yun looked at the people in front of him, raised his hand to release the magic power to caress the people's minds, and lifted them up through the void.

Chen Quan swallowed and said boldly, "Your Excellency, is your Excellency a fairy?"


Hong Yun gave a chuckle, and then said: "Maybe!"

He looked at the contact device that was still roaring, and said with a smile: "Tell them that we are going to walk on the ground and let them make arrangements."

"As for the location, choose it here!"

Hong Yun raised his finger to a point in front of him that looked down on the planet map. It was a long and winding dragon that was visible to the naked eye even in the starry sky.


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