I Have a Trillion Merits

Chapter 876: Your whole family are pets

Looking at the direction of the fingers of the red figure in front of them, everyone couldn't help showing a look of surprise on their faces.

Because Hongyun's hands were not referring to other places, but the city of long dragons.

The city of miracles built by the Eastern Kingdom is an ancient building that has been defended for thousands of years.


The questioning continued.

Chen Quan slowed down, looking at the figures of Hong Yun and others, his expression was a little confused.

Then I heard Chen Quan speak: "How many immortals, don't know how to enter Blue Star?"

"Blue Star?"

After hearing this name, Hong Yun couldn't help but stunned, and a smile appeared on the back.

He said, "Don't worry about waiting!"

The voice fell and disappeared into the space station.

Chen Quan was stunned for a moment, and then muttered to himself: "I am not worried for you, but for Blue Star!"

He didn't know what would happen to this group of people comparable to gods after entering Blue Star.

Inside the communicator.

The ground still questioned: "Chen Quan, what happened? What exactly happened?"

Chen Quan muttered to himself: "He said he would go down and take a look."

The communicator was obviously also shocked, and then he said anxiously: "What did you say? Who is going to get down?"

Chen Quan roared: "Are you deaf? Lao Tzu said that they are going to enter the earth star, they are in the city of long dragon, the location is XXXXXX..."

For a moment, there was silence in the field.

The next moment, a busy tone came from the communicator, and the entire space station fell into a dead silence.


And in the blue star at this moment.

In a huge conference room in Longguo, the think tank listened to the news from the space station and fell into a dead silence.

They never thought that the people on the space station could really communicate with those people.

Moreover, according to the news from the space station, those who are suspected of being ancient mythological characters will come to the earth and stars.

The location is also the ancient architecture of their Dragon Kingdom.

Zhang Guo looked at the somewhat silent think tank with a smile on his face, and said, "Don't be so serious. Since he is willing to communicate with us, it proves that he has no malice. Perhaps this is the only opportunity we see."

Hearing this, many think tanks showed a smile on their faces, and then one after another began to express their opinions.

In just a few minutes, the think tank agreed.

At the next moment, an order was issued from the conference room, and several helicopters in the Dragon Kingdom rushed out and went straight to the border.

At this moment, Hong Yun and others have already appeared on the Long Dragon City.

Moonling Rabbit looked at the Long Dragon City at his feet with a look of surprise on his face, and said, "This is actually built by mortals in this realm in ancient times. It's incredible."

Qin Yuan also murmured: "Indeed, ordinary mortals simply cannot do this kind of magnificent project."

There was a sigh of sigh on the surface of the red cloud, and then some unexpectedly looked at the helicopters that were coming towards him and the others from a distance.

The speed of this group of people is not slow.

After a long time, a middle-aged man in military uniform got off the helicopter and came to Hong Yun to salute: "Admiral Longguo, Zhang Li will report to you."

A smile appeared on the surface of the red cloud, and then said: "You don't need to wait, we just come here to take a look."

As he said, he looked into the distance and said: "Where is the most prosperous person in this world today?"

Hearing this, Zhang Li couldn't help but say: "Naturally it is the capital city and the magic capital."

Hearing this, there was a sense of familiarity on the surface of the red cloud, and then he said: "If this is the case, then I'll take it."

Hearing this, Zhang Li took a card from his pocket and handed it out respectfully.

He opened his mouth and said: "This is the bank card that I asked me to transfer. There is no limit. I hope you will have a good time in Long Country."

Hearing this, the face of the red cloud couldn't help showing a look of surprise.

He didn't expect that this group of people would treat him like this.

Hong Yun gave a chuckle, then took the bank card, and then took off to the sky, leaving the city of Long Dragon with Yueling Rabbit and others.

Although I had received the above notice a long time ago, I have seen the immortal come to the world with my own eyes.

Zhang Li and others still showed a panic on their faces.

Just now, did you communicate with this kind of existence?


In the imperial capital, in a secret meeting room.

When Zhang Guo and the others saw Hongyun accepting the kindness they sent, a touch of surprise flashed across their faces.

Then he touched his palm and smiled: "Well, now that the other party has accepted our kindness, it will be much easier to handle the rest."

"Next, you warn, don't let the eyes open to provoke these few."

"As long as these people have fun, then we have the opportunity to benefit from them, and we can be far ahead of the entire world."

Hearing this, a few people in the think tank showed a fanatical look on their faces.


Hongyun and others have already arrived in the imperial capital, walking on the bustling streets.

Moonling Rabbit looked around at the high-rise buildings and steel jungles, and said with a look of surprise: "Master, you said that the group of mortals in the Promise World can develop into what they are now?"

Upon hearing this, Hong Yun thought of the dungeons that he had turned into the Promise World before, and a smile appeared on his face.

The technology in those dungeons is far beyond this world.

You can even step into the starry sky to travel, it will only be more perfect than this world.


A group of people looked at Hongyun and others in surprise, with a look of surprise on their faces, and then took out their mobile phones to take pictures and videos with excitement.

"Wow! Which new combination is this? A handsome guy, a handsome grandpa, a big rabbit like a human, and a handsome husky..."

"Look, the red clothes on him match him well, I don't know which combination is going to debut?"

Yuelingtu looked at the group of passers-by who were surprised to take pictures and videos with their mobile phones, with a look of surprise on their faces.

Suddenly turned around and saw a Haagen-Dazs shop with the ice cream logo on it.

He immediately asked with a surprised look: "Master, there are ice creams in this world?"

Hong Yun smiled and said, "Want to go in and have a look?"

Yue Lingtu nodded with excitement, and then rushed directly into the shop with Hong Yun and others.

After seeing the combination of Hongyun, the clerk inside shuddered, as if shocked.

Then I looked at a group of melon-eaters outside the store taking pictures with their mobile phones.

He stabilized his figure in an instant, and muttered: "Is it a shooter? Or which company's new star?"

She looked down at the Moon Spirit Rabbit at Hong Yun's feet, and said: "So cute, sir, is this your pet?"

Yueling Rabbit's expression changed instantly when he heard the words, and said angrily: "You are a pet, and your whole family is a pet."


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