I Have a Trillion Merits

Chapter 877: Leave the seeds of spiritual practice

Behind the counter, the young lady clerk looked at the moonling rabbit who was suddenly talking, and was instantly silly there.

Then, she patted her chest and said: "It turned out to be a kid. I said how could there be such a big rabbit and walk on two feet."

Yueling Rabbit's face turned darker when he heard the words.

Then he suddenly stepped forward and leaned in front of the counter, his head suddenly increased several times, scared the young lady clerk directly to sit on the ground.

Upon seeing this, Hong Yun sighed helplessly, and said, "Don't scare people."

As he said, he raised his hand and shot a mana directly into the lady's body, letting her forcibly stabilize her mind.

Then he said, "Well, take out all the ice cream in your store!"

The clerk's face was dumbfounded, and the next one saw a man in a military uniform walk in from outside, took out his credentials, and whispered: "State secrets, just do it."

The young lady clerk was confused, and then she found other clerk in a daze and made ice cream for the whole afternoon.

It wasn't until a few people were exhausted and the ingredients in the shop were used up before stopping.

Looking at the ice cream that he could eat for several years in his pocket, Moon Spirit Rabbit nodded in satisfaction.

Without waiting for the crowd to gather around completely, the figures of several people instantly disappeared in place.

Only one place to marvel!

After a while, Moon Spirit Rabbit held an ice cream with his eyes bright, and then said: "Master, people on this planet of life, feel a little silly..."

Hong Yun chuckled softly when he heard the words: "The practitioners in this world have long since disappeared, and the spiritual energy has completely dissipated. However, during this period, there are signs of spiritual recovery, which is interesting."

Yueling Rabbit heard the words and frowned, "A life planet will not change for no reason. Is it possible that someone is watching me from behind?"

Hong Yun said: "There is no need to worry so much. The gods here have been extinct for more than five thousand years. At this moment, the spiritual energy is resurrected probably because we have brought the heaven and earth spiritual energy."

When the voice fell, Hong Yun turned to look at one of them, relieved, and smiled: "These little guys are sensible and won't bother me waiting!"

Yueling Rabbit heard the words, followed the gaze where Hongyun was, and saw that several helicopters were suspended in the air hundreds of miles away, paying close attention to the news here.

Hong Yun raised his hand and shook it lightly, and saw that several helicopters in the distance appeared directly in front of everyone.

In the helicopter, the pilot looked at the red cloud in front of him with a dazed expression, and then at the instrument that displayed the red light warning in front of him.

At this moment, in the Imperial Capital Conference Room.

Zhang Guo looked at the picture on the monitor, with a hint of confusion on his face, and said, "What does he want to do?"

The think tank on the side spoke to others, "Could it be that our previous surveillance angered him?"

"It is possible that he exists and does things as he pleases. There is no mortal law or regulation at all. Our surveillance of him is equivalent to disrespect."

"Then how should we recover now?"

"I don't think so. I don't think he has too much malice towards us. Maybe he had fun in the city before. What do you want to reward?"

As soon as this remark came out, all the think tanks immediately looked at the speaker with an unbelievable look.

But thinking about it carefully, this is not unreasonable. People like him who do whatever they want, treat them like ants.

Dropping the reward is like dropping a piece of bread at will by an ant juggler.

Then watched the ants below cheering and cheering over a piece of bread.

The scene fell silent for a moment.

After a long time, I heard Zhang Guo say: "No matter what he wants to do, we must prepare for the next response."

After hearing this, everyone nodded.

Dragon on the Great Wall.

Hong Yun looked at the helicopter pilots in front of him with a smile on his face, and then said: "You are very good. Next, there may be some changes in this planet. There is no need to panic, and just move forward with confidence. "

This remark was directly transmitted to the imperial capital through the camera on the helicopter, Zhang Guo and others' ears.

There was silence in the conference room.

Hongyun's words seemed to them more like a warning.

What will happen in the future?

No one knows, and can only watch the future come.

Hong Yun raised his hand lightly, and a clear light split out and merged into the sea of ​​knowledge of several helicopter pilots in the field.

After several helicopter pilots woke up, they found that Hongyun and others had long since disappeared.

At this time, Zhang Guo's voice came from everyone's ears: "You stay there, someone will bring you back in five minutes. Take care to protect yourself."

After hearing the words, several people showed a strange look on their faces.

They can actually fly a helicopter back.

In the meeting room.

Zhang Guo frowned slightly as he looked at the AR phantoms that suddenly went online.

"Zhang! The world is a community, you should share what they gave you!"

"Yes! This is obviously our ancestor of Korea, you should hand over what he gave."

"We are friends!"

Zhang Guo looked at the few people in front of you who said something to me, wanting them to hand over the things that Hongyun and others had rewarded, and couldn't help but sneer.

Then he said, "Why should I hand over these things? This is a gift he gave us and a testimony of our friendship!"

As he said, he turned his head to look at the guy who looked like a monkey, and couldn't help but smile: "You said he was your ancestor, why didn't you mention you from beginning to end, and he didn't even visit your country, let alone a gift. It's a gift..."

Hearing this, the man's complexion suddenly flushed, and he wanted to retort, saying that the entire universe belongs to them.

But his eldest brother is also online, although he dare not speak.

Zhang Guo can only be ridiculed.

A moment later, news came from Zhang Guo's earphones to pick up the people, and they had been secretly set up, just waiting for him to check.

At this time, I completely relaxed, looked at the few people in front of me, smiled and said: "Don't worry, everyone! We are a peace-loving country, even if we get some advanced technology, we will not easily start a war."

"Moreover, we will not interfere in other countries' internal affairs, nor will we be the so-called space police!"

"You only need to put your heart in your stomach, and after we have thoroughly studied it, maybe we will slowly flow out these technologies..."

When the voice fell, Zhang Guo pressed a button on his hand, and several people on the line instantly disconnected...

In the starry sky at this moment.

Hong Yun and the others sat on Xiao Bai, and Yueling Rabbit asked curiously: "Master, what did you just give me?"

Hong Yun smiled and said, "It's just some practice methods!"


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