I Have a Trillion Merits

Chapter 878: Robber in the starry sky

In the starry sky, Hong Yun turned his head and glanced at the stars beside him, then sat on Xiao Bai and continued along the ancient road of starry sky.

This star has already left him the seeds of cultivation, and future development will inevitably deviate from the original trajectory.

What's more, this seed can be regarded as a coordinate left by him.

Perhaps one day, this star will have an unattainable effect for him.

Among the stars and ancient roads.

Xiaobai moved forward slowly, not knowing how many years had passed, the stars beside him changed and passed countless stars.

Biting the sky lay dazedly beside Yueling Rabbit's feet, only feeling very boring.

On the contrary, it was Moon Spirit Rabbit, who didn't know when he held a game console in his hand and started playing there.

But it didn't take long for the Moon Spirit Rabbit's complexion to turn black, and then directly squeezed the game console in his hand to smash it.

Then he raised his hand again and took out a game console to continue playing.

Seeing this, Hongyun shook his head helplessly: "This dead rabbit, it's really delicious and fun..."

In that planet, apart from ice cream, the rabbit didn't know how many game consoles he brought, all kinds of games.

It can be said that all the inventory in a city has been bought up.

Qin Yuan on the side didn’t know when he was also holding a game console. When he raised his head, he saw the distant planet and suddenly said, “Hey! Xiao Bai’s speed is not slow, as long as he falls on that planet, We can pass through this galaxy."

Hong Yun frowned and said: "Teleportation Array?"

Qin Yuan was shocked when he heard the words, then nodded and said, "You can say so."

Hong Yun was a little smacking.

Originally, he thought that he and others would have to constantly shuttle in the starry sky for thousands of years before they could reach their destination.

Unexpectedly, there will be a teleportation array between galaxies here.

Yueling Rabbit took the time to look up and looked at Hongyun with a look of surprise: "No! Master doesn't really know that there is something like a teleportation array, right? If we rely on Dabai alone, we won't even be walking for several epochs. You can reach that ruin..."

After hearing what Yueling Rabbit said, Hong Yun couldn't help but his face turned black.

Then he looked at the game console in Yuelingtu's hand, and his eyes lit up and said, "It turns out to be this game. Come, master teach you what is called operation."

After hearing the words, Yueling Rabbit looked at Hongyun with a disbelief, and handed over the game console in his hand.

After Hongyun turned to the game console, he sat cross-legged and started playing.

But for a moment, Moon Spirit Rabbit's eyes brightened brighter and brighter, and his mouth murmured: "So you can still play like this?"

Hongyun handed the game console that had been cleared to Yueling Rabbit, and said with a look of surprise: "No! Can someone really not be able to clear such a simple game?"

After hearing the words, the Moon Spirit Rabbit instantly turned black, then turned around and sat down, clicking to start again.


After a while, everyone came to the slightly dilapidated planet.

Qin Yuan doubted: "It seems that there is no too strong in this galaxy. This teleportation array has been useless for a long time."

Hong Yun frowned and said, "If this is the case, can this teleportation formation be used?"

Qin Yuan smiled and said, "Master, rest assured that this teleportation array absorbs the energy that dissociates between the galaxies as a supply. Even if the stars in this galaxy are all dilapidated, the teleportation array can still last for several epochs."

After hearing what Qin Yuan said, he nodded slightly.

Everyone fell on the planet, found where the teleportation array was, and just wanted to activate the teleportation array.

I saw a burst of white mist suddenly spreading around my body, and then it spread out in the midair in an instant.

Hong Yun frowned slightly.

Then I heard Qinyuan speak: "We may have encountered the Star Wanderer or the Star Bandit!"

Upon hearing this, Hongyun nodded slightly.

Indeed, at their level of cultivation, unless there is a great opportunity, or there is a big world behind it, it is difficult to go further.

It would be better to step into the starry sky and specifically look for people like them who have just stepped into the starry sky.

After all, being able to step into the starry sky shows that their opportunities and strength are very good, and for these wanderers or robbers who have been in the starry sky all year round, they are the best targets for looting.

Outside the white mist, someone opened his mouth and said: "Brother, there are people in this galaxy that can set foot on the stars, but seeing their unsuspecting appearance, they should have just set foot in the realm of the world master, and can’t wait to take some core fragments of the world to break in. The stars are up."

The other person also laughed and said, "Don't let your guard down. Although these people look like newcomers, maybe they are the old monsters of the starry sky saints that can't live for a long time?"

Someone opened his mouth and said: "This galaxy, it is the limit to have a realm master level. I waited for an unknown number of epochs before intercepting and killing a few realm masters."

Hearing what everyone said, a look of helplessness appeared on the surface of the red cloud, and then said: "These guys are a bit interesting."

As he said, he patted the Moonling Rabbit who was playing the game beside him and said, "Go and leave alive and bring it, so that you can ask about this galaxy."

Yue Lingtu smiled and said: "Master, you let this bad old man go..."

Qin Yuan raised his eyebrows when he heard this.

Hongyun slapped Yueling Rabbit's forehead with a slap, and then said, "Go together."

When the voice fell, it was seen that Moon Spirit Rabbit put away the game console directly, and then together with Qin Yuan, created a mist.

Hong Yun stretched out a little, and then directly tore a hole in the large formation in front of him, before coming to the teleportation formation, he began to study the rules attached to the teleportation formation.


Outside the formation.

Moon Lingtu looked at the three sturdy men in front of him with a somewhat unkind expression.

The three of them were obviously surprised, but they didn't expect Yue Lingtu and the others to escape from under their carefully arranged formation.

You know, the big formation laid down by the three of their brothers was obtained from the remains of the Great Thousand World.

After being obtained by the three brothers, they came to each weak galaxy, guarding the teleportation formation to intercept and kill these world masters who set foot in the starry sky.

Not only can you collect the core of the world, but you can also use the chance of the intercepted person to practice.

They don't know how many epochs they have done this way.

Every time four or five people were intercepted, they would switch to another weaker galaxy to guard.

This is the first time such a situation has occurred.

The leader looked at the two moon spirit rabbits with a weird expression: "How did you get out of the formation?"

After hearing the words, Yueling Rabbit turned his head and looked at the large formation behind him, raising his hand and squeezing it lightly.

He saw the power of special laws in his hand spreading out, directly lifting the entire large formation behind him.

Then it was crushed and crushed by the power of this special law.

Not far away, the three of them stared at the scene as they watched Yueling Rabbit's behavior.


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