I Have a Trillion Merits

Chapter 879: servant

One of them opened his mouth and said, "Big Brother, we have ideas, or let's withdraw it!"

Hearing this, the head of the head frowned slightly, looking at the Moon Spirit Rabbit and Qin Yuan in front of him, there was a hint of coldness in his eyes, and then he said: "What are you afraid of? Two, I can't be afraid of it."

As he said, a spirit treasure suddenly appeared in his hand, emitting a terrifying light, and he hit the two moon spirit rabbits.

Seeing this, Yueling Rabbit narrowed his eyes, flipped his hand and took out a small seal and threw it lightly into the air.

Then I saw that Xiaoyin rose on the top of their heads.

In the end, it turned into a behemoth that covered the starry sky, crushing it towards the three people not far away.

Upon seeing this, Qin Yuan on the side couldn't help showing a touch of sympathy.

Bi Lingbao, he hasn't seen this little rabbit weaker than anyone.

Seeing this, the three people in the distance couldn't help but look at the huge seal on their head in a daze, their faces full of horror.

One of them murmured: "What kind of spiritual treasure is this?"

The other two also looked a little ugly.

The spirit treasure in the hands of the leader changed, and then turned into a huge light curtain, directly covering and protecting the three of them.

The next moment, I saw the huge seal in the sky directly drop.

boom! ! !

The terrifying roar instantly exploded.

I saw a horrible smoke rise in this desolate planet, and then ripples spread out.

The Moon Spirit Rabbit clapped his hands, and then put away the giant seal in front of him.

The smoke and dust slowly dissipated, and then the situation in the field was revealed.

Not far in front of the two of them, a huge pit appeared in front of them, and at the bottom of the pit, the three men in embarrassed figures slowly stood up.

Then one by one looked pale and looked at the Moon Spirit Rabbit in front of them with horror.

One of them cried and said with a sad face: "Brother, the idea is too hard, stop it!"

The leader looked a little ugly, looking at the completely broken spirit treasure in his hand, he said coldly: "This dead rabbit must have more spirit treasures and spiritual resources on his body. If you go together, I don't believe that you can lose even if you play three. ."

In his opinion, the dead rabbit in front of him was able to fight him for a few rounds only with the benefit of magic weapons.

And he had already used such a powerful treasure just now.

There shouldn't be many spirit treasures at hand.

In this battle, the three of their brothers will win.

When the voice fell, the three of them shot at the same time and galloped towards the two of Yuelingtu.

Upon seeing this, Qin Yuan showed a look of regret on his face.

The Moon Spirit Rabbit next to him shot directly, and another spirit treasure with the appearance of a banner appeared in his hand, and he lightly waved it.

The gang wind gathered by the endless laws invaded and disappeared in an instant.

I tore directly in the starry sky, I don't know how many tiny cracks.

This is the place where the teleportation array is located. The space here is extremely stable, but even so, this kind of situation also appeared under this blow, and the power of the Lingbao here can be seen.

I saw the gang wind blowing by.

The three figures in front of him were directly stunned, and the next moment, the endless flesh and blood fell off the three of them.

Lanes of golden blood floated out in the starry sky.

Then the three fell directly to the ground.

The power of the terrifying laws within the three of them is constantly rotating, trying to restore all their damaged bodies.

However, on the wounds of several people, there are also different laws and powers, which are preventing the wounds from healing and re-growth of limbs.

As soon as the Moon Spirit Rabbit was about to do it again, he saw Qin Yuan on the side and said: "Keep the three of them first. After all, these three are also at the level of world masters. Maybe there are some useful things to keep, so it's better to leave it to the master to deal with it!"

Hearing this, Yueling Rabbit's eyes lit up, if the three of them were really left behind.

In the future, wouldn't it be because the master didn't have any reason to interrupt her playing games...

At this point, Yueling Rabbit lightly shook his small hand, leading the three people and galloping towards the place where Hongyun was.

Upon seeing this, Qin Yuan shook his head slightly, sighed and followed directly.

Coming to the front, I saw that Hong Yun had already put out his soul and integrated it into the teleportation circle here to observe carefully.

Seeing this, the muddy shuisheng who was coerced by the moon spirit rabbit cursed in his heart.

"I really don't know how to live or die. The teleportation circle here has stood for an unknown number of epochs. Even if it is powerful, it cannot be destroyed. The ordinary cultivator's spirit enters it, it is no different from looking for death."

Zhuo Yuanjiu also sneered, she was indeed a newcomer, and she seemed to be the boss of a few people.

After this person died, that was when they sounded the horn of counterattack.

With that, he looked at Zhuo Rui who was aside.

Zhuo Rui blinked.

Each of the three knew each other.

Just when they expected Hong Yun to die directly in the teleportation circle here.

The next moment, I saw Hong Yun opening his eyes with joy, looking at the teleportation circle in front of him, muttering to himself: "That's it.

He has already comprehended most of the magic circle here, and he will be able to comprehend all of them within a short period of time.

He turned his head, looked at Yuelingtu and the others, frowning slightly.

He said, "What do you bring them here?"

Yueling Rabbit heard the words, flattering and smiling: "Master, when I travel through the stars, I always have to take a few servants. If I have to wait for everything to be done by myself, wouldn't it be too frustrating?"

Hearing this, Hong Yun shook his head helplessly. What did the dead rabbit learn on the previous planet?

He looked at the three people who had been stunned and frowned again.

These three are not stupid, are they?

Zhuo Shuisheng was frightened, what kind of cultivation is this person, and why is the spirit still safe when he enters the teleportation formation?

Is this person an old thing in the starry sky?

Not only him, Zhuo Yuanjiu and Zhuo Rui were even more stunned, and then lowered their heads one by one, not knowing what they were thinking...

Hongyun raised his hand and tapped it lightly, a clear light shot out from his fingertips, splitting into three in midair, and directly blending into the three souls.

This is the magical power he learned from the Pure Yang Palace, specially made for slaves with extremely high realms, and now it is handy to use.

Just listen to Hong Yun opening his mouth: "From today, you will be the servant of this seat!"

The expressions on the three of them changed, then they lowered their heads and said in a low voice, "I've seen the master before!"

Upon seeing this, Yueling Rabbit smiled and took back the laws from the people. The next moment, the bodies of the people changed, and they returned to the original state in an instant.

Hong Yun looked at Qin Yuan and said, "If that's the case, let's set off!"

Qin Yuan nodded, then looked at the three Zhuo Shuisheng.

Zhuo Shuisheng quickly took out a Dao Ze seed with a flattering expression and put it directly into the teleportation formation.

The next moment, the teleportation array lights up, and the figures of several people disappear instantly.


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