I Have a Trillion Merits

Chapter 880: A weird universe

At the moment when the teleportation array lights up.

Far above a star in the center of thousands of universes, in a magnificent palace, a figure stands in it.

This star is located in the center of thousands of universes, a forbidden place in a vast world.

This huge world is connected to the heavens and the world. In other words, almost all the teleportation formations between galaxies are built from this world.

They sent people to be responsible for maintenance, and what they collected was the currency recognized in the universe.

The Tao is the seed!

It is precisely because of this that the development of this great world is extremely stable, and the network of contacts is extremely extensive.

It's like a social flower in thousands of universes...

In the hall.

Someone opened his mouth and said: "It seems that another barren universe has opened the teleportation array, and it is extremely far away!"

Someone responded: "I remember that universe. Around that universe, there were originally two great worlds that were not weak. But one of them was completely abandoned, and the other seemed to have changed. Eventually, the landmark disappeared completely in the universe. in."

The figure at the top nodded slightly and said, "I originally planned to give up on this formation, but now it seems that it will take some time to board."

A graceful figure smiled and said: "Now that the road to fight for the front is opened, is it possible that the person wants to come here and participate in the road to fight for the front?"

As soon as this remark came out, the rest of the people suddenly laughed.

"A monk located in a barren universe is now at most the peak of the world lord. There is no powerful practice method, no top spirit treasure, let alone participating in the road of battle here, I am afraid that there is a high probability that he will die on the ancient starry road. on……"

"Extremely! The remote world is not a big world. The cultivation resources and cultivation methods that can be obtained in it are the most inferior existence. Even if they can come, they are just a cannon fodder."

"At this time, there are many evildoers who are staring at the way of fighting for the front of the realm master level. Some of them are self-slashing and some are forcibly suppressed, in order to obtain the inheritance of the Lord of Chaos. , I don’t know how many universes were defeated back then."

Hearing this, everyone laughed but didn't say anything. If they were to be the evildoer of some great world, they wouldn't be like that.

But unfortunately, that person was a little monk from a remote universe.

Perhaps in that universe, the realm master level is the top existence, a word can shock the entire universe, and the endless stars can be shattered by raising the hand.

But in the thousands of universes, the realm master level is just a little guy who can just walk the stars.

In the end, the figure at the top said: "All I can do is to maintain the teleportation formation between the entire universe and galaxies. As for other things, I don't need to worry about..."

"What's more, there are a lot of powerhouses in the rise and the end. Before you waited but forgot a few chaos, the only one who deflated the Lord of the chaos was also from a barren universe."

"It's just that I don't know why, in the sea of ​​disappearance and the starry sky, there will be no news in the end, otherwise, this person should be able to attack the level above the master of the starry sky."

When everyone heard the words, they were silent, and they all closed their mouths. After all, who could tell such things.


At this moment, in a strange universe.

The figures of Hongyun and others appeared in the starry sky for an instant, and then looked at the surrounding starry sky with some suspicion.

Looking at the dilapidated stars around, he couldn't help but frown slightly.

Hong Yun turned his head to look at Qin Yuan aside, and said, "Why is this universe like this? It's obviously dilapidated, but it has extremely powerful aura fluctuations."

Qin Yuan was sweating and said, "I don't know. As for the route, I also obtained it from the classical books. As for why it was sent here..."

The Moonling Rabbit on the side smiled and said: "The route is correct, but there seems to be some problems in this universe, or some problems with the controller."

Hongyun and the others couldn't help showing a look of doubt on their faces when they heard the words.

Then I saw that the Moon Spirit Rabbit had gotten a jade slip from nowhere, and then the mana was transported, and a huge star map instantly appeared in front of everyone.

Moon Spirit Rabbit raised her hand lightly, and the star map in front of her instantly became larger. She pointed to one of them and said: "Now we are in this place. According to the past, this universe is under the master of the starry sky named Qiqiong. Now this The starry sky has undergone such changes, it should be the master of the starry sky, or the origin of the universe has changed."

Hong Yun said with a puzzled look: "How do you know?"

Yue Lingtu laughed twice, and then said: "My last master once beat her..."

Hearing this, Qin Yuan broke out in a cold sweat, and the previous owner of this dead rabbit beat the lord of the starry sky here.

If it is discovered by the Lord of the Sky, will it be shot against them?

You know, the strongest combat power among them is Hongyun, but Hongyun is not even a saint in the starry sky.

If they exist, I'm afraid they will be gone by yawning.

Hong Yun also frowned, and then said: "What happened back then?"

Yueling Rabbit scratched his head and said: "My master traveled to this universe, and found that the master of the starry sky here tried to use the creatures in the entire universe as a guide, and wanted to get a hint of the possibility of taking the next step."

"Regardless of its success or failure, this universe will be completely shattered, but I don't know how many creatures will die completely."

"The most important thing is that the collapse of the universe here will also affect other universes. It is like the collapse of a sand dune, which will gradually spread. This matter is expressly forbidden in many universes..."

Hearing this, Hong Yun didn't know what was going on, and suddenly said with a black line on his face: "So your last master shot and beat the Lord of the Sky?"

Yue Lingtu nodded in embarrassment.

Hong Yun took a deep breath, then turned to look at the other stars around, showing a look of helplessness on her face.

If this is the case, they must also be careful.

Suddenly, he turned his head and looked at the star closest to him. Under the cover of his divine mind, there was no living beings on this star.

Yes, just a piece of weird undead...

Hong Yun raised his hand and patted Xiao Bai under the seat, allowing him to land on the star in front of him.

As soon as the crowd arrived, a large number of unconscious dead spirits rushed over, wanting to completely bite Hongyun and others to pieces.

Hong Yun frowned slightly, then raised her finger slightly.

I saw all the dead spirits above the entire star, completely stagnating in the distance at this moment, and could only look at the place where Hongyun and others were in fear.

Hong Yun murmured: "Weird! Obviously there is no aura here, why are there dead souls?"

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