I Have a Trillion Merits

Chapter 881: Phishing law enforcement?

Upon hearing this, Qin Yuan turned his head to look at the rest of the stars around him, with a look of contemplation on his face.

Speaking of it, he was also the first time he left the universe before.

The former Kinhara would never have the idea of ​​traveling three thousand universes. After all, surviving in the starry sky is not easy.

Moreover, his cultivation is not superb, even in the starry sky before, there is an existence that can threaten and kill him.

If you are not careful, you will easily run into a character like Hongyun.

He looked at the slightly dilapidated stars around him, and there were indeed many dead spirits on top of these stars.

The laws contained in this universe are really weird.

Hong Yun looked at the Moon Spirit Rabbit beside him, and said, "Have you seen this situation?"

Yueling Rabbit couldn't help but shook his head when he heard the words: "I haven't seen it. Maybe after my master beat the Lord of the Sky, he still used secret methods to make this universe look like this."

As she said, she looked at the many stars in the universe and nodded thoughtfully.

Then he continued to speak: "This universe has not yet reached the point of ruin, but the stars here have changed, resulting in only the dead souls remaining on it, but these dead souls are not low in cultivation, and they have the highest level of the master. Combat power."

Hearing this, Hong Yun nodded slightly. If this is the case, then the combat power among these undead spirits is not low.

Although the stars are slightly dilapidated, in general it is also a real Chengdu with a mid-thousand world.

The Moon Rabbit continued to speak: "But this person is not too frantic, at least this universe can be maintained, it will not collapse soon, nor will it involve the surrounding universe."

Hong Yun nodded slightly, then raised his hand to a dilapidated star beside him and held it lightly.

In the next moment, I saw the aura of dead spirits slowly extracted from this dilapidated universe, and then fell in front of him, turning into Tao Ze seeds.

In an instant, there was a roar coming from above the dilapidated star.

An extremely terrifying necromantic figure stepped directly into the starry sky and shouted angrily: "Who is watching the planet under the deity's seat, and the law of plundering!"

Hong Yun and the others turned to look at the figure of the undead, and raised their hands lightly.

In an instant, a terrifying coercion spread out instantly.

The horrible necromantic figure was directly pressed into the stars, causing the entire stars to oscillate.

After that, Hong Yun patted Xiao Bai under the seat, and carried everyone along the ancient starry sky road.

Long after his departure.

Above that dilapidated star, bursts of faint aura spread.

I saw a terrifying huge pit standing across the vast black ground. At the bottom of the huge pit, smoke and dust were everywhere, and a huge figure was looming.

I don't know how many years have passed, until the smoke and dust have cleared.

The figure tremblingly appeared.

It was a giant with blue face and fangs, and the breath spreading from his body also had the realm of the initial stage of the realm master.

The undead cautiously probed out his spiritual knowledge, and looked out of the starry sky with the help of the heavenly path of this world.

After seeing the starry sky, there were no more figures of those people, and he let out a long sigh of relief.

He is the realm master of this realm, and he controls the heavenly way of this world. He had already noticed it when Hongyun used his hands to forcibly plunder the heavenly way from this world.

That's why I screamed, wanting to see who is so unreasonable and reckless.

But he didn't expect that he would be photographed directly after setting foot on the starry sky.

Fortunately, that person didn't kill him, otherwise he would be slapped to death shortly after he became the master of the world, which should be thanks to him.

That's why he took advantage of the trend to hide in this pit for a few years, and he came out only after he completely lost the breath of that person.


Above the starry sky and ancient road.

Xiaobai slowly wandered in the starry sky and let out a soft moan from time to time.

On its back, Moon Spirit Rabbit rarely played games, but looked seriously at the universe, seeming to be wary of something.

The same is true for Qin Yuan.

Since he knew that the dead rabbit next to him was the former enemy of the Lord of the Starry Sky, he was struggling with 120,000 points of energy while walking.

For fear of attracting the attention of the Lord of the Starry Sky, he slapped everyone to death.

Although his master is the pinnacle of the world lord, he can even be said to be the strongest under the starry sky saint by virtue of his background.

But when facing the Lord of the Starry Sky, I'm afraid that the other person's eyes will be enough to kill him.

Among the people, the most relaxing one is the biting sky.

At this moment, she was crawling on Xiaobai's back and squinted to sleep.

After a long time, I didn't know how to walk for hundreds of years, but after all I didn't notice the power to observe in the dark, everyone instantly relaxed a lot.

The Moon Spirit Rabbit also smiled and said: "Being able to cause the scourge of this starry sky and the universe to look like this, the Lord of the Sky will also suffer a lot of backlash when I want to come, and I am afraid that he is still secretly healing his wounds."

When Hong Yun heard this, he couldn't help but wonder: "Isn't this starry sky universe under the main seat of the sky, why is he getting backlashed?"

Moon Spirit Rabbit smiled and said: "Although this starry sky is under the main seat of the sky, he personally made this starry sky look like this, and it seems that this situation is not successful right now. The backlash of this universe is not Not tough, it's still within an acceptable range for the Lord of the Sky."

"But the real headache is the backlash from the universe."

"Cosmic Sea?"

Yueling Rabbit said: "These three thousand universes are all ups and downs in the sea of ​​cosmos. The vastness of the sea of ​​cosmos is far more than I can think about. Perhaps for the truly terrifying power, the sea of ​​cosmos is just a start. "

"My master once guessed that the cosmic sea that exists in the three thousand universes here is nothing but some indescribable power for cultivation."

"Perhaps you have really stepped out of the road behind the Lord of Starry Sky, so you can get a glimpse of it."

Hearing this, everyone in the field was shocked.

Regarding the three thousand universes as the sea, as the object of self-cultivation, what a terrifying existence this is!

Just as everyone was shocked, Hong Yun suddenly turned his head and looked at a star in the distance, which was also a law he had never seen before.

Hong Yun moved in his heart and raised his hand to lightly grasp the star.

In an instant, a torrent of Dao laws emerged from the stars, and finally fell in front of Hong Yun and turned into Dao Ze seeds.

But before everyone left, I saw the light linking between the stars here, turning into a big formation.

Trapped everyone directly in it.

Then there was a terrifying roar.


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