I Have a Trillion Merits

Chapter 882: Leave

In the starry sky, someone whispered: "I said, waiting for thousands of years, someone will always be tempted to take action."

Someone replied: "These people are from the edge of the universe, they should be cultivators in other universes. In this universe, there have been no outsiders for a long time..."

Some people even laughed in a low voice: "Isn't that just right? Maybe if this person is analyzed, I will only be able to take the last step before I have the opportunity to fight for control of the universe in the future."

In the starry sky, endless roars came!

Hong Yun and the others were trapped in the center of the formation, watching the rules pervading all around, a sense of vigilance appeared on their faces.

On the contrary, the performance of the Moon Spirit Rabbit was the most slack, looking at the formation in front of him, muttered to himself: "This formation looks quite familiar, like the Soling formation that the master lost back then!"

Hearing this, everyone else turned their heads to look around.

I saw the Moon Spirit Rabbit raising his hand and tapping on the edge of the formation, and then a ripple spread, instantly permeating the whole formation.

In just a blink of an eye, the entire formation was instantly cleared, and it disappeared into the starry sky as if the blisters had broken.

When the three figures hidden in the dark saw this, they all looked blankly, with unbelievable expressions on their faces.

This formation method was found in the secluded place of the Lord of the Starry Sky, and it took several epochs to crack it, and then it was placed near the teleportation array in order to capture these characters from other stars.

This kind of magic circle cannot be broken even if the three of them work together, how could it be completely disappeared by the dead rabbit on the opposite side...

Is it possible that this dead rabbit is also a character like the lord of the starry sky, impossible!

The three looked at each other, and they began to hesitate in their hearts whether they wanted to personally capture a few people in the field, but they couldn't help but feel a little shaken when they thought of the appearance of the Moon Spirit Rabbit breaking the formation when they raised their hands.

Even if the three of them took the shot in person, it was still unknown whether they could be captured, and it would be even more troublesome if the ship capsized in the gutter at that time.

In the starry sky, Hongyun looked around, trying to find the traces of the rest of the people in this starry sky, but after searching for a while, he still found nothing.

Could it be that what you and the others just set off were just the formation left by the predecessors, not someone deliberately staying here?

However, he could perceive that this formation has stood here in the starry sky for an unknown number of epochs, and depending on the extent to which it connects to the stars, it does not look like a legacy formation.

Yueling Rabbit also turned his head and looked around, and finally curled his lips and said, "You are so courageous!"

She turned her head to Hong Yun and said, "Master, I can move on later..."

Hearing this, Hong Yun frowned slightly: "This formation..."

Yue Lingtu shook his head and said: "Don't worry about him, it should be where the lucky kid got this formation, so I want to learn from the previous star thieves to plunder others' cultivation resources."

With that said, she turned her head and looked at the three of Zhuorui.

After seeing Yuelingtu's gaze, the three of them all smiled and lowered their heads.

My heart is all secretly cursing.

If you let them know that this will end, even if they die, they won't choose that weak galaxy.

In the end, not only did he not get much chance, but he also put himself and the others in, making himself like a money-giving boy in mortal novels.

If it were known by his old friends, it would be a shame.

Hong Yun nodded with a smile, "If this is the case, then I will continue to move forward. After all, I can't stay here for long!"

He still remembers that the lord of the starry sky in this starry sky was beaten by the previous owner of the Moon Spirit Rabbit...

If he is noticed by that person, it will be difficult for him to wait for someone to leave.

Thinking of this, Hong Yun couldn't help but glanced at the other stars in the starry sky with some pity.

If all the laws contained in these stars can be condensed into the seeds of Taoism, there should be many.

He remembered that in these thousands of universes, Dao Ze Seed was hard currency.

Whether it's a teleportation array or tolls, listening to Zhuorui's words, even if it is a transaction between general powers, it can also be completed with the seeds of Tao.

Unfortunately, the Dao Ze seeds in his hands are still too few.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but look down at the three people floating in the starry sky beside him.

When the three saw Hong Yun, their expressions changed instantly.

Then involuntarily in front of him with a single tap, three small caves appeared in front of the three in an instant.

The three of them smiled and said: "Master, this is my collection waiting for these eras. Please also accept it!"

Moon Lingtu stared, these people still hide so many things, she didn't even know?

Upon seeing this, Hong Yun nodded to accept these square caves, and then said: "If this is the case, then let's go!"

Yue Lingtu nodded with a suffocated face when he heard the words, and then glanced at some place in the starry sky.

Then everyone sat on Xiaobai and wandered away...

Soon after everyone left, a few secret words came from the starry sky again.

"Why didn't you stop them just now? These people seem to have a lot of opportunities in their hands."

"Why don't you make a move?"

"You don't make a move, why do we make a move?"

"I just saw the rabbit a little familiar. It's not easy for people to know it!"

"People like you still care about this."

"As far as I can see, only the rabbit has the most spiritual treasures in the hands of these people, and the resources for cultivation are the most abundant. I don't believe you can't tell."

"You don't think I'm scared, do you?"

"Is not it?"

"I think it is!"

"You, recognize it too."

"I won't forget this dead rabbit when it turns to ashes, and that ruthless person is not a good thing."

"But she seems to have changed the owner, is it possible that she is that ruthless person..."

"Huh? Don't drag us down if you want to die."


In this universe, a low-lying starry sky is located in the center.

A large array formed by thousands of stars intertwined suddenly appeared, and in the center of the array, rays of light flashed on it, as if to contain something.

After a while, a huge figure suddenly appeared in the center of the formation, exuding a vast and magnificent aura, like a starry sky and universe.

This person sniffed in the starry sky, and then said: "I feel a familiar aura, it seems that an old friend is coming to my starry sky, but it's a pity...I can't get out of this state for the time being."

When the voice fell, a series of terrifying roars spread from this population, and then connected in the formation of thousands of stars, endless rules broke out at the same time, suppressing this figure again.

In the entire starry sky, a sense of endless turbulence is caused...I have a million billion merits, the latest chapter address: https:// www.ltnovel.com/book/113095.htmlI have a million billion merits to read the full text address: https://www. ltnovel.com/read/113095/I have a trillion merit txt download address: https://www.ltnovel.com /down/113095.htmlI have a million billion merits. Mobile reading: https://m.ltnovel.com/read/ 113095/For the convenience of reading next time, you can click "Favorites" below to record this time (Chapter 882 is gone). Record, you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "I Have A Hundred Billion Merit", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), Thank you for your support! (www.ltnovel.com)

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