I Have a Trillion Merits

Chapter 883: Speculate

I don't know how long it took, Hong Yun and others came to the boundary of the starry sky.

I saw the guardian light curtain at the boundary of the starry sky before everyone's eyes, and now it looked grey and sickly.

Moon Spirit Rabbit raised his hand and touched it lightly, and a ripple waved.

In the ripples, there is still a trace of the power of law remaining, but the guardian light curtain of this world seems to be weaker than the universe of the middle thousand world.

Just listen to the Moon Spirit Rabbit muttering to himself: "There really is something wrong with this universe."

The red cloud on the side frowned slightly when he saw it.

Although he didn't have the Moon Spirit Rabbit, he had a better understanding of the universe and the stars, but he could see something more or less.

The guardian light curtain of this universe has already begun to show a morbid feeling.

If this trend continues to develop gradually, I am afraid that it will not be long before the starry sky will have major problems.

Hong Yun frowned and said, "Could it be something to do with the Lord of the Sky?"

The lord of the starry sky is like a world lord and a world, mutual benefit and mutual achievement.

If the master of the starry sky of a starry sky falls, and no new master of the starry sky is born in this starry sky for a long time, then as time goes by, the starry sky will completely collapse and shatter.

Or transformed into a dead starry sky, no longer suitable for living beings.

This kind of situation appeared in the protective light curtain of the starry sky in front of him, and the first thing he thought of was that there was a problem with the master of the starry sky.

After hearing this, the moonling rabbit on the side shook his head and said: "I can feel that the master of the starry sky in this starry sky still exists, but I don't know what problems have occurred that caused the starry sky to change. "

Hong Yun sighed deeply, and then said: "Since the Lord of the Starry Sky is still there, then I will leave when I wait."

Qin Yuan nodded quickly, because he still remembers that after the former Moon Rabbit and his previous master came to this starry sky, they beat the starry master of this starry sky.

Although Yuelingtu said that there was a problem with the Lord of the Starry Sky, who could guarantee that he would not make a move.

If the Lord of the Sky really wants to make a move that day, I am afraid that all of them will stay here.

Moonling Rabbit nodded, then flipped his hand to take out a magic weapon that looked like a compass, opened his hand and tapped it lightly, and saw a huge galaxy instantly appear in front of everyone.

Upon seeing this, Hong Yun showed a look of surprise on his face, and then said: "This is..."

The Moon Spirit Rabbit said without looking back: "This is a star map, which records three thousand universes, infinite worlds. When I walk in the starry sky, I have to rely on such things to find routes."

The face of the red cloud was taken aback, isn't this the same as the map in his previous life?

The only difference is that the map of his previous life recorded the approximate range within a planet, while the star map in the hands of the Moon Spirit Rabbit recorded the three thousand universes and the infinite world.

He glanced at the Moon Spirit Rabbit with some suspicion, why didn't he take out the star map before?

As if he had noticed Hongyun’s gaze, Yueling Rabbit smiled hesitantly, and then said: "I thought Qin Yuan had walked the starry sky, so I never took out the star map. Who knows that this servant hasn't completely walked out. Starry sky, everything depends on hearsay..."

Hearing this, Qin Yuan couldn't help but his face turned dark, and he looked at Moon Ling Rabbit with piercing eyes, and said, "You think I am you. You can walk many universes with just one thigh..."

Yueling Rabbit raised his head and said, "What can I do if I hold my thigh? This is the thigh I hold by my ability. You can hold one if you have the ability."

Qin Yuan took a deep breath, then turned his head, not paying attention to Moon Spirit Rabbit!

Hong Yun glanced at Yueling Rabbit, and said in his heart: "I don't know how many treasures this dead rabbit hides. It seems that I have to find time for it to confess."

Yueling Rabbit was numb with his scalp being seen by Hongyun, then smiled and passed the star map in his hand, and said, "If the master likes it, then this star map will be placed here."

Hong Yun smiled and shook his head: "This star map is still with you, and you will lead the way in the next days."

Upon seeing this, Yueling Rabbit couldn't help but trembled. Just as he was about to speak, he saw Hong Yun looking coldly.

Then he quickly turned around, found a spot in the starry sky where he could go out, and left the starry sky with everyone.

Shortly after everyone left, a terrifying tremor came from the place where the starry sky had collapsed.

"You actually left, aren't you here to explore the strangeness of this starry sky? Why do you want to leave?"

A voice of vicissitudes of life came out, and then the breath disappeared completely.


Everyone passed through a very gloomy starry sky tunnel.

Finally came to the teleportation array of this piece of starry sky.

Qin Yuan looked around with some alertness to see if anyone was lying in ambush.

This action made a few people around him a little unhappy.

Now the names of these people have been changed by Hong Yun, they are Zhuo Yi, Zhuo Er, and Zhuo San. The three of them looked at Qin Yuan with a bit of unkind eyes.

If they hadn't kicked the iron plate, how could they look at other people here now?

Yue Lingtu laughed twice, then walked forward, looked at the teleportation array that was in a closed state, turned his head and looked at Hongyun, but then stretched out his hand towards Qin Yuan.

Qin Yuan couldn't help but turned black, and then said, "What do you want to do?"

Yueling Rabbit said naturally: "Dao Ze Seed! How do you start the teleportation formation without Dao Seed, and after having three of them, one more Dao Ze Seed will be added."

Qin Yuan gritted his teeth, then flipped his hands and took out a few Dao Ze seeds and gave them to Moon Spirit Rabbit.

Moon Spirit Rabbit thought about it carefully, and after putting away one of them, it sent the other Daoze seeds into the teleportation array.

In the next second, the teleportation formation was activated, and the Moon Spirit Rabbit took out the Dao Ze seed that had been collected before, then chewed it in his mouth and swallowed it completely.

Qin Yuan's complexion changed immediately, and then reached out and tremblingly pointed at Yueling Rabbit and said, "You..."

Yue Lingtu smiled and said: "I used to take Dao Ze seeds as snacks, but the owner is too poor..."

Upon hearing this, Qin Yuan suddenly didn't know what to say.

The red cloud on the side also turned dark, then coughed lightly, and then walked directly into the teleportation formation.

Everyone followed closely and entered the teleportation array together.

The light flashed in the teleportation array, everyone disappeared completely, and the seeds in the teleportation array completely turned into dust.

After a long time, the other side of the galaxy edged.

Within an abandoned star, an ancient teleportation array above flashed, and the figures of Hongyun and others appeared instantly.

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