I Have a Trillion Merits

Chapter 884: Technology

Hong Yun and the others hovered in the starry sky, looking at the galaxy where they were.

This place is different from where it was before. On almost all the stars floating in the galaxy, there is the light of civilization flashing, and it is extremely prosperous.

Moon Spirit Rabbit looked at the star map in his hand, compared the endless stars around him, and slowly said, "Master, now we should have entered the edge of the central galaxy."

Central galaxy?

Hong Yun looked at him for a moment, then turned his head to look at the Moon Spirit Rabbit, and asked aloud: "What is the solution to this central galaxy?"

The Moon Rabbit scratched his head and said: "The so-called central galaxy is the galaxy in this universe, which is close to the center. Although we have reached the edge of the central galaxy, there is still a way to fight for the front of the realm master. A very long time."

Hearing this, Hong Yun frowned and said, "Isn't it possible to have a teleportation array between galaxies?"

The Moon Rabbit thought about it carefully, and said, “It’s not impossible. In the star map given to me by the previous master, there are a few long-distance teleportation arrays that can be teleported across multiple galaxies. The teleportation array is relatively secretive, and I don’t know if it’s still useful after so long..."

Hearing this, Hong Yun thought about it for a moment, and then said: "In this galaxy, is there such a teleportation array?"

Yuelingtu carefully checked the star map in his hand, and then nodded and said: "There really is a long-distance teleportation array, but it's close to the center of this galaxy, not far away!"

Hong Yun smiled and said: "If this is the case, let's take a walk and see if the long-distance teleportation array is useful."

As he said, he patted Xiao Bai under the seat and let him move forward according to the guidance of the star chart.

Qin Yuan on the side said with some suspicion: "Dead Rabbit, you and your previous master, shouldn't you have been to this galaxy?"

After hearing this, Yueling Rabbit laughed twice, waved his hand and said: "How is it possible, don't worry about these."

Looking at the appearance of the Moon Spirit Rabbit, Qin Yuan couldn't help becoming more and more suspicious, then turned to look at the red cloud on Xiao Bai's body, without any expression, and simply ignored it.

After all, even if the sky falls, there will be a high top. By then, the dead rabbit will be mortgaged here. There will be revenge, and there will be grievances. You still have to be reasonable in life.

Everyone moved toward the depths of the starry sky, but after a long time, they saw spaceships running rampant in the distant starry sky.

And at the moment when Hong Yun and others appeared, those spacecraft seemed to have been pressed on the still button, and all were suspended in the starry sky, without any movement.

After a long time, a secret wave came from one of the spaceships.

Hong Yun frowned slightly, he could naturally perceive the information coming from this wave of fluctuations.

These people are asking who they are and why are they here? Want to do something.

Hong Yun looked at the spaceship in the sky ahead with interest. It was the first time he saw something that could travel between galaxies like this.

The highest technology he had seen before was the dungeons he had put into the Promise World.

Even though it was already dilapidated, it was even more terrifying to be able to feel the prosperity of these technologies than the space station above the technological stars he had encountered before.

But the current stars are obviously more advanced in technology.

Hong Yun said: "Don't worry, we are not malicious, we just passed by here."

The words here spread to all the spaceships in the starry sky.

The various races who piloted the spacecraft heard Hongyun's words almost at the same time, and they understood the meaning of the words.

This is the first time that they have put aside their grievances and fights and exchanged information.

After a long time, those spaceships gave way, let Xiaobai and others pass by, and left the battlefield directly.

But before they left the edge of the battlefield, they saw a terrifying laser blasting towards Xiao Bai.

Hong Yun frowned slightly, raised his hand and pointed at the laser lightly.

Then a secret law passed out, and the incoming laser light slowly dissipated in the starry sky, like a fading light.

On a spaceship hidden on the edge of the starry sky battlefield, the captain looked at Xiao Bai and the red figure in the distance, with a frenzy on his face.

Muttering to himself: "This is the practice that the countless stars that I have searched for are looking for. The way forward has been cut off. I don't want to be a ghost that is not human or machine. I must get this practice. "

Behind him, a few strangely-looking crew members of different postures said: "Captain, that person seems to have surpassed the limit of human beings. Maybe it is a **** in a certain galaxy. We still don't want to provoke him."

"That's right! Captain, the attack method we are most proud of has no effect at all under the opponent. If it really irritates them, I don't think we can wait for the day when we find the practice."

The captain was furious and cursed: "A group of cowards, these people can walk in the starry sky in the flesh, and there is definitely a practice method. If we take it down, we will be able to live forever by then, and we can even use it like them. The flesh walks in the starry sky and becomes a true god!"

As he said, he turned his head and looked at the distant starry sky again, and suddenly his face was taken aback.

Then turned his head to the crew member who was monitoring aside and said, "How did that huge creature disappear?"

The crew member who was monitoring looked terrified, and said with a trembling voice: "I don't know. They disappeared suddenly, as if they had never appeared before. No matter what means I use, I can't detect their existence."

The captain's complexion changed, and he cursed: "Asshole thing, we have gone and I don't know how many galaxies we have left, just to find this way to sublimate life. It is not genetic medicine or mechanical modification, but you are telling me to lose it now. ..."

The person's complexion changed, and he quickly said, "Maybe they haven't gone far, we can use galaxy jump to track it!"

As soon as the captain was about to speak, he saw that the monitor's pupils were enlarged, and then he directly sat on the ground, reaching out and trembling and pointing behind him.

The several crew members in front of him also looked strange and looked at his back in horror.

The captain trembled in his heart, drew out the gun from his waist as fast as he could, turned and shot in one go.

A laser shot out from the muzzle, alluding to a man in red who suddenly appeared in the spaceship.

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