I Have a Trillion Merits

Chapter 886: Familiar star field

In an unfamiliar star field.

A spaceship suddenly appeared, hanging out in the starry sky.

Inside the cab.

The captain frowned and looked at the instrument in front of him, and said, "It shouldn't be! Why is the instrument malfunctioning? I have never encountered such a situation when I was jumping in the sky before."

Behind him, the rest of the crew also frowned. They had been driving this spacecraft for so many years, and this was the first time they had encountered this situation.

In the end what happened?

At this moment, Hong Yun and the others flickered and appeared directly in the cab. Looking at the crowd with cold sweat on their brows, they couldn't help but frown slightly.

Moonling Rabbit looked out of the starry sky, looked at the somewhat gloomy star field outside, frowned and said: "This star field seems to have some problems. It seems to be getting old, and it seems that there is an invasion of outsiders."

Hong Yun looked at the star field outside, and immediately appeared in the starry sky the next moment.

Suspended among many stars, divine consciousness spread out like a tide, trying to find the difference in this star field.

The Moon Spirit Rabbit also appeared in front of him, holding a star map in his hand. On the star map, there are endless stars connected, and the galaxy is horizontal, and the light dots above show where everyone is.

She frowned and said: "Now we are indeed in the star field where the teleportation array is located, but I don't know why, this star field will change so much."

According to her experience of traveling north and south with the previous master, like a giant like the star field, no matter how many eras it is, it will not change, even if there are some changes, it is only a slight end.

It was the first time she saw such a big change like this star field.

Hong Yun looked at the surrounding stars, his divine consciousness sensed the special existence in this star field, and he felt a little clear in his heart.

It was the special laws that existed in this star field that caused the instrument in Yu Zhou's flying brick to cause a short-term failure. As long as he left this star field, the things on it could completely return to normal.

Hong Yun looked at the pouring piece in Yueling Rabbit's hand, and asked aloud: "How long is it from the teleportation array now?"

Yue Lingtu took a closer look, and then said: "There is probably still a galaxy distance."

Hongyun nodded slightly.

Everyone returned to the spacecraft, and said to the captain: "Follow the above position and jump in space."

Hearing this, the captain looked embarrassed and said: "Master, the energy in the spacecraft is no longer enough for space jumps. At least one year of cosmic energy must be absorbed in this star field."

Yue Lingtu smiled and said, "I just said that these mortal people's technology is not reliable, and we have to rely on Xiaobai."

Hong Yun also shook his head helplessly. Suddenly, he took out a fairy jade and said, "Can the spacecraft absorb the energy in it?"

The captain took the fairy jade and put it on the instrument for testing. The next second he exclaimed: "What a pure energy, is this a legendary item? It is purer than the 90% energy body I know. "

Hong Yun nodded slightly and said, "This, can it be used?"

The captain nodded and said, "However, although the energy body inside is extremely pure, if you want to make the next space jump, the energy inside still cannot meet the requirements. At least two pieces are needed."

Hongyun nodded when he heard the words, and then waved a big hand.

In an instant, a pile of celestial jade like a hill appeared in the driver's cabin, exuding extremely pure light, and the captain and the others could not open their eyes.

Everyone looked at the fairy jade that looked like a hill in front of them, dumbfounded.

Hong Yu turned his head to look at Yueling Rabbit and said: "Next, don't be lazy, wait until the next star field to rest."

Upon hearing this, Yueling Rabbit suddenly cried and said with a sad face: "Yes, sir..."

After Hong Yun and the others had left, the captain smiled and appeared beside Yueling Rabbit with one eye in his hand.

In the past few days, he has inquired that this master's pet seems to have a soft spot for games that mortals like to play.

There is no shortage of everything on board, but there is no shortage of this kind of entertainment equipment.

The captain said cautiously: "Master Rabbit, this is the most popular game on my planet. Would you like to try it?"

Yueling Rabbit's eyes widened when he heard the words, then he took his glasses and sat aside and put them on.

The captain quickly ordered everyone to enter the coordinates for the next space treaty.

"The coordinates have been entered, and the energy is ready, ready for the next space jump."

The captain said vigorously: "Make the next space jump."

"Yes, Captain."

"The space jump is ready, the energy coordinate is ready,"




As the voice fell, the spacecraft once again disappeared in this star field.

After a while, everyone looked at the strange and magnificent huge star field outside the window, and their eyes couldn't help but show a touch of shock.

They have traveled through many star regions, but this is the first time they have seen a huge star region as magnificent as this. This star region is several times larger than the star region they were originally in.

It is even far beyond the maximum range that the spacecraft can detect.

At this moment, Hong Yun and others appeared in the cockpit, looked at everyone in front of them, and nodded slightly.

It seems that this thing is indeed much more convenient than Xiaobai. I have to say that human technology still has some functions, but their body is too weak. Can only rely on foreign objects to make up.

At this moment, Xiao Bai, like a young swimming fish, circled happily around Hong Yun's body.

Hong Yun turned his head and glanced at the Moon Spirit Rabbit who was playing the game, and patted it with a palm.

The next moment, I saw the Yueling Rabbit exclaiming, he took off his eyes and looked around with an angry face, but the moment he saw the red cloud, he instantly withered.

Then he stepped forward and said aggrievedly: "Master, I am not lazy."

Hong Yun looked at the Moon Spirit Rabbit with a helpless expression, and then leaned out his spirit and scanned the star field directly.

In the next moment, Hong Yun couldn't help but froze. Why did this star field feel so familiar to him, like the star field where the Promise World and the Primordial World were located.

Whether it is the stars contained in it, or the laws contained in it, it gives him a sense of incomparable familiarity.

Yue Lingtu hadn't spoken for a long time when she saw Hong Yun, and her heart trembled, but when she saw the expression on her master's face, she also found something wrong.

Hastily put out the divine mind.

The same goes for Qin Yuan and the others, but after they have explored the star field clearly, they are all stunned there.

After a long time, Qin Yuan muttered to himself: "If the two star fields were not separated by an unknown number of epochs, I am afraid I would have thought that I would have returned to the original point."

Moon Spirit Rabbit also frowned and said: "Why is the origin of this star field so similar to Hongmeng? It's a bit weird." I have the latest chapter address of one million billion merits: https://www.ltnovel.com/book/113095.htmlI have a million billion merits full text reading address: https://www.ltnovel.com/read/113095/I have a million billion merit txt download address: https://www.ltnovel.com/down/113095.htmlI have a million billion merits mobile phone reading: https://m.ltnovel.com/read/113095/for To facilitate the next reading, you can click "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 886 Familiar Star Field), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "I Have A Hundred Billions of Merit", please recommend this to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) Book, thank you for your support! ! (www.ltnovel.com)

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