I Have a Trillion Merits

Chapter 887: "Hong Jun"

Qin Yuan on the side opened his mouth and said, "There are thousands of stars in this world. If you run into two similar galaxies, it shouldn't be a weird thing."

Hearing what Qin Yuan said, Zhuo Yi and the others also nodded.

They have been wandering in the starry sky for a long time, so they have seen many galaxies and naturally know that there are many similar galaxies.

It's just that Hongyun feels completely different from them.

Because this galaxy is exactly the same as the place where they came from, Hongmeng.

How could this galaxy be so?

In this world, why are there two galaxies with such a high degree of similarity, almost the same as mortal twins.

Yueling Rabbit looked at the red cloud on the side and said, "Master, there is still some time now. If you want to explore it, you can."

Hearing this, Hong Yun frowned slightly, then nodded.

He put away the spaceship, and then took the Moon Spirit Rabbit and others to explore the starry sky.

I don't know how long it took, a few people saw a star that was indistinguishable from the prehistoric sky at the edge of the starry sky.

Almost the same law, and the familiar breath.

Hong Yun's heart moved slightly, and just as he was about to enter this star, he sensed a terrifying repulsive force from within the star.

Keep everyone out.

Then, a huge face appeared in the stars.

Looking at the huge face not far away, the surface of the red cloud couldn't help showing a touch of astonishment, and then murmured: "Teacher?"

The huge human face suspended in the starry sky looked like Hongjun.

Whether it is the breath radiating from it, or the law of the week that he comprehends, it is almost the same as his teacher.

But Hongyun knew clearly in his heart that Hongjun should still be trying to get rid of Hongmeng's pursuit, prevent Hongmeng's layout, and once again hit the big world.

Otherwise, there will be major problems in the entire prehistoric land.

It is impossible to appear here, and there is no ability to appear here.

So who is this person?

The human face looked at the red cloud in front of him, and there was also a look of astonishment on his face, but the expression was fleeting.

Then he said coldly: "Who are you? Why do you appear here."

Hong Yun frowned slightly, arched his hand at this person, and then said: "Poverty road Hongyun, passing by here, I am curious, so if you want to enter the view, please forgive me!"

Hearing this, the man shook his head and said: "You are not welcome here, you just leave, I won't be held accountable."

Hong Yun was taken aback when he heard the words, then nodded and took the Moon Spirit Rabbit and the others away.

After everyone left, the face slowly disappeared.

Within the stars.

In a palace like the Zixiao Palace, "Hongjun" sat in the upper seat, with a look of contemplation on his face.

The strength of this group of foreigners is extraordinary, and from the leader, he saw the aura of the same origin as the people in this world.

The "red cloud" that he originally wanted to calculate, looks like this person, and his path is generally the same. Could it be that it is completely in the universe.

There are really two same flowers that can't be made.

"Hong Jun" thought about it for a moment, then turned his head and looked at the fairy mountain somewhere below.

Recently that guy seemed to have found another world, and wanted to break through to the next level, but unfortunately his own authority couldn't stop it.

After a long time, "Hong Jun" sighed slightly.

Then, using the power of this world's origin, he began to deduce the heels and feet of Hongyun and others.

All of a sudden, there were frequent abnormalities in the entire "Purple Heaven Palace", and a lot of them reached the hospital's manifestation, hovering around "Hong Jun".

Condensed in the air.

After a long time, "Hongjun" suddenly turned pale, and there seemed to be phantoms in front of his eyes.

From the long time in Hanoi in this universe, he got a glimpse of the future.

Could this world eventually return to nothingness?

"Hongjun" was pale, with a smear of blood spilling from the corner of his mouth, and then looking towards the mortal world below, there was a look of contemplation in his eyes.

Perhaps, I should make some plans as soon as possible.

It is impossible for him to return to nothingness with this world.

The layout should start in advance!


In the universe.

Yueling Rabbit turned his head and glanced at the stars behind him with a ugly expression, and then said, "Master, why should you be so polite."

Hong Yun shook his head and said: "I don't know why, I always feel that in this world and in the great wilderness, cause and effect are deep."

Qin Yuan also nodded.

During that battle, although he felt a trace of the prehistoric aura, he could also sense that the similarity between the two worlds was too terrifying.

I am afraid that the two sides of the world only see, there are many causes and effects.

Yueling Rabbit glanced at Hongyun hesitantly, as if he had something to say.

At this moment, Hongyun suddenly saw a slightly dilapidated star, in which the star almost collapsed, but the law in it was strangely perfect.

Among them, there is still a strong breath.

What made Hong Yun dare to be weird most was that the aura above this star also made him feel familiar.

The Moon Spirit Rabbit naturally found the star not far away, and couldn't help but open his mouth slightly, and the thought in his heart became more and more certain.

After a long time, Hong Yun opened his mouth and said, "You can still have an impression of this star."

Zhuo Yi and the others looked at each other, wondering what Hongyun said.

On the contrary, it was Qin Yuan. At this moment, there was a hint of doubt in his eyes. After a long time, he said, "The breath flowing from this star also makes me feel a little familiar."

Hong Yun nodded slightly, and then said: "The aura exposed above this star is like the person before."

Yue Lingtu also nodded and said: "If there is no accident, it should be the kid with the surname win in the dragon robe."

After hearing this, Qin Yuan thought about it for a while before he knew who the Moon Ling Rabbit was talking about.

There was a shiver suddenly.

That kind of powerful person, in the mouth of Yueling Rabbit, turned out to be a kid with the surname Win?

The origin of this dead rabbit seems to be bigger than I thought.

Yue Lingtu said: "Master, whether I want to go for a look, maybe I will be able to get answers on that star when I wait for many doubts in my heart.

Hearing the words, Hong Yun nodded slightly, and then led the crowd towards the stars not far away.

When they came outside the star, everyone saw the thin protective light film covering the star, which could block the figures at the level of the realm master.

Hong Yun frowned slightly, and the small tower instantly appeared beside him.

Yueling Rabbit raised his eyebrows, and then waited quietly.

After laughing a few times around Hongyun, he rushed directly into the protective light curtain in front of him, tearing it open abruptly.

Seeing this, Hongyun walked into it with the people behind him.

After entering this star, when they saw the scene in the i star, everyone couldn't help but froze there.

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