I Have a Trillion Merits

Chapter 888: checkerboard!

I saw a dilapidated scene within the stars. If it weren't for the strong spiritual energy remaining in this realm, I'm afraid Hongyun and others would think that the star was dead long ago.

Looking around, the endless continent collapsed, leaving only a few mountains and seas.

Hong Yun frowned slightly, and then directly reached out and scanned the entire star, trying to find out the reason for the change of this star.

The next moment, I heard Yue Lingtu speak: "This star seems to belong to the kid surnamed Qin. It's just that based on his strength, it shouldn't be ruined to such a degree. Could it be that there is no successor?"

Qin Yuan and others couldn't help being stunned.

It stands to reason that those powerful heirs, no matter how weak they are, should still be a power at the level of a realm master.

How could this world be so dilapidated?

Moreover, the aura remaining in this realm is not as strong as the impression of a few people, the world has collapsed to such a degree, some should not be!

Thinking of this, everyone turned their heads to look at the red clouds on the side.

Hong Yun was also withdrawing his spiritual thoughts at this moment, and a look of surprise appeared in his eyes.

The heavens in this world still exist, but they are still asleep now, seeming to have suffered irreversible damage.

As for the core of the world, it was naturally damaged, but it was far from reflecting the horror among the stars here.

Even among the mountains or the sea and rivers, there is still a lot of powerful aura remaining, it should be the surviving cultivators in this world.

Among them, there is even a half-step world master level.

Weird! Weird!

Hong Yun shook his head slightly, and then looked in a direction, that is, in the center of this world, a mountain pillar that reaches the sky still exists.

Silhouettes of people shuttled through it, seeming to be looking for something.

Hongyun looked intently.

It was a figure like his friend "Zhen Yuanzi", and he even saw the shadows of "Nu Wa" and "Yang Mei".

Suddenly he was stunned there.

The Moon Spirit Rabbit naturally found some kind of anomaly, and couldn't help but whispered: "Is the rumored matter true?"

Hong Yun turned his head and asked, "What's the matter?"

Moon Spirit Rabbit looked at the strange and familiar figures in the distance, and slowly said, "I heard that in these thousands of universes, there are great powers who use the universe as a pawn, just like raising a gu. They will create one and the other. The universe is generally the same place, used for future fighting and diligence, the number of which is different, but in the end it will be unified, in order to find the universe with the greatest potential among these thousands of universes. Come as an experiment of some kind."

Hearing this, the people in the court were all creepy.

They can naturally see that the similarity between this universe and the universe in which the Primordial Land is located is too high, and the similarity is nearly 90%, it is hard not to make them think more.

What's more, the previous world was almost a replica of the prehistoric.

Could it be true that someone is secretly using these worlds to do experiments that are not successful?

Who the **** is it?

What does he want to do?

Hong Yun frowned slightly. Originally, he thought the prehistoric things were already troublesome enough, but he didn't expect to come into this universe, but he discovered this kind of involvement.

If someone really uses this world to do experiments, when they return to one in the future, it will be the day when this world is at war with their own universe.

What if you really wait until that day?

Hong Yun's thoughts turned sharply.

The Moon Spirit Rabbit on the side said: "Master, if you are worried in your heart, it would be better to strangle and cradle this world."

Hearing this, the face of the person before it appeared on the surface of the red cloud.

If you do it yourself, that person would not stand idly by, he has the support and blessing of the world, and it is difficult for him to kill him.

And this move may be a surprise.

After thinking about it again and again, Hong Yun shook his head slightly, and then said: "It doesn't need to be this way. I'll start on the road to fight for the future first, and wait until the future has taken over everything."

The others also nodded when they heard this.

Hong Yun took a deep look at the few figures in the distance, and then completely disappeared into this realm.

When everyone appeared, they had already appeared on a seemingly abandoned star on the edge of the universe.

Moonling Rabbit looked at the frowning red cloud beside him, and couldn't help but say: "Master, if you want to get out of the chess game, you must have absolute strength. The power that can use several universes as chess pieces should be in the starry sky. Above the Lord."

After hearing what Yueling Rabbit said, the others shuddered.

Today, they are no more than the level of the realm master, even the sage of the starry sky is nowhere in sight, let alone the master of the starry sky, or the level above.

That waiting for great power, I am afraid that a few people will die in the blink of an eye.

If you change yourself to be on the chessboard, I am afraid that your mind has already collapsed, let alone want to jump out of the chessboard, it is not easy for Daoxin without collapse.

Hong Yun looked at the Moon Spirit Rabbit beside him, nodded slightly, and then said: "Everything depends on the road to this battle. If we can break through the starry sky saint level this time, there may be hope for everything."

After hearing this, Yueling Rabbit couldn't help but a touch of appreciation appeared in his eyes.

Then everyone stepped directly into the teleportation array, and the farther galaxy rushed away.

After everyone left.

Somewhere above the cosmic sea, above an abandoned star, a mud fetus sitting quietly on the top of the star, the mud slowly fell from his body, and then an old man's face was revealed.

This person looked in the direction of the universe that was as indistinguishable as the primordial universe, and a look of doubt flashed in his eyes.

Just now, he felt that a similar flower came into the universe he had laid out, but when he opened his eyes, the flower disappeared inexplicably.

Weird! Weird!

The old man shook his head, this time he laid out an unknown number of eras.

When the Great Thousand World was born in the world he once optimistic about, he secretly made a move to trigger the dark turmoil of the universe.

Let a newly-born Great Thousand World completely collapse and fall into the Middle Thousand World in the universe, so as not to interfere with what I plan in the future.

Thinking of this, he turned his head and looked at the universe where Hongmeng was.

After seeing through thousands of universes and seeing the true appearance of Hongmeng at this moment, he couldn't help showing a look of surprise in his eyes.

He didn't expect that the realm master of that world would have such ambitions.


After that, he took a closer look, and when he saw the world of Promise, he couldn't help showing a touch of surprise in his eyes.

Obviously this was not what he expected.

After a long time, the old man stretched his waist and muttered: "It seems that this game of chess is getting more and more interesting."

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