I Have a Trillion Merits

Chapter 894: Find him

Yue Lingtu saw his master looking towards him, and quickly said, "Master, do you have something to say?"

Hong Yun looked at Yueling Rabbit seriously, and slowly said, "What you said before is true, right?"

Yue Lingtu laughed, then waved his hand and said, "What is the master talking about? Why can't I understand?"

Hong Yun said with a half-smile, "Are you sure you don't understand?"

Just when Yuelingtu was anxious, she suddenly looked at the person on the side and said, "Is there anything here that makes people feel the law?"

The figure stood there with his eyes and nose, and his nose and heart. Suddenly, Tiandao Yueling Rabbit questioned, he was taken aback for a moment, and then quickly said, "This is naturally available, but it is expensive!"

Yue Lingtu quickly said: "Hurry up and lead my master to..."

He looked at Hongyun with some hesitation, and saw Hongyun stood up slightly and said, "If that's the case, let's go!"

He could see that since Yuelingtu didn't want to say it, he didn't ask any more questions.

Yue Lingtu breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Hong Yun getting up, and then followed Hong Yun and the others, and hurried out together.

Everyone wandered all the way in the ancient city. After an unknown period of time, they finally came to a high tower.

I saw people slowly opening their mouths and said: "This high tower was made by the ancient sage Yunyan himself. I don't know how many laws it contains. It can be said that among the heavens and the world, all the laws are gathered in this tower."

"It's just that if you want to enter this tower, you need to pay a lot of seeds."

Hong Yun gave a soft voice, and then asked aloud: "How many Dao is needed is a seed."

I saw that figure slowly stretched out a finger and said, "In one day of entering this tower, it takes a hundred Dao Ze seeds."

Hearing what this person said, Hong Yun couldn't help frowning slightly.

This price is really high. After all, he only has the moral seeds from Zhuo Yi now, not too many. If he wants to enter this tower, I am afraid that one day is not enough.

Thinking of this, Hong Yun sighed faintly. If that's the case, it would be better to save this one hundred. If there is no such thing, it will be used in the future.

Just when everyone was about to leave, they saw a figure slowly coming out from the edge of the stone tower.

It was an old man. This person came to Hongyun and the others and said with a smile: "Your Excellency is the person selected by the ancient sage Yunyan himself. You can enter the law of perception without paying the fee for inclusion in the tower..."

Hearing this, Hong Yun couldn't help but stunned, thinking for a moment in his mind, then nodded, and walked directly into the tower.

As for Yuelingtu and others, naturally they are waiting outside the tower.

Yue Lingtu turned his head to look at the person aside, and asked aloud, "Have you ever seen such a situation before?"

The man shook his head after hearing the words.

Then he suddenly realized: "I remembered that the younger brother of Old Sage Yunyan entered it after the last time he fought for the battle, and he hasn't appeared until today. I have heard about Old Sage Yunyan a long time ago, and wanted to find someone who came later to help him. Look for his brother on the road to battle."

"It's also very paid, usually a deposit is paid on the spot, but I have never heard that the entrance fee for entering this high tower can be exempted."

Qin Yuan frowned and said, "Is this something weird?"

Yue Lingtu shook his head: "Since the master was chosen by the ancient sage Yunyan, and this high tower was built by the ancient sage Yunyan himself, there should be no problem."

As she said, she looked at the people on the side and said excitedly: "If this is the case, then you will follow us during the next period of time, and take us to a place with lots of good food on this star today."

Hearing what Yuelingtu said, Qinyuan couldn't help but look helpless.

This dead rabbit knows to eat all day long!

Ren Yin was also taken aback. He never thought that someone would spend a coin to ask him to take it with him to find a place to eat.

This is too extravagant.

After a while, Moon Spirit Rabbit and others left before the tower.

Among the towers at this moment.

Hong Yun looked at the regular ocean formed by the many rules in front of him, and a touch of shock could not help flashing in his eyes.

He has traveled to know how many stars, and naturally he has seen a large number of rules, but it is the first time he has seen the rules of the sky that have turned into a sea like today.

Every rule here is as thick and thin as a hair, but even so, the huge pile of rules adds up to the vastness of the ocean, which is really shocking.

According to the will of the tower, the red cloud slowly walked into the ocean of rules, and then as if there is no rootless duckweed, it usually sinks and rises with the rules.

His soul, soul, and body are constantly ups and downs in this ocean of rules, with regular auras permeating into it, and he is constantly refining and refining.

In just the blink of an eye, he has refined the power of several rules, which is equivalent to more rapid refining than the power of extracting the rules.

It took this misty ancient sage how many years it took to gather the power of rules like the ocean.

The existence of this power level is truly extraordinary!

Just when the red cloud was immersed in the regular ocean, the Yunyan Old Sage naturally felt it at this moment, and glanced in the direction of the tower, and then there was a hint of regret on his face.

If his younger brother hadn't broken into the road of battle, it is estimated that he is no different from the red-robed Taoist now.

It's a pity that he never listened to his persuasion, forcibly escaped from the formation he had laid, and broke into the road of fighting for the front.

Fortunately, the soul lamp has not been extinguished, and there is still a glimmer of life. I don't know if this group of people can find him.

Ancient Sage Yunyan sighed, then suddenly turned his head to look somewhere.

I saw a figure instantly manifested, and then slowly fell into the palace, looking at the ancient sage Yunyan sitting on the main hall, slowly said: "You are sure that you are ready, this road is not the only one you are. Ancient Saint Nine Realms."

Ancient Sage Yunyan smiled and said: "I don't know how many epochs I have prepared. Whether I can break through depends on the present. If I can't make a breakthrough on the road of battle, then let me die on the road!"

Hearing the words, the figure was silent for a moment, and then said: "You still have time, why are you so impatient?"

The ancient sage of Yunyan said: "That person was forced into the road of legend by them back then. I can't do anything. Now only if I break through to the next level, I can hope to find him in the road of legend."

Xuren Ying snorted, and then said: "No one can come back on the road of legend, even if it is not possible for him, you are just doing useless work this time."

Ancient Sage Yunyan said with a smile: "That's better than doing nothing."

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