I Have a Trillion Merits

Chapter 895: The road to battle is open!

I don't know how long it took, Hong Yun in the tower opened his eyes slightly, and he looked at the sea of ​​rules he was in. Feeling the power of the endless rules contained in his body, he couldn't help but smile.

No wonder this high tower collects so many Dao Ze seeds, even if it doubles for Dao Ze's promotion, it is worth it.

Hong Yun let out a long sigh of relief, and then crossed the sea of ​​rules alone to the outside of the tower.

As soon as he appeared outside the tower, Yue Lingtu and others came to the front and said, "Master is out of the gate?"

Hong Yun nodded slightly, and then looked at the food made by a spirit beast in Yueling Rabbit's hand, and his face instantly became black.

How come this dead rabbit eats all day long, and eats either this or that...

Beside Yueling Rabbit, Ren Yin also looked helpless. During this period of time, he was racking his brains to find all the delicacies on this star for Yueling Rabbit.

As an ordinary cultivator, how could he fight so much because of his appetite.

Before he set foot on this line, he probably never dreamed that someone would spend a Dao Ze Seed in order to let him search for the food above the stars.

Qin Yuan said, "Master, Master Qin has been waiting for a long time..."

Hearing this, Hong Yun couldn't help but froze for a moment, and then muttered to himself: "Is the time already?"

The Moonling Rabbit on the side nodded quickly and said, "Master has taken a lot of days in this tower. Now it is only a few days before the road to fight for the front has opened. The one surnamed Qin has been waiting for several days. …"

Hong Yun frowned slightly, and then said: "If this is the case, let's go quickly! Don't let fellow Daoists wait for a long time."

Having said that, he led everyone to rush towards the teleportation array.

There is a special teleportation formation on this ancient star, and its destination is only the place where the road of war is opened. In other words, it is a teleportation formation that directly leads to the road of war.

Everyone walked all the way to the edge of the ancient star, only to see a huge teleportation formation, which had already been waiting for an unknown number of people, and Qin Wuzheng was among them.

Qin Wuzheng looked at the arriving Hong Yun and the others, shook the folding fan in his hand, and hurriedly greeted him.

He looked at the red cloud carefully, with a look of surprise on his face, and said, "It seems that fellow Taoist has benefited a lot from that high tower."

Hong Yun smiled and said, "It's just luck."

Qin Wuzheng smiled and nodded, and said, "It is normal to say that. The sea of ​​rules contained in that high tower is most suitable for laying the foundation for the monks."

In addition to casual cultivators, those who have power behind them, after being promoted to the level of the world master, will come to the high tower for a period of time to study, so that they can consolidate their strength and lay a more solid foundation.

However, there are indeed not many people with such a huge improvement as Hongyun.

After all, they are in different environments, and the power of rules contained in the Great Thousand Worlds far exceeds that of the Middle Thousand Worlds.

Hong Yun turned his head and looked at the cultivators around the teleportation formation. He couldn't help showing a look of surprise on his face, and said, "Are these people going to fight for the front?"

Qin Wuzheng smiled and nodded and said, "Yes, the rules of the road to the battle have been changed this time, so basically everyone who goes on the road to the battle will bring a lot of servants."

Having said that, he suddenly turned his head to look at the Yueling Rabbit and others beside Hongyun, and shook his head slightly: "Farther Daoist Hongyun, as far as I can see, you might as well not bring them with you..."

After hearing what Qin Wuzheng had said, Qin Yuan and the others were grumpy, wishing to find a place to get in.

On the contrary, the moonling rabbit on the side said: "How do you guys speak? Maybe we are fighting, you are not as good as me."

Qin Wuzheng was taken aback when he heard the words, and then smiled and said, "Interesting..."

Qin Yuan slapped his tongue and thought to himself: Maybe this Qin Wuzheng is really inferior to the dead rabbit. After all, the dead rabbit has so many spirit treasures in his hands, and it can kill the pinnacle of the world lord by just hitting it!

Zhuo Yi, Zhuo Er, and Zhuo San were on the sidelines. Although their faces were ugly, they didn't say anything after all. After all, they had a clear understanding of themselves.

This is supposed to be the saint child from which great world, it is normal to look down on them.

Hong Yun smiled and said, "It's okay, just let them see the world in the past."

Hearing what Hongyun said, Qin Wuzheng nodded with a smile, and said, "It's really rare to see someone like a fellow Daoist."

Afterwards, he turned his head and looked at the teleportation formation not far away: "Since fellow Daoist has already decided, then I will go together later."

After speaking, he walked straight in the direction of the teleportation array.

Zhuo San on the side scratched his head and said, "Everyone here seems to be queuing?"

Qin Wuzheng turned around and said, "That's them, my Qin family don't need to line up."

Before everyone came to the teleportation formation, the one who guarded the formation was the peak monk of the world master. After seeing Qin Wuzheng, this person suddenly showed a smile on his face.

Then he hurriedly said respectfully: "I have seen Young Master Qin, and Young Master Qin has advanced into the formation, I will start the teleportation formation."

Qin Wuzheng nodded with a smile, and then took Hong Yun and others directly into the teleportation formation.

When the cultivators who were waiting outside saw this, they didn't dare to say anything. They could only watch the guard cultivator start the teleportation, and the figures of Qin Wuzheng and others disappeared in an instant.

When Hong Yun and others could see the situation clearly, everyone had already arrived in a barren star.

In a blink of an eye, this galaxy seemed to have fallen into a dead silence, no creatures existed, and barren stars in all directions.

It's just that as the rays of light flashed, there were more creatures on top of these originally barren stars.

These are all monks who have come to participate in the road of battle.

Even the weakest servant among them has the peak cultivation base of this world master.

Although they are the pinnacles of the world masters, the gap between them and those holy children is like a world of difference. The difference is far more than their respective potentials, as well as their combat power, and even their heritage.

Qin Wuzheng looked at the surrounding stars excitedly, with a smile on his face: "So this is the way to fight for battle?"

Hong Yun frowned and said, "According to the Daoist's family background, hasn't anyone told the Daoist about this situation?"

Qin Wuzheng smiled and said, "I heard people tell me how I saw it with my own eyes that are more shocking. The laws in this galaxy are weird and it is impossible to record the surrounding situation with magical treasures."

Hearing this, Hong Yun nodded slightly.

This can be considered normal, after all, if you can use the magic weapon to record, I am afraid that the road to battle will not be so dangerous.

At this moment, everyone turned their heads to look at a barren star next to it, and a familiar figure appeared on it.

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