I Have a Trillion Merits

Chapter 896: On the road

That person was not someone else, he was Xuanyuantai wearing a golden armor who had met on that ancient star.

Beside Xuanyuantai, the guardian Xuanyuan Old Ghost stood aside, and there were several servants who looked younger, but each of them was the peak cultivation level of the realm master.

Qin Wuzheng laughed: "It seems that during this period, Xuanyuantai has found a lot of servants."

Yue Lingtu frowned and said, "How does this guy feel more and more high-profile?"

Qin Wuzheng laughed and said: "Even if this person is in Xuanyuan's house, he is one of the best young talents. It's just that he has been traveling abroad over the years, and he has become more and more high-profile for some reason. If he hadn't been scrupulous about the ancient sage of Yunyan, he would probably force it. Accept Daoist friends as servants."

Hong Yun was taken aback when he heard the words, and then said: "Speaking of which, why these Great Thousand Sacred Grounds would be so scrupulous about an ancient sage Yunyan who has not yet reached the Lord of the Starry Sky?"

Qin Wuzheng shook his head and said, "Although the ancient sage of Yunyan has not yet reached the master of the starry sky, it is only half a step away. Perhaps this time on the road of fighting, he can successfully become the master of the starry sky."

"And even if the Ancient Sage Yunyan has not yet become the Lord of the Stars, his strength is not weaker than the existence of the ordinary Lord of the Stars, not to mention that this person has no concerns after the war that year, and no one wants to provoke such an existence."

After hearing what Qin Wuzheng said, everyone knew why this arrogant Xuanyuantai had that kind of attitude towards Ancient Sage Yunyan.

Xuanyuantai in the distance seemed to have seen them too, and a hint of jealousy flashed in his eyes, making it inconvenient to turn his head and stop paying attention to them.

Hong Yun and the others looked around, but found a lot of familiar faces, including the boy they had met.

That was also the first time they heard the message of Yunyan Old Sage from others.

In addition, Hong Yun seemed to have seen an acquaintance, but he did not know why the other person appeared here.

At this moment, in this deadly galaxy, in the center of many stars, a dark hole suddenly appeared, like a wormhole.

In front of the wormhole, a row of faint footprints spread to the inside of the wormhole.

Qin Wuzheng lighted up in front of him, and then said: "The road to fight for the front has opened."

There was a hint of doubt on the surface of the red cloud. In his opinion, this wormhole was no different from an ordinary wormhole. I am afraid the only difference was the row of faint footprints spreading in the starry sky.

Just when everyone was puzzled, they saw that the cultivators above the many stars in the distance could no longer hold back and set foot in the starry sky.

Then followed the row of faint footprints and rushed into the wormhole.

Qin Wuzheng laughed and said, "It's meaningless to be the first in this galaxy. Inside this wormhole... is the real way to fight."

As he said, he turned his head and said to Hongyun: "Fearer, can I wait to get on the road together??"

Hongyun smiled and nodded, and then everyone rushed towards the wormhole.

Although the wormhole is in the very center of the heart system, they can perceive it. If they go at the current speed, they may enter the wormhole and they will have to wait for a long time.

Everyone turned their heads to look aside, and saw that the golden armored Xuanyuantai was sitting on an ancient chariot at this moment, galloping toward the wormhole.

Before leaving, he turned his head and looked at Qin Wuzheng and others who were swiftly moving, with a hint of disdain in his eyes.

Qin Wuzheng shook his head nonchalantly, then raised his hand to lightly slap the folding fan in his hand.

The next moment, a huge ship appeared in front of everyone, Qin Wuzheng said with a smile: "Fall Hongyun Daoist, this is my Qin family's treasure ship, it is extremely fast, everyone please come up."

Upon hearing this, Hong Yun and the others stepped directly into the treasure ship.

As the roar sounded, the giant ship sank horizontally in the starry sky and galloped towards the wormhole in the distance.

Looking around, Hong Yun discovered that all the cultivators in this galaxy now have used spirit treasures invariably, and even some started to fight.

Want to solve the opponent before completely entering the road of battle.

In just a moment, they have seen many cultivators die tragically in the starry sky, their bodies shattered, and their spirits completely annihilated.

However, these people avoided the Lingbao where Xuanyuantai and Qin Wuzheng were located without exception.

There are also some people in the Holy Land carrying the flag of terror on the treasures, without exception, not being affected by these people's fighting.

Hong Yun shook his head helplessly in his heart, these people are still bullying and fearing hardship after all.

At least in this galaxy, they dare not do anything to the people in these holy places. I am afraid that only if they truly step into the wormhole and embark on the road of battle, there will be no such difference in identity.

But for a long time, when Hong Yun and the others had arrived before the wormhole, when they looked back, they found that the number of cultivators on the way to fight for battle had been reduced by a full 10%.

Qin Wuzheng looked at the wormhole in front of him with excitement, and muttered to himself: "Is this the way to fight for the front? It's kind of interesting."

When the voice fell, he shouted in a cold voice: "Friends of Taoist stand firm, I will step into it when I wait."

Afterwards, the huge treasure ship rushed directly into the wormhole after following the ancient chariot under the Xuanyuan platform.

Everyone only felt that their five senses were instantly shielded, and they couldn't feel the surrounding environment at all. The power of the soul and the cultivation base were completely suppressed in the body.

When everyone could barely sense the surrounding environment, they found that they were in darkness, and only the faintly radiant footprints under their feet were guiding everyone forward.

Hong Yun looked around, only feeling that he was still on the treasure ship, but he could only see clearly within a radius of ten miles.

Qin Wuzheng said: "The road of fighting for the front can suppress the five senses of the cultivator to the greatest extent. Here, any treasure with exploring attributes will lose its original function."

"Furthermore, on this road, those cultivators who were still cautious in their hearts have disappeared at this moment."

"As long as you step on this road, there is no difference in identities between everyone. Whether you live or die depends entirely on your ability."

Speaking, he pointed to the distance, did not know how far away from them, looked at a big sun hanging in the sky, and said, "Under that big sun, it is the entrance to the mysterious world at the end of the road to battle."

Hong Yun asked, "How far are we from that big day?"

Qin Wuzheng shook his head: "No one knows, maybe in the blink of an eye, maybe just a few epochs away, so far no one has been able to figure out the laws of this road."

Before Qin Wuzheng's words fell, he suddenly turned his head, and with a fierce wave of the folding fan in his hand, he directly knocked down a magical power from the rear.

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