I Have a Trillion Merits

Chapter 902: Two bones

Yueling Rabbit frowned. Although her previous owner had told her that he had appeared on both roads, like today's giants of white bones, he never said how to deal with it.

If this continues, I am afraid they will not wait for them to reach the end of the road and step into the new world.

The bone giant had already grown flesh and blood and was resurrected.

Just a white bone has such strength, if it is to bring him back to life, it is not sure how terrifying it should be.

Qin Wuzheng also looked ugly and said, "I blame that idiot Xuanyuantai. If he hadn't sent someone to step into the darkness and come into contact with this bone, I wouldn't have fallen into this kind of danger."

Everyone looked up to the rear, only to see a black mist rising behind the giant white bone, as if to swallow the entire road to battle.

On the road, countless people scrambled toward the end of the road, trying to escape the scope of the attack of the bone giant.

They knew in their hearts that if they carried the giant bone giant in their hands, they would probably be crushed into pieces like the group of people before, turning into a cloud of blood to feed the giant bone giant itself.

At this moment, I saw that the white bone giant stretched out his hand again, grabbed the peaks of a few world masters, and then raised his hand and smashed it directly.

Between the palms of his white bones, a cloud of blood erupted out, and then it was absorbed by the white bones of his body, condensing a faint blood red, like a physical body.

A faint soul fire appeared in the eyes of the bone giant, and when he looked at the people in front of him, the soul fire was beating, like the most extreme desire in the world.

Hong Yun looked at the Moon Spirit Rabbit beside him, frowning, "I haven't thought of it yet, but has the background to stop this white giant?"

Moon Spirit Rabbit looked at the huge bone giant in the distance, shook his head slightly, and said: "I once heard a master talk about the bone giant, but the bone giants he said came from that mysterious ancient road. There are still a small part of the ancient road where the saints of the starry sky are located, but no one has ever provoke them. Therefore, since so many eras, there has not been any problem..."

Having said that, she couldn't help turning her head to look at Xuanyuan Terrace.

The red cloud on the side was also black, and there was no difference between saying it and not saying it.

I saw Yue Lingtu shook his head and said: "Now what we can do is to speed up and rush to the new world. Perhaps we can use the protection of the new world to stop this giant of bones from outside."

Hearing this, Hong Yun couldn't help but shook his head. If he could really reach the new world before the arrival of the Bone Giant, he wouldn't have to worry so much.

But now the white bone giant has absorbed a lot of the blood mist transformed by the peak monks of the world lord, its strength seems to be even more advanced, and the speed is much faster than before.

In addition, the world master-level monks who could not escape in the rear, wait until the giant white bones can completely absorb these people.

When the time comes, the opponent's target will become them.

Just when Hong Yun was helpless, Chu Tian suddenly jumped out, and then barked at the bone giant.

The realm master-level monster that was brought by Hongyun, which looked like a dog, also appeared next to Qi Tian, ​​and it also yelled at the bone giant like Qi Tian.

Upon seeing this, Qin Wuzheng couldn't help but raised his brows, and then said, "I didn't expect that Fellow Daoist still has such spirit beasts. These two little guys are much better than those around you."

Qin Yuan's face turned black when he heard this.

Zhuo Yi and the others on the side had blue veins on their faces violently, not knowing what to say.

Just when Hong Yun was trying to comfort the two, he saw Tian Tian and the spirit dog suddenly jumped out of the treasure ship and rushed towards the bone giant.

Yue Lingtu suddenly changed his complexion, and then secretly cursed in his heart: "These two idiots, after so many years, their temperament have not changed until now. They want to rush to the bones..."

The red cloud on the side also changed his complexion, just about to speak and recall the two.

They saw that the two of them rushed directly in front of the giant white bone, and one jumped up, rushed directly to the palm of the giant white bone, and then opened his mouth to bite a phalanx and ran towards the red cloud in his mouth.

And the other one came to the feet of the giant white bones, tore a foot bone directly from the top, and ran towards Hongyun with his dangling.

The white bone giant jumped into a rage, raising his hand to catch the two, but its speed was slowed down a lot, and it tightly grasped a few world master peak monks, and then crushed them into blood mist to feed back to himself.

As for Biting Sky, the two of them jumped onto the treasure ship with their bones in their mouths.

And the speed of the white bone giant at the back instantly dropped by 30%, making the distance between him and the people on the road a lot away instantly.

Hong Yun looked down at the two, with a strange expression in his eyes.

Qin Wuzheng looked at Biting Sky in shock, not knowing what he was thinking.

He had never dreamed that the bone giant, who had caused countless prides of heaven and evildoers on the road to fight for battle, would be solved by two spirit beasts.

Not to mention a solution, at least for them, there is no sense of imminent crisis.

Hong Yun picked up the two pieces of white bones on the treasure ship, and only felt that the laws of terror erupted from the white bones, shaking his hands apart in the first place.

Qin Wuzheng's expression was horrified and said, "It's just a mere two bones, the power is so powerful, what level of cultivation is in front of this white bone?"

Hong Yun covered the law with both hands, picked up the two bones from the treasure ship, and then forcibly suppressed the law spreading from the bones, and shook his head slightly.

Originally, the bones in front of him were at the level of the saint in the starry sky, at least the strength of Tier 3.

But now it seems that the strength of the giants before life is far beyond their guess.

However, it is worth mentioning that the power of the law above the two bones in his hand is completely different from what he has encountered before. Perhaps he can use this opportunity to understand the law from a mysterious place.

And Xuanyuantai, who was walking fast not far away, also saw the two white bones in Hong Yun's hands, and his eyes could not help but show a greedy look.

Not only him, but everyone who saw the bones in Hongyun's hands all around him had a greedy look in his eyes, wanting to **** the bones from his hands and make them his own.

Hong Yun snorted coldly, put away the two bones in his hand, and then the sharp-killing spear in his hand pointed obliquely on the road to fight for the front, and a huge might spread out in an instant.

This move shocked many cultivators, but those holy sons or evildoers from the Great Thousand Worlds, the desires in their eyes did not curb at this moment.

Maybe they won't take action on the road to battle, but once they step into the new world, they will be the first to take action.

Everyone looked up towards the end of the road, and already faintly saw the fuzzy shadow of a magnificent and tall portal...I have The address of the latest chapter of Million Billion Merit: https://www.readwn.com/book/113095.htmlI have The full text of Million Billion Merit reading address: https://www.readwn.com/read/113095/I have a hundred Trillions of merit txt download address: https://www.readwn.com/down/113095.htmlI have a hundred Trillions of merits mobile phone reading: https://m.readwn.com/read/113095/For the convenience of reading next time , You can click on the "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 902 Two Sections), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! like "I Have A Hundred Billion Merit", please recommend this to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) Book, thank you for your support! ! (www.readwn.com)

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