I Have a Trillion Merits

Chapter 903: Wild world

Qin Wuzheng looked at the portal in front of him, a smile flashed in his eyes, and then said: "Daoist Hongyun, sit down, I will soon step into the new world."

Standing on the treasure ship, Hong Yun holding the smashing spear, coldly glanced at the cultivating monks around him, and nodded slightly.

The white bone giants in the rear were still rushing on the road to fight for the front. In just a moment, they had already caught up with the monks behind the crowd, holding them in their hands, squeezing them into a cloud of blood, and feeding them back.

And the two bones that he had stolen by the two stolen Heavenly Devourers, although they are still empty, there are already flesh and blood on them, as if to replace those two bones.

At this moment, the rear Xuanyuantai drove the chariot to rush towards the door, stepped directly into the door, and completely disappeared on the road of fighting for battle.

Qin Wuzheng cursed secretly: "This fellow is really cunning!"

He could see that Qin Wuzheng had been hanging behind him before, in order to let him explore the way forward. If there was a formation in front of him, then Qin Wuzheng and others could just replace the temptation and even trigger the formation.

But now everyone has come all the way, and has not encountered any trap formations on the way.

So Xuanyuantai couldn't hold back anymore and rushed directly into the door at the end of the road.

When the saints and daughters of the other great worlds saw this, they speeded up and broke into the portal and entered the new world behind it.

A sneer appeared on Qin Wuzheng's face, and then directly opened the protective formation on the treasure ship, and also broke into the portal.

At this moment, the white bone giant had already captured half of the cultivators, and only half of the people who survived the battle on the road of battle could step into the portal.

After everyone stepped into the portal, the white bone giant also came to the portal, looking at the Nuo Da portal with endless rules exuding in front of him, the soul fire in his eyes flickered, as if hesitating.

After a while, he suddenly stretched out his hand to open the portal, but as soon as his hands were attached to the portal, he was eroded by the force of a terrifying rule.

The flesh and blood that had just grown on his hands was also continuously melting at this moment.

The bone giant stepped back, then looked at the huge portal in front of him, and fell silent for a moment, and then he sat there directly, as if thinking of a way.

At this moment, Hongyun and others are stepping into the new world behind the portal.

Everyone looked at the scene in front of them, as if a wild world, with towering jungles and steep peaks, endless beasts roared throughout the wild.

Hongyun perceives the world around him, and there is a look of horror in his eyes.

The richness of aura contained here seemed to be even more terrifying than the ancient star he had stayed with before.

Even Qin Wuzheng admired: "Even if this world is compared to the holy places in the Great Thousand World, it is not much more concessionary."

Now he finally understands why others say that the end of the road to battle is a great opportunity for them.

Like the current world that has never been developed, there may be many crises in it, but on the contrary, there are many opportunities hidden in it.

Everyone who stepped into the new world at this moment was shocked by the sight in front of them.

Someone looked at the jungle below and shouted loudly: "These are actually forests composed of soul trees, and it takes at least tens of thousands of years to form. The soul trees of 10,000 years are enough to live in the spirit of the realm master level."

Someone looked in his direction and saw a vast expanse of jungle below, densely packed with soul trees of ten thousand years of level.

In addition to the soul wood in this jungle, there are still many treasures of heaven and earth.

Qin Wuzheng looked at the people around him coldly, a sneer appeared on his face, and then whispered: "A group of stupid people can see it. There are treasures hidden in this jungle, but you can't see the world master peak-level monsters hidden in it. , There is even a half of the starry sky saint level existence." Yes

Although this new world is a hidden world behind the road of battle at the master level.

But in this savage world, the aura is strong, and there are countless treasures of heaven and earth, the birth of a few monster beasts of the starry sky saint level is not unexpected.

Hong Yun also frowned slightly, and he could naturally feel the murderous intent in the jungle below.

Turning his head to look at Qin Wuzheng on the side, he asked, "Since I have already set foot in the new world, it is time to part."

Qin Wuzheng was surprised when he heard the words, then he nodded slightly and said, "If this is the case, please be careful of those saint sons and saints from the great world, and the two bones obtained by the previous daoists, maybe It contains the opportunity to step into the ancient sage class, and they will definitely not give up."

Hongyun smiled and said, "If they want it, they can come and take it."

With that said, Hong Yun arched his hands at Qin Wuzheng, and then left the treasure ship directly.

It seems that seeing Hong Yun leave the treasure ship Qin Wuzheng is controlling, some holy places and saints from the great world are looking sideways.

They originally thought that the Red Cloud would have been by Qin Wuzheng's side, after all, that person had obviously guessed their intentions before, and it was the best choice to be next to the Saint Child in a holy land.

But they didn't expect that they had just stepped into the wild world, and Hong Yun left directly, obviously not paying attention to their threat.

It may be difficult for Qin Wuzheng to be hostile to them, but the world lord pinnacle from a small place is not a problem at all.

Several saints greeted their servants, and saw those servants quietly following Hongyun.

Hanging so far behind Hong Yun, lurking all the way.

The Moonling Rabbit next to Hong Yun was keenly conscious, and naturally he was aware of this, and immediately said, "Master, there seems to be a few small bugs following him."

A smile appeared on Hong Yun's face, and then smiled and said: "Since they want to follow, let them follow."

With that, he took the Moon Spirit Rabbit and the others galloping all the way towards the distance, and in just a moment, he opened the distance between the two very far.

And the servants who followed secretly looked at each other, knowing that Hongyun and others had discovered their existence, and then quickly ended and followed them again.

I don't know how long it took, Hong Yun and others came to a valley, and he could feel the terrifying spiritual energy content in this valley.

Yueling Rabbit also opened his mouth in surprise: "This valley seems to be a medicine garden with a lot of natural treasures."

Hong Yun smiled and nodded, then suddenly turned around and said, "It is true. There are a lot of natural treasures in the valley. As the graves of those people, it is cheaper for them."

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