I Have a Trillion Merits

Chapter 905: The younger brother

Hong Yun took Yueling Rabbit and the others directly into the valley, ignoring the group of saint children and saints coming from behind.

When Hong Yun and the others stepped into the valley, they completely disappeared from everyone's sight. A group of people looked at the valley in front of them, floating in the air.

Looking at each other, I only heard Xuanyuantai say: "There are many crises in this wild world. Although there is a treasure in the valley here, I can sense the existence of a terrifying monster. If this person enters it, I am afraid that it will be a life of nine deaths. ."

Someone said coldly: "But the two bones in this person's hand are related to my waiting to enter the border, and I absolutely can't let it go."

In the midair, a saint who controls Qingluan said: "The two bones are in the bag of my Qingluan Holy Land. If you want to come, you won't want to be an enemy of my Qingluan Holy Land..."

Xuanyuantai sneered and said: "What are you? If your holy son of Qingluan Holy Land speaks, maybe I will consider three points, but now he is still in retreat and has not yet been born, so you are not qualified enough. "

After hearing what Xuanyuantai said, the sage Qingluan instantly looked ugly. The sage Qingluan under her feet seemed to sense the emotions of her owner, and immediately screamed in anger.

Xuanyuantai shouted in a cold voice: "Shut up! Niu, I'll wait to speak, when will you interrupt your mouth..."

In an instant, the pressure on his body spread out in an instant, scared that the Qingluan divine beast couldn't help but shrink his neck, and then wailed.

The sage Qingluan looked ugly and said, "Xuanyuantai, do you want to be an enemy of my Qingluan Holy Land?"

Xuanyuantai sneered, then looked at the huge valley in front of him, and drove the chariot straight into it.

When the others saw Xuanyuantai directly entering the valley, their expressions changed, and then they hurriedly followed and stepped into the valley together.

When everyone came to the valley, they heard the terrifying beast roar from the valley, and their expressions became cautious.

The sage Qingluan frowned and said, "The owner of this beast roar has probably reached the pinnacle of the world lord, and I can sense that there is more than one in this valley."

The other saint children and women also showed a cautious look, and they could naturally sense the danger in this.

Xuanyuantai looked into the depths of the valley and couldn't help but frown slightly.

He could sense that Hong Yun and the others had already stepped into the deep valley, but where the owner of the beast roar they passed by was where there was no battle fluctuations.

This is a bit weird!

He carefully steered the chariot forward to the birthplace of the beast roar, looked at the extremely calm pool of water in front of him, and just wanted to make a move.

I saw a thousand-foot waves exploded in the pool water in front, and then a thousand-foot-long blue dragon rushed out of it and snapped its mouth toward Xuanyuantai.

Xuanyuantai's complexion changed. Before coming, he had verified the possible dangers in the new world based on the information left by the elders in the clan who had broken through the road before.

The Qianzhang Qinglong that suddenly appeared right now, if nothing else, should be one of the unique monsters in the wild world.

He is different from the blue dragons of the heavens and worlds. Although the root of his blood originated from the dragon clan, his body and soul are completely different.

There is endless black mist coming out from the open mouth, as if the human body and soul are constantly disappearing, wanting to completely digest it in the midair, and then swallow the essence.

Xuanyuantai hurriedly drove the chariot to resist, and suddenly waved the magic weapon in his hand, hitting the blue dragon.

The saints of the other Saints who were not far away turned their eyes to the pool where the Qinglong was located while Xuanyuantai was in the battle with Qinglong.

Whenever a heavy treasure is born, it must be guarded by an alien beast.

If nothing happens, there should be a terrifying treasure in this pool.

Otherwise, this blue dragon would not appear here either.

A gleam of golden light flashed in the eyes of Saint Qingluan, and then she performed the escape technique and galloped towards the pool.

Just in the blink of an eye, he came to the water pool.

Xuanyuantai, who was at war with Qinglong, immediately yelled at it.

He never thought that this person would take advantage of the time when he was fighting with the Azure Dragon, fish in troubled waters, in an attempt to profit from the fisherman.

This Saint Qingluan is really like the rumors outside, she is a lunatic!

And that Qinglong naturally sensed the movement of the Qingluan Saintess, not only didn't the slightest sense of panic on her face, but a touch of humane jokes flashed through.

The next moment, when the Saintess of Qingluan wanted to directly enter the water pool, a big mouth of the blood basin opened from under the water surface, and she wanted to swallow it directly into her abdomen.

When the owner of the big mouth of the blood basin showed his true face, everyone realized that there was still a blue dragon in this water pool, and his figure was even more terrifying than the blue dragon fighting Xuanyuantai.

The sage Qingluan's complexion changed instantly, and then she drove Qingluan under her seat and galloped away.

I saw the blue dragon in the pool spit fiercely, and in the midair, the endless laws turned into black swords, galloping towards the back of the sage Qingluan.

In just the blink of an eye, he has come behind the Qingluan Saintess.

Saint Qingluan only felt her soul tremble, and a cyan light curtain appeared around her back to cover herself and Qingluan under her seat.

This is one of the life-saving magic weapons that the Holy Land bestows on her, which is enough to withstand a blow at the level of a saint in the sky.

I saw the endless black sword rushing above the cyan light curtain, and a terrifying roar broke out in an instant, and the endless law of turbulence was passed on.

The originally indestructible cyan light curtain collapsed at this moment, and the sage Qingluan suddenly spewed a mouthful of blood, her face was like gold paper, her breath instantly slumped down, and then she ran away frantically into the distance.

The rest of the holy sons and saints who were watching saw this, and they were shocked: "It turned out to be a monster beast at the level of a saint in the starry sky!"

Xuanyuantai, who was fighting with the blue dragon, was also in a violent heart at the moment, and quickly wanted to get rid of the blue dragon in front of him, and flee madly towards the depths of the valley.

And those saints and saints who were still watching the show, at this moment one by one also fled here immediately afterwards.

At this moment, Hongyun and others, who were walking slowly deep in the valley, seemed to perceive the movement behind them, and looked towards the rear one by one, with a smile on their faces.

Yue Lingtu said with a triumphant expression: "When I came to this world with my master, I didn’t know how many brothers I accepted. I didn’t expect that their lowest realm is also the pinnacle of the master, but it saves some trouble. ."

Qin Yuan and the others on the side saw this, they didn't know what to say for a while, so they could only look at the Moon Spirit Rabbit with a smirk, and quickly slapped up flattery.

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