I Have a Trillion Merits

Chapter 906: Starry Sky Dao Guo

Everyone moved forward, constantly walking through the valley.

This valley seems to be a little different from other places in the wild world. There is a special law in the valley that constantly suppresses the consciousness of everyone.

They couldn't get their divine sense out of their bodies, they could only observe the surroundings with naked eyes.

Even with Hongyun's current cultivation base, he can barely push his divine sense out of a hundred miles, which is less than one-tenth of the valley.

Everyone only heard the roar of the beast coming from behind getting smaller and smaller. The saints and saints who followed them into the valley before seemed to be running around in the valley.

Qin Yuan glanced back, his eyes filled with emotion.

He didn't expect that even in the wild world at the end of the road to battle, there were acquaintances of Yueling Rabbit.

The cause and effect between them seems quite deep, and the creatures in the valley behave very friendly to them.

At this moment, Qingluan swiftly drove under the seat of the Saintess of Qingluan Holy Land, but in a moment he caught up with the Hongyun and others who were walking through the valley.

Hong Yun and the others walked cautiously through the valley, while the Saintess of Qingluan fled panic in the valley.

The sage Qingluan who was fleeing saw Hongyun and others in front of her, her eyes couldn't help showing a look of surprise, and then she said in a cold voice: "The previous two bones are in your hands, right?"

Hong Yun looked at the other party's embarrassed appearance, smiled and nodded.

Does this person want to grab those two bones now?

Today, Saint Qingluan, although she has not been affected much, her combat power is still somewhat compromised, and it will not help her to do it at this moment.

I saw Hong Yun just nodded, and there was a hint of joy on the face of the saint Qingluan, and then immediately said: "Hand over those two bones to me, I can protect you in this wild world!"

Before Hong Yun spoke, the Moon Spirit Rabbit on the side laughed out loud, and then looked at Saint Qingluan seriously, and said: "You can't even shelter yourself now, how can you talk about sheltering me?"

Saint Qingluan's face turned dark, and then she wanted to take a shot directly.

But as soon as she took the shot, Hongyun slapped her to take a picture.

Surrounded by endless laws in the mid-air, it turned into a huge palm, and forcibly patted the Saint Qingluan and Qingluan under her seat on the ground.

No matter how she struggled, she was always suppressed by the endless laws on her body and couldn't move.

This saint of Qingluan ranks last among the sons and saints of the first one. On the contrary, the saint of the holy land of Qingluan is ranked first, even if placed in the world among the heavens and the world, the descendants of the world are ranked In the list, it is enough to rank in the top 100.

It was comparable to that of Xuanyuan Terrace, and might even be slightly better.

Only based on the information he had obtained from Qin Wuzheng before, Qingluan Shengzi is now retreating in the Qingluan Holy Land, and has not participated in the fight for battle at all.

Or in other words, Qingluan Shengzi can break through to the starry sky saint level without the need to fight for the peak.

Rumor has it that this person had received the inheritance of the Qingluan ancestor in the early years, but that was the inheritance of a master of the starry sky, enough to make him worry-free in front of the lord of the starry sky.

Above the ground, Saint Qingluan was constantly struggling, her eyes staring at Hongyun coldly, and she said: "Let me go, otherwise you can't get out of this wild world alive."

Hongyun looked at Saint Qingluan seriously, and then looked at whether there is a hidden power in the surroundings, and then said: "In this wild world, even the existence of the master of the starry sky cannot intervene. How do you keep me from getting out of this world alive?"

Saint Qingluan's face turned pale, and then she said, "I have the mark given by the Holy Land. If you act on me this time, the mark will definitely be on your body. If I can't get out of this savage world, my Qingluan The Holy Land will inevitably pursue and kill you all over the world."

Hearing this, the face of the red cloud couldn't help showing a smile, then raised his hand and shook it lightly.

I saw that the Dao on the Qingluan saint was turned into a rope and tied it tightly there, and the remaining Dao turned into a birdcage, and the reduced Qingluan was placed in it.

Hong Yun smiled and said: "If this is the case, then you will wait with me. When encountering some unavoidable danger, I will throw you out. What do you think?"

Yueling Rabbit held the bird cage in his hand with joy, and then teased the Qingluan in it.

The Qingluan girl couldn't help but her face turned white. No one dared to provoke her in the Qingluan Holy Land, but in this wild world, no one was used to her.

She shook her head quickly and said: "No, there is a lot of information about this wild world in my Qingluan Holy Land. If you save my life, I can share this information with you."

Hongyun smiled, then turned around and continued walking in the valley.

Behind him, Qing Luan, who was **** by the law rope, followed behind with a reluctant expression on his face.

While holding the bird cage, Yueling Rabbit asked: "Master, what do you keep her for? This woman seems to have a problem with her brain."

Hong Yun smiled and said, "Keeping her can solve a lot of troubles."

He embarked on the road of fighting and came to this wild world, not to fight fiercely with these saint sons and women, but to find his own opportunity.

Now he has reached the pinnacle state of the world lord, only one step away can become a saint in the starry sky.

It is also the so-called ancient sage among the heavens and ten thousand realms!

If it is the endless harassment by those saints or saints, this is the real trouble.

Moonling Rabbit nodded thoughtfully while teasing Qingluan in the birdcage.

Everyone went all the way and came to the very middle of the valley.

When they passed the water pool before, the two blue dragons inside once told the Moon Spirit Rabbit that there was a spiritual fruit in the middle of the valley.

It can make people break through the avenue, and the spirit of the realm master level can be sublimated again, so as to comprehend the way of the starry sky and refine the principles of all kinds of ways.

The people who have entered this wild world over the years seem to be looking for this kind of thing, but this spiritual fruit in the middle of the valley is guarded by a spiritual beast, which is quite powerful, so that they should not be easily provoked.

Hong Yun and the others concealed their figures and vitality, and came to the very center of the valley, and they saw the spirit fruit in the mouth of the two blue dragons.

The saint Qingluan who was originally listless, her eyes widened instantly after seeing the spirit fruit, and she said in shock: "It's actually a starry sky Daoguo!"

Starry Sky Dao Guo?

Hong Yun frowned slightly, hearing that the name did match the description in the mouth of the two-headed blue dragon.

I just don't know whether this starry sky Dao Guo can break through the limit of the realm master and reach the level of the starry sky saint.

At this moment, several figures came across the sky, and they also saw the starry sky Dao fruit in the very center. I have a million billion merits, the latest chapter address: https://www.readwn.com/book/113095.htmlI have a million billion merits to read the full text address: https://www.readwn.com/read/113095/I have a trillion merit txt download address: https://www.readwn.com/down/113095.htmlI have a million billion merits mobile phone reading: https://m.readwn.com/read/113095/In order to facilitate the next reading, you can click "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 906 Xingkong Dao Guo), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "I Have A Hundred Billion Merit", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), Thank you for your support! (www.readwn.com)

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