I Have a Trillion Merits

Chapter 908: The siskin is behind!

After hearing what Hong Yun said, the sage Qingluan at the back couldn't help but change her face, and then she couldn't believe it and said, "You don't want to grab food from your mouth, right?"

Hong Yun looked at the many saints and saints who were fighting with the Tyrannosaurus in front of him, with a smile on his face, and slowly said, "There is no such thing as a tiger's mouth, it's just a bunch of little guys."

With that said, he concealed his figure and galloped directly in the direction of Daoguo Xingkong.

Xuanyuantai, who was fighting with the Tyrannosaurus rex, looked at the direction of Xingkong Daoguo as if he had noticed it at this moment.

In his eyes, there seemed to be divine light flashing out.

Even though Hong Yun had hidden his figure to the extreme, he was still discovered by Xuanyuantai.

The moment Xuanyuantai saw Hongyun, his expression instantly changed.

Then shouted loudly: "Stop him, don't let him approach the starry sky Daoguo!"

The rest of the saints and saints changed their expressions one by one, looking towards the place where the red cloud was.

I saw that the crowd frequently used means, and countless supernatural powers turned out to be empty.

The moment Hongyun was discovered again, everyone unanimously shot towards Hongyun, trying to stop Hongyun here.

Upon seeing this, Hong Yun couldn't help but smile.

After that, his body shape changed in the midair, and he escaped the various supernatural powers of the people with extraordinary ease, and went directly to the place of the starry sky Dao Guo.

Under the eyes of everyone, he directly took the starry sky Dao Guo in his hands.

Upon seeing the Tyrannosaurus Rex who was fighting with Xuanyuantai, he immediately raised his voice to the sky and then shot the Xuanyuantai directly in front of him.

Then he rushed towards the red cloud, wanting to retake the starry sky Daoguo in his hand.

But he hadn't waited for him to come in front of Hong Yun.

I saw Hong Yun's figure instantly disappeared in the same place and disappeared without a trace. No matter what methods everyone in the field used to search, he could not find Hong Yun's trace.

Above the huge open space at this moment, everyone was stunned in the air.

They didn't expect that these saint sons and saints could finally abandon their previous suspicions and fight together to fight for this starry sky Dao fruit.

Didn't expect someone to pick a peach?

Especially for Xuanyuantai, he was carrying the main force of the Tyrannosaurus rex, and now he was still churning with blood.

Half of it was because of the previous fight with the Tyrannosaurus rex, and it was generally the anger of being picked peaches.

The Tyrannosaurus rex watched the starry sky Daoguo that he had guarded for many years completely disappeared. At this moment, his eyes suddenly became blood red, and he roared up to the sky.

The pressure of the ancient sage level came instantly.

Upon seeing this, Xuanyuantai couldn't help but his complexion changed, and said, "This wicked animal is angry and leaves quickly."

His voice was not over.

I saw the Tyrannosaurus rex not far away swelled up again, as if shaking the sky and covering the sun, standing on the ground here.

Between raising his hands, he directly exploded the nearest Saint Child.

Amid the explosion of the blood mist, a ray of light flew out of it, directly breaking through the realm and dashing towards the starry sky.

Xuanyuantai's eyes widened at this moment.

He couldn't even dream that the angry Tyrannosaurus was so terrifying.

Just like their existence at the level of Saint Child, the last trump card on their body is the enticement talisman given in the Holy Land.

Once these people encounter an unavoidable crisis, when they are forcibly beheaded.

The enchanting talisman will explode most of the blood essence of the owner in advance, and will lead a trace of the soul directly back to the predetermined location.

These are the reasons why those who don't have any other way to do it are unwilling to kill these saint children and saints.

Even if he succeeded in beheading a saint child, he escaped with a trace of soul.

Even if fortunately the memory in this thread of soul was forcibly sealed.

But when the memory is finally restored, it would be okay if they died on the road of fighting, if they walked out alive.

Then you have to face the chase of a holy land.

Everyone looked at the Tyrannosaurus rex, who had fallen into madness, with a look of horror on their faces, and then they hurriedly used various methods to flee towards the distance.

On the side where everyone was fleeing, Hong Yun and the others stood on the top of the mountain, looking at the people fleeing in all directions, and couldn't help showing a smile on their faces.

Behind everyone, the sturdy sage Qingluan who was **** at this moment also looked at the small black tower hovering beside Hongyun with an expression of disbelief.

Muttered to himself: "What kind of magic weapon is this, why can I wait to hide in the interlayer of space?"

Hong Yun also looked at the small black tower beside him quite unexpectedly.

He didn't expect that this small tower actually had this ability.

He had always regarded the opponent as a magic weapon that could break the formation and the barriers of the world, but he did not expect that he could hide himself and others in the interlayer of space.

If the group of saint children or saint women did not reach the strength above the sixth level of the ancient sage, they could not be found at all.

The crowd looked down at the Tyrannosaurus rex, who was still going crazy in the distance, and shook their heads slightly.

Yueling Rabbit said: "Master, this starry sky Dao fruit should help you break through the level of the ancient sage. Should we continue to walk in this wild world?"

Hong Yun smiled and said: "Since it's already here, let's stay here for a while. I promised Yunyan the ancient sage, but now I don't have a clue. I can't return after taking someone else's deposit."

Yue Lingtu said "Oh", and then said, "What if I can't find Old Sage Yunyan's younger brother?"

Hongyun smiled and said, "Do your best."

When the voice fell, he led everyone to the distance.

If you continue to stay here, I am afraid that you can really be beaten out by the mad Tyrannosaurus rex.

The direction they left this time, they deliberately chose the place where the saint children or saints had the least escape direction. After all, they came to this world to find opportunities, and there would be less trouble and less trouble.

The people rushed all the way in the valley, and I don't know how long it took, and the aftermath of the terrifying battle came in front of the people.

Hong Yun couldn't help but frowned slightly, and then wanted to poke out his spiritual thoughts. Although he was suppressed a lot by the special rules in the valley, he barely saw the vague scene of the battle ahead.

They were two holy sons he didn't know well, and at this moment they seemed to be fighting for a spiritual plant, so they fought in the valley.

Saint Qingluan stepped forward and took a look. After seeing a willow tree in front of her, her eyes widened.

Then he said: "Tian Tian Liu, how can there be such a thing in this place?"

Hearing this, Hong Yun couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

Listening to the tone of the saintess of Qingluan, it seems that this swallowing willow is a rare good thing, otherwise it will not cause the two saints to compete.

For a moment, when he looked at the two saints who were fighting in the distance, an inexplicable expression appeared in his eyes. I have a million billion merits, the latest chapter address: https://www.readwn.com/book/113095.htmlI have a million billion merits to read the full text address: https://www.readwn.com/read/113095/I have a trillion merit txt download address: https://www.readwn.com/down/113095.htmlI have a million billion merits mobile phone reading: https://m.readwn.com/read/113095/In order to facilitate the next reading, you can click "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 908 Oriole is in the back!), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf ! If you like "I Have A Hundred Billion Merit", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), Thank you for your support! (www.readwn.com)

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