I Have a Trillion Merits

Chapter 909: Reapplying the old technique

The saint Qingluan on the side seemed to perceive the strangeness of Hongyun, and couldn't help but ask: "You don't want to repeat the same trick again!"

Moon Spirit Rabbit also flashed a smile of joy in his eyes, and hurriedly said, "The Sky Swallowing Willow is a rare spiritual plant. When it reaches adulthood, it can be comparable to the existence of the ancient sage level, and this Sky Swallowing Willow can guard Xingchen is the best choice for nursing homes..."

Hearing this, there was a touch of satisfaction on the surface of the red cloud, no wonder the two saints in front of him would take the shot to **** the willow.

Now it seems that Heaven Swallowing Willow is indeed a rare spiritual plant.

If you accept it, when it reaches adulthood, it will be an ancient sage-level combat power, and it can even guard a star, which is indeed very cost-effective.

The saint Qingluan spoke again: "I know the two people in front of me. They are the saints of the two weaker worlds among the heavens and the world, but I didn't expect their luck to be so good. When you entered the valley, you found the larva of Tianliu."

After hearing the words of the saint Qingluan, the red cloud couldn't help showing a smile, and then said: "What? Do you want to help them?"

Saint Qingluan shook her head quickly and said: "No, I just want to say that these two guys are not very strong, you don't have to worry like before..."

The face of the red cloud was stunned, and he looked at the Virgin Qingluan somewhat weirdly, wondering what wishful thinking the other party was playing.

After a while, I heard the Qingluan girl gritted her teeth and said: "Only these two guys actually have the face to go to the Qingluan Holy Land and propose marriage to the Holy Master, really **** it!"

As soon as this remark came out, several people around were all looking strangely at the Ching Luan Saintess.

They didn't expect that there was such a relationship between the sage Qingluan and these two sages, no wonder these tens of millions of girls were eager for Hongyun to do it.

It turns out that these two holy sons had been to Qingluan Holy Land to propose marriage before. Tsk tsk...

For a while, everyone's eyes became weird when they looked at the Qingluan girl.

Saint Qingluan looked ashamed and angry, she would have stopped speaking when she knew it.

With a smile on his face when Hong Yun heard the words, he walked directly out of the hidden place and came to the place where Tian Tian Liu was.

The two saints who were at war originally saw the red clouds, their eyes lit up, and then unanimously said: "The swallowing willow belongs to you, and the two bones belong to me."

Hearing what the two said, there was a look of astonishment on the surface of the red cloud, but he did not expect that these two little guys had such a big heart, and they wanted to **** the two bones in his hand in front of him. , It's kind of interesting.

Hong Yun smiled and said: "There is something on both of you, please hand it over before I do it! Otherwise, after I do it, the scene will be ugly."

When the two heard this, a coldness flashed in their eyes.

One of them said, "Originally we were thinking about how to find you, but we didn't expect you to show up in front of our eyes. Now that we hand over those two bones, we can still let you live, or we will fall into the hands of Xuanyuantai. , I’m afraid I will refine you into a puppet."

The other person also smiled and said: "If you give me those two bones, I can shelter you in this wild world."

The two had just finished speaking, but they saw several people walking out in the darkness.

It was the holy girl of Qingluan who was tied up, and Yueling Rabbit and others.

After seeing the current appearance of Saint Qingluan, the two of them changed their expressions, and then hurriedly said: "Saint, why are you here?"

After the two of them clearly saw the law chain bound on Saint Qingluan's body, they said twice at the same time: "Quickly let the Qingluan girl go, otherwise I will prevent you from getting out of this place today."

Watching the two self-care performances, two bones emerged in Hong Yun's hands and held them in his hands.

The eyes of the two men instantly fell on the bones, and a look of greed flashed in their eyes.

As soon as he wanted to speak, he saw Hong Yun's figure disappeared in place. When he reappeared, he had already appeared in front of the two of them. The two bones in his hand were one on each hand, and he slammed on both of them. Above the head.


A terrifying loud noise blew up in their ears, and a severe headache came in an instant, and the two only felt like lightning and thunder in their minds.

The whole person was stunned there directly.

Hong Yun looked at the two pieces of white bones in his hands, and couldn't help but smile.

Although he has not studied the usefulness of these two bones, it seems that even if there is no deeper research, just as a weapon, it can be comparable to the sharp gun.

I don't know what cultivation level is in front of that giant white bone, even the remaining white bones are so powerful, it is really shocking.

When the two had just recovered, they were just about to speak.

I saw a ghost of white bones flashed in front of my eyes again, and another flash of lightning and thunder in my mind.

The two fainted again.

After a long time, the two of them slumped directly on the ground, begging: "Enough is enough, we will give you whatever you want, let us go!"

After speaking, many spirit treasures, jade slips, and panacea suddenly appeared in the void in front of him.

It can be said that these two people took out everything about them except for those foundations bestowed by the Holy Land.

A smile appeared on the surface of the red cloud, and then with a big wave of his hand, he put away all the items in front of him.

Then he moved towards the swallowing willow and transplanted it into his own internal world.

At this moment, the two of them looked at Hongyun hesitantly, and then said: "I don't know this fellow Taoist, can you spare the Qingluan girl?"

A look of surprise appeared in Hong Yun's eyes, and he smiled and said, "You are infatuated."

The two smiled embarrassedly. If they didn't like the Qingluan Saintess, they would not invite their elders to go to the Qingluan Holy Land to propose marriage.

Saint Qingluan gritted her teeth and said: "Don't worry about it, my old lady loves to be locked!"

After speaking, he turned around, leaving behind the dumbfounded lover.

After Hong Yun accepted the willow swallowing sky, he took the crowd and left here directly.

After they left, the two men came back to their senses.

One of them gritted his teeth and said: "The saint must be because of the evil thief, so I dare not speak more. We must find the right opportunity to rescue the saint."

The other person also nodded firmly.

For a time, the two Saints who were fighting against each other because of the willow swallowing formed an alliance at this moment.

And Hong Yun, who had already walked away, looked at the saint Qingluan next to her, and said, "The two are so infatuated, but it's a pity that the flowers are intentional and the water is ruthless!"

Saint Qingluan snorted coldly, turned her head and stopped speaking.

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