I Have a Trillion Merits

Chapter 912: Find

At this moment, the Tianyuan Saint Child who was constantly walking through the wild continent was inexplicably uneasy, always feeling that someone was staring at him behind his back.

He looked back, and his divine sense came out to observe within a radius of a million miles.

After a long time there was nothing, Tian Yuan Shengzi's heart was settled a lot, and then he didn't know what he thought of, and couldn't help but frown slightly.

He remembered that he didn't provoke anyone during this period of time, except that the Blue Luan Saintess of the Blue Luan Holy Land had not waited to see him, the relationship between him and the other Saint Sons and Saints was relatively good.

Could it be that what I had just sensed was the murmuring behind the young girl in Qingluan.

Thinking of this, Tian Yuan Shengzi couldn't help but chuckle. If it was Qingluan Shengzi, he would have some scruples, but if it was Qingluan Shengzi, he didn't have the slightest scruples in his heart.

After all, the position of Saintess of Qingluan Saintess was only obtained by her elder brother, otherwise she was much inferior to the great sisters of Qingluan Holy Land with her strength.

He is also one of the best saints anyhow, how could he be afraid of a Qingluan saint who relied on her elder brother to get the position of saint.

Tianyuan Shengzi chuckled triumphantly in his heart, and then continued to march forward.

And just when the Son of Tian Yuan was proud of it, Hong Yun at the moment looked at the Saint Qingluan with a weird expression, and then asked: "What? How did the Son of Yuan offend you that day?"

Saint Qingluan said with a sullen expression: "How could I be that kind of person."

The old God Qin Yuan on the side said: "Couldn't this Tianyuan Saint Son also went to the Qingluan Holy Land to propose marriage, so I offend you?"

Saint Qingluan shook her head repeatedly and said: "Of course not. It's just that the Tianyuan Holy Land is powerful, and the background behind it is even comparable to my Qingluan Holy Land. Since you want to choose a target to follow, then this Tianyuan Holy Land is naturally the best choice. "

"Furthermore, I didn't offend you. After being **** by you for so long, I still have some affection. You can't force me to cheat the elders in my own family!"

Hong Yun smiled and nodded and said: "Your words have some truth. If that's the case, then you will lead the way and follow the Tianyuan Shengzi."

Upon hearing this, Saintess Qingluan showed a smile on her face, and then she felt that the chains on her body seemed to loosen a lot.

Immediately relying on a certain secret treasure he brought from the Holy Land, he began to search for the traces of the Tianyuan Saint Child.

But in a moment, Saint Qingluan found the position of Yuan Shengzi like today, and immediately followed.

Everyone followed behind Saint Qingluan and galloped towards the place where the Tianyuan Saint Child was, but in a moment, they saw the Tianyuan Saint Child who was marching ahead.

At this moment, the Tianyuan Saint Child was galloping away in a certain direction, and did not change the direction during the period, as if he had already determined the destination in his heart.

Hong Yun and the others used methods to follow Tianyuan Shengzi far behind.

Saint Qingluan looked at the galloping Tianyuan Saint Child, and she couldn't help showing a smile on her face, and then muttered to herself: "Our two gods have met for generations, so today I will be wronged for you."

Hongyun looked at Saint Qingluan with a weird face, then smiled and shook his head.

But for a moment, I saw Yuan Shengzi staying outside a huge jungle that day.

The world here was far surpassing any world Hongyun had ever seen, and the growth of spirit plants and spirit beasts was extremely terrifying.

Including the huge forest in front of him, the radiation spread for tens of thousands of miles, and several terrifying auras came from it, and it was obvious that there were spirit beasts with a high level of cultivation.

I saw that Yuan Shengzi stayed outside the forest that day, looked at the huge forest in front of him with satisfaction, and then smiled and said, "The natural magic circle recorded by Uncle San should be in this forest. The time is only enough to crack 70% of the magic circle, and the remaining 30% has been taught to me. Today, I must bring back the treasure in this magic circle. Maybe I can take this one step further."

Thinking of this, the smile on Tian Yuan Shengzi's face became more and more intense, and then he leaped into the forest.

At this moment, the jade card on the waist of Hongyun who was behind Tianyuan Shengzi suddenly flashed, and he had obviously sensed something.

Yueling Rabbit said strangely: "Could it be that the younger brother of Yunyan Old Sage is in this forest?"

Hong Yun also looked a little strange, and said, "Perhaps! If this is the case, then this incident would be too coincidental."

Saint Qingluan looked at the red cloud in front of her, and then asked: "Then the ancient sage Yunyan has also sought you out?"

Hong Yun and the others looked at Saint Qingluan with weird faces.

Yue Lingtu said with a look of suspicion: "It shouldn't be said that the ancient sage Yunyan has also sought you out! I heard that the ancient sage Yunyan still has high requirements for the people he seeks..."

When the sage Qingluan heard the words, her face turned black for an instant, and then she said: "My strength is also good, why won't the ancient sage Yunyan look for me?"

Moon Lingtu smiled awkwardly.

Then I heard the Sage Qingluan continue to speak: "Before the road to the battle was opened, the ancient sage Yunyan had gone to the Holy Land of Qingluan to find my brother, but my brother indicated that he would not participate in the road of the battle, because His way does not require him to participate in this battle, so he rejected Old Sage Yunyan on this excuse."

Having said this, the Qingluan girl turned her head and looked at Hongyun seriously, then nodded slightly and said: "But you may indeed be invited by the ancient sage Yunyan."

Hong Yun shook his head helplessly, then looked at the huge forest in front of him, and said, "Among you Qingluan Holy Land, is there a record of this forest?"

Saint Qingluan shook her head slightly and said: "There is no record of this forest in our Qingluan Holy Land. This may be the last time someone who entered Tianyuan Holy Land found a secret place, so the record was handed over to it. Son of Tianyuan."

Hongyun sighed helplessly, and then said: "It seems that I can only go directly into this forest for a while."

Regardless of his previous plan, or he had promised Old Sage Yunyan's request, he was bound to enter this forest for a while.

Everyone followed Hongyun into the huge forest. Just stepping into it, they felt terrifying pressure coming from all directions.

This feeling is just like what they had felt on the road of battle before, the divine consciousness was pressed in their own body and could not reach out of a hundred miles.

Hongyun searched for the trail all the way and followed Tianyuan Shengzi, but for a while, a huge natural formation appeared in front of everyone.

At this moment, the jade pendant on Hong Yun's waist was also trembling violently! I have a million billion merits, the latest chapter address: https://www.readwn.com/book/113095.htmlI have a million billion merits to read the full text address: https://www.readwn.com/read/113095/I have a trillion merit txt download address: https://www.readwn.com/down/113095.htmlI have a million billion merits mobile phone reading: https://m.readwn.com/read/113095/In order to facilitate the next reading, you can click "Favorites" below to record this reading (found in Chapter 912), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "I Have A Hundred Billions of Merit", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), Thank you for your support! (www.readwn.com)

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