I Have a Trillion Merits

Chapter 913: Phantom of the World Tree

Hong Yun looked at the natural formation in front of him with some surprise, he could perceive the jade pendant on his waist, and he was reacting to the thing in front of him.

You must know that this piece of jade is the secret treasure that Old Sage Yunyan gave him to find the other brother's brother, which means that Old Sage Yunyan's younger brother is very likely to be in the natural formation in front of him.

Yue Lingtu and the others also looked at the jade pendant flashing around Hong Yun's waist with a look of sorrow.

They didn't expect that they would wait for others, they just followed a saint from the great world at will, and they were able to find the trace of the younger brother of Yunyan Ancient Saint.

This luck is really good!

Saint Qingluan was even more surprised, and then muttered to herself: "If you can really find Old Sage Yunyan's younger brother this time, then you will have to have an additional guardian at the level of the Lord of Starry Sky in the future. The winner."

Many sacred places in the Great Thousand World had analyzed Old Sage Yunyan, if it hadn't been for the other side's concern for his younger brother who didn't know where he was trapped.

I'm afraid this Yunyan Old Sage has already become the master of the starry sky...

But some things that are missed can only be made up for in another matter, so Yunyan Old Sage will set foot on the road of battle at the level of the starry sky saint, and wants to successfully break through the level of the starry sky master.

Everyone is very optimistic about the ancient sage Yunyan, and they have long expected that this must be the master of the starry sky in the future.

A look of surprise flashed in Hong Yun's eyes, and then looked at the natural formation in front of him, smiled and said, "If this is the case, I have to go in and take a look."

When the voice fell, he stepped into the natural formation in front of him.

Yue Lingtu and others quickly followed.

As soon as everyone stepped into the natural formation, they saw white smoke spreading out of the fourth formation, and then instantly enveloped the entire formation.

This made the huge natural formation in front of him disappear into the forest.

Everyone walked in the formation, the divine consciousness was close to being suppressed in the body, only Hongyun could barely see within a few miles of the surrounding area.

The Moon Lingtu on the side said in doubt: "If I hadn't felt wrong before, Yuan Shengzi should have been in this formation that day, but why I haven't seen him until now."

The rest of the people also looked puzzled, because they followed the Tianyuan Shengzi all the way to this place, even the position where they stepped into the formation was exactly the same.

But why did they walk in the formation for so long, but they didn't see Tianyuan Shengzi.

Is it possible that this formation can also randomly transmit them and spread them out?

There was also a strange color on the surface of the red cloud, and he could sense a great law that was very close to him in this formation.

This is a great law that he has never felt before, but for some reason he is extremely close to him, which is a bit weird.

He picked up the jade pendant on his waist, and then raised his hand lightly, and the jade pendant instantly appeared within a radius of several million miles.

But it was only an extremely crude location, with a light spot looming above it.

Hong Yun smiled and said, "This thing is interesting!"

In his opinion, this jade pendant is a bit like the radar he saw in his previous life. If it is not surprising, the spot of light that appeared on the jade pendant should be where Yunyan Old Sage Brother is.

He followed the guide on the jade pendant and marched forward, but in a moment, he heard a terrifying roar from a distance.

Saint Qingluan said excitedly in the crowd: "It's the breath of Tianyuan Saint Child, he is not far in front..."

Hongyun nodded slightly, and then walked all the way towards the source of the sound. When they came closer, they saw the Tianyuan Saint Child in the distance seemed to be at war with something.

Moreover, the dynamics of the battle were so great that the original living creatures in this formation began to gather continuously.

In front of Yuan Shengzi that day, a small tree stood standing.

On the little tree, there were a series of profound avenue laws, which was exactly the avenue law that Hongyun kept getting close to him after stepping into the formation.

Saint Qingluan muttered to herself: "It's actually the World Tree, and the world tree is hidden in this formation. This Tianyuan Holy Land has a lot of plans."

Hong Yun couldn't help frowning when she heard Saint Lady Qingluan speak.

He vaguely seemed to have heard the rumors of the world tree, that the world tree was the origin of a world or the origin of a universe.

With the world tree as the foundation, every leaf or fruit that grows on it is a world.

Da Neng once speculated that when the world tree grows to perfection, it is very likely that a complete universe will evolve.

It's just that it's hard to appear once in tens of thousands of eras.

Unexpectedly, in this wild world, the world tree could be seen.

Yue Lingtu whispered from the side: "Master, this is a good thing, do you want to grab it?"

Hongyun pondered for a moment, then nodded solemnly.

Then he raised his hand and gently grabbed it towards the distant World Tree, turning into an invisible ripple that shattered directly in front of everyone's eyes.

The previous scene of Tian Yuan Shengzi fighting something, and the scene where the World Tree was, all shattered.

A look of surprise appeared on the surface of the red cloud, and then whispered: "It turns out to be something reflected somewhere in this big formation. The World Tree and the Natural Son are not here..."

When the rest of the people heard the words, there was also a pity on their faces.

Hong Yun looked at the light spots on the jade pendant, and then smiled and said: "Let's go and see if the younger brother of the ancient sage Yunyan is in this big formation. There is time to find the world tree. "

After speaking, he hurried along the light spot on the jade pendant.

And as they rushed all the way, they triggered countless crises in this natural formation.

But in Hongyun's eyes, these crises are nothing at all.

This made him a little bit puzzled that this big formation didn't look dangerous, why did the Yuan Sacred Land be left to this Tian Yuan Shengzi that day.

Rather than directly pocketing the World Tree, this made her a little strange.

The others didn't think much, and followed Hongyun all the way to the depths of the big formation.

But in a moment, everyone came to a place where a gully was located, and the huge gully in front of everyone divided the entire forest into two.

And the light spot above the red cloud jade pendant showed that it was in the huge gully in front of him.

Yue Lingtu asked suspiciously, "Could it be that Yunyan Old Sage's younger brother is trapped under this gully? What is the danger here that prevents him from getting out?"

Hong Yun smiled and shook his head and said, "Since I have come here, go down there for a while, I also want to know what is trapping him!"I have a million billion merits, the latest chapter address: https://www.readwn.com/book/113095.htmlI have a million billion merits to read the full text address: https://www.readwn.com/read/113095/I have a trillion merit txt download address: https://www.readwn.com/down/113095.htmlI have a trillion merits mobile phone reading: https://m.readwn.com/read/113095/For the convenience of reading next time, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record this (Chapter 913 Phantom of the World Tree) reading record, and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! like "I Have A Hundred Billion Merit", please recommend this to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) Book, thank you for your support! ! (www.readwn.com)

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