I Have a Trillion Merits

Chapter 914: Skeleton

Hong Yun looked at the huge gully in front of him, a smile appeared on his face, and then raised his hand to touch his body, only to see an invisible ripple spreading out instantly.

As if the huge gully in front of him was covered with a protective formation.

The next moment, a small incomplete tower appeared in front of Hong Yun, and then directly broke the protective formation in front of him, opening it abruptly.

Hongyun flew directly into it, and the rest of the crowd followed and descended into the gully together.

There is no bottom in the current ravine, and there are some biological bones on both sides, exuding a series of terrifying coercion.

It is as if these creatures died when they were alive, and then were buried in the ground after death, and slowly decayed into bones.

Qin Yuan exclaimed from the side: "There seems to be an incredible power in this gully, which can continuously corrode the flesh and soul. I have seen many bones of the peak level of the world master on both sides of this cliff..."

The others nodded in agreement.

Within the bones on both sides of the cliff, there are not only the bones of the pinnacle of the world master, but there are even some creatures that are suspected of being at the level of ancient sages.

At this moment, two bones suddenly appeared in front of Hong Yun, which were the two leg bones taken from the bone giant before.

I saw a ray of fluorescence exuding above the two bones, faintly revealing a hint of greed.

After Hong Yun stopped in the middle of the sky, he looked at both sides of the cliff with some doubts. The two bones seemed to want these bones on both sides of the cliff very much.

He took a close look at the two bones during his lifetime, and then branded them with his divine consciousness, leaving his own mark on the bones.

Then he threw out the two bones in his hand, and then watched the two bones fall to the sides of the cliff, continuously absorbing the remaining energy of the bones in the cliff.

Upon seeing this, Moon Spirit Rabbit showed a look of surprise on his face, and then said: "He seems to be constantly absorbing the remaining breath of the bones on both sides of the cliff, and seems to want to grow again."

As soon as this statement came out, everyone in the field was shocked, all with a look of disbelief, looking at the bones on both sides of the cliff.

Hong Yun said strangely: "What is the origin of the giant white bone? The two bones that detached from him are growing on their own, and the spirituality is even far superior to that of some top-notch creatures."

"If you wait until these two bones grow up, I don't know what it will be like."

Moonling Rabbit thought about it for a moment, and then said: "Wait until these two bones grow up, at least they are also strong at the ancient sage level. It seems that the bone giant is more terrifying than our imagination."

Hong Yun nodded, then looked into the distance where they had appeared in this wild world for the first time, with a look of contemplation in his eyes.

I don't know where the bones are now: whether they can break the shackles of the road to battle and enter this wild world.

He turned his head and looked at the bones on both sides of the cliff, and then arranged a few people to stay here to wait, while he took the Moon Spirit Rabbit and the others all the way to the bottom of the gully.

When I came to the bottom of the gully, I saw darkness below, and I couldn't see the distance even when my divine sense came out.

Moon Spirit Rabbit murmured: "There is a mysterious law in this darkness, which is stronger than the suppression in the forest."

Hong Yun nodded, then looked at the jade pendant on his waist, and followed the instructions above to walk all the way towards the distance.

But for a moment, he turned his head and looked to the side beside him, a faint feeling of uneasiness came.

He could perceive it, as if a creature was spying in the darkness not far away, staring at their group at the moment, waiting for an opportunity.

The Moon Spirit Rabbit naturally sensed this, showing a sense of vigilance on his face.

Suddenly, a figure rushed out of the darkness and rushed directly to the last person in the crowd. It was the group of people Hongyun had accepted on the road of battle. The person was swallowed before he could react.

He couldn't make even a trace of struggle, and completely disappeared here.

Hong Yun couldn't help but frowned, and then raised his hand lightly, only to see red sand overflowing from the sky below the gully, surrounded by the dark shadows in the distance.

Then he raised his hand to call it in, and saw a beast slowly emerging in the red sand prison world.

There was a look of surprise on the surface of the red cloud, and he could perceive that the strength of this beast had reached the pinnacle of the realm master, but its mentality was like an ordinary beast, which was a bit surprising.

According to common sense, only this beast can enter into practice when it is born with spiritual wisdom.

Even though these are natural beasts, once they have a cultivation base, most of them will increase their mentality, and their wisdom will suddenly increase.

It is really rare that this kind of cultivation has reached the pinnacle of the realm master, but the spiritual wisdom is like an ordinary beast.

Hongyun raised his hand to touch the beast in the Red Sand Prisoner Realm, but saw that the beast opened a huge bite, and directly smashed the Red Sand Prisoner Realm.

Hong Yun couldn't help but frowned slightly, and then raised his hand lightly, a clear light shot out from between, directly piercing the beast's head.

Kill it directly, the soul will be destroyed!

Hong Yun waved his hand and said, "It's not safe to live here, please be careful."

When the rest of the people heard the words, there was a sense of vigilance on their faces.

You must know how they dare to be careless if they have just been swallowed by this beast just like their cultivation base, and there is no bones left.

It seemed that he was aware of the cultivation of Hongyun and others, and the sense of peeping in the dark was significantly reduced.

Hong Yun followed the guide on the jade card to somewhere, looked at a dimly lighted hole in the dark front, a look of surprise appeared in his eyes.

He stepped forward slowly, and before reaching the entrance of the cave, he raised his hand and patted it directly.

The formation in front of the hole was directly smashed.

When everyone came to the cave, they saw a skeleton sitting in the middle of the cave, faintly exuding a mysterious aura.

After Hong Yun arrived in the cave, the jade card guidance on his waist became more and more obvious.

Qin Yuan frowned slightly and said, "Didn't the Ancient Sage Yunyan say that her brother is not dead? How come there is only one skeleton left."

Hong Yun looked at the bones in front of him, his eyes lightened, and smiled and said, "The younger brother of Old Sage Yunyan is indeed not dead. The bone in front of him is just an incarnation. Incarnate into a fake death to avoid disasters."

As soon as this remark came out, someone in the crowd said: "With the strength of that ancient sage, even if he offends one of the holy places, how can he use his incarnation to feign death to avoid disaster."

Hongyun smiled and shook his head, and continued to speak, "I don't need to wait for these."

At this moment, a terrifying roar suddenly came from the top of the gully, shaking the mountain for a while, and the rules were disordered.

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