I Have a Trillion Merits

Chapter 915: Cloud dust fake body

Feeling the disordered rules from the riots above, Hong Yun couldn't help but frown, then turned to look at the Moon Spirit Rabbit and others beside him.

He opened his mouth and said: "You don't need to worry about it here. Go and check it first. Don't let those two bones accidentally happen."

After hearing the words, Yueling Rabbit nodded slightly, and then flew towards the place where the two white bones were.

After everyone left, Hong Yun turned his head and looked at the white bone not far in front of him.

A smile appeared on his face, and then he said: "If you have anything to say, just say it."

As soon as he said this, he saw the white bone sitting on the ground cross-legged suddenly standing up, and his head and eye sockets looked directly at the red cloud.

A series of obscure laws spread out in the dark.

Upon seeing this, Hongyun walked directly into the formation, facing the white bone in front of him.

Before his eyes, the rules changed, and then the bones seemed to have undergone some changes. On the bones, flesh and blood grew.

Then he turned into a teenager, looked at Hongyun with a smile, and said: "I sensed the aura of my sister from you. If there is no accident, you should be sent by my sister to find me!"

Hong Yun smiled and said: "Entrusted by others, come here to explore one or two."

The young man eased his body slightly, and then said: "You are very good to be valued by your sister, but you should not get involved in this matter. The group of people I provoke is not the creatures in this universe, so I will feign death to avoid misfortune."

"Leaving this clone withered bones was originally to confuse those people, but you didn't expect to find it first."

Hong Yun narrowed his eyes, looked at the young man in front of him, and said: "Old Sage Yunyan has now set foot on the road of battle for the saints of the starry sky. If nothing happens, he will be the lord of the starry sky when he comes out. Let it be afraid."

Yun Chen shook his head and said, "Your gaze should not be limited to this universe. I said that the group of people I provoke is not the creatures in this universe. My actions are not just to avoid Misfortune, but also in order not to cause trouble to my sister."

Red Yun was taken aback for a moment, and didn't know what to say for a while.

After a while, he slowly opened his mouth and said, "If those people are not from this universe, where do they come from?"

Yun Chen shook his head slightly and said, "I don't know, but I can be sure that these people are not the people of this universe, and the laws and even their breaths are incompatible with this universe."

He looked up at the sky, and said: "In this vast universe, I don't know how many universes exist. My dwelling is just a drop in the ocean. I thought that the one who set foot on the starry sky is the peak, but who knows, even if it's the same. Yufang Xingkong, the master of stars in countless worlds, is nothing more than a **** on other people's chessboard."

"Perhaps in this complete universe, someone is playing chess and falling, and every time a piece is dropped, one universe will be destroyed."

"What I can do is to survive in this chessboard."

Hearing what Yun Chen said, Hong Yun's heart was shocked. He didn't understand what the young man saw in the first place to make him so pessimistic.

What a terrifying truth that is.

According to what Yun Chen said, wouldn't he also belong to a chess piece on this chessboard?

If you set foot in the predicament, is there someone secretly making arrangements.

Is the destruction of the system caused by others deliberately?

A look of confusion appeared in Hong Yun's eyes, this was the first time he felt so confused after setting foot on the path of spiritual practice.

At this moment, Yun Chen had an extra jade pendant in his hand and sent it to Hong Yun.

Looking nostalgic: "This is the body protection my sister gave me back then. After you go back, you can take this jade pendant and ask her not to look for me again. If the time is right, I will appear next to her. "

Hongyun took the jade pendant and nodded slightly.

Then I saw Yunchen once again turning into a white bone, still sitting cross-legged in place as before.

Behind him, the voice of the Moon Spirit Rabbit came: "Master, the two white bones seem to have absorbed all the remaining white bone spirit in this gully, and they are now undergoing further transformation."

Hearing this, Hong Yun couldn't help but froze for a moment, and then looked at Yun Chen's fake body in front of him.

I saw Yun Chen's fake body on the white bones, and there was no remaining aura or rules, as if it had completely disappeared for a long time, and there was no trace left.

Hong Yun turned around, and saw two white bones behind Yueling Rabbit, following him at the same time step by step.

And looking at the rules contained in the two white bones, their strength should have a half-step realm master level.

It was just taking shape at this time. If they were given enough world, I'm afraid the two bones could reach his current level.

Hongyun put away the jade pendant given by Yunchen, and later came before the two bones.

He was more clearly aware of the closeness to himself from the two bones, which was similar to the closeness between blood.

It's just that the two bones don't mean to give birth to spiritual wisdom at all.

It's like two blank sheets of paper.

But something strange was that he was able to sense the remaining breath of Yunchen from the two bones.

Hong Yun thought about it for a moment, then opened a crack in his eyebrows, and directly swallowed the two white bones and stored them in his own soul.

He could perceive that the meaning of the existence of these two white bones seemed to be the same as this Yunchen fake body.

It's like forcibly creating two similar flowers in the world.

From the inside out, it's completely consistent.

Moreover, the potential of these two bones is extraordinary. After he has successfully cultivated these two bones, they may be put to great use in the future.

After seeing Hongyun's movements, the Moon Spirit Rabbit was also taken aback, then turned to look at the Yunchen Bone on the side.

There was a look of doubt on his face, and then he said: "Master, this white bone seems to be a little different from before."

Hong Yun smiled and waved his hand and said: "No need to worry, I already have something to give to the ancient sage Yunyan, this time is useless to me, let's look for the world tree."

Hearing what Hongyun said, Yuelingtu nodded, and then followed Hongyun towards the top.

Coming to the top of the gully, Hong Yun glanced at the place where the white bones of Yunchen were located below, and then directly took out the small tower and integrated it into the formation here.

Strong action uses big means to close this gap.

For a time, the ground shook and the mountains shook, and the bottomless gully in between, slowly approached at this moment, and finally closed without a slight gap.

The saint Qingluan behind her looked at Hongyun a little curiously, not knowing what she was thinking.

After that, Hong Yun turned his head to look into the distance, with a smile on his face, and said: "So I found him in that place."

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