I Have a Trillion Merits

Chapter 916: Good-hearted as a rabbit

Among the crowd, the others did not speak, but the always quiet Saintess Qingluan suddenly said excitedly: "What's the matter? Have you found the fellow Tianyuan Shengzi?"

Yueling Rabbit looked at Saint Qingluan a little strangely, and then silently said: "It seems that there is a deep hatred between you and that guy..."

Saint Qingluan hurriedly waved her hand and said, "How is it possible? How can Saint Qingluan be that kind of person?"

Hong Yun glanced at her, and the latter shrank her honest neck in the crowd.

Then Qin Yuan, who only listened to the side, opened his mouth and said, "Master, since I have found the Yuan Shengzi and the World Tree that day, I'll wait a bit faster, so as not to have many dreams in the night."

Hong Yun nodded, and then galloped away in a certain direction.

Among his spirits, two bones are practicing silently, constantly absorbing all the mysteries in the spirits, and subtly becoming like red clouds.

This change is from the inside out, just like human cloning in the technological age, and even more terrifying than human cloning.

Because it is exactly the same in the true sense.

Otherwise, Yun Chen wouldn't have escaped the chase from outside the universe by relying on a white bone.

Hong Yun had also speculated that perhaps that Yunchen also found a certain white bone left behind by a giant white bone on the road to fight for battle, so he refined it, and then turned it into a fake to avoid being pursued and killed by others.

As for where his deity is now, there is no information left on this fake body.

However, after a short while, everyone came to the place where the World Tree was. Only the place where the World Tree was in the dense and huge jungle appeared blank.

And not far in front of the World Tree, Heavenly Yuan Shengzi stood in the void holding Zhan Ge.

He whispered: "This is the message left by the previous predecessor in the Holy Land. Today, the Saint Son must refine you..."

When the voice fell, he saw Tianyuan Shengzi holding Zhan Ge galloping towards the distant world tree, and in the blink of an eye, he came to the world tree.

But just before he came to the World Tree, he saw a barrier suddenly appeared in front of him, and directly blocked him there.

A burst of golden light broke out in the eyes of Saint Son of Tianyuan, surrounded by countless laws on the battle battle in his hand, and waves of terrifying mana poured into the battle battle.

Then he raised his hand and hit the huge barrier in front of him, as if he wanted to break the barrier directly in front of him.

But in his hands, Zhan Ge had just touched the barrier and was directly bounced out. Then he saw ripples spreading out on the barrier.

Tian Yuan Shengzi's previous attacking methods had turned into the nourishment of the barrier at this moment, making the barrier even stronger.

The saint Qingluan in the dark said with a look of excitement: "Hurry up, knock this stuff out and hide it, and then **** the world tree..."

Hong Yun on the side was helpless. Why didn't this guy have any sense of being a hostage? He seemed to be more excited than them.

He is upright and upright, especially the person who sneaks behind him.

He looked at the Tianyuan Saint Child who was struggling in the distance and wanted to break the barrier outside the World Tree, he couldn't help sighing slightly in his heart.

Then a small tower appeared in his hand instantly, and the laws on the small tower spread, forming ripples.

Hong Yun whispered: "Are you sure to open a gap above this barrier?"

Then I saw the small tower trembling slightly, as if responding in general.

Upon seeing this, Hong Yun simply used a means to cover up the figures of the crowd, leading them to the other direction that runs counter to the Tianyuan Saint Child.

Coming to the periphery of the barrier, Hong Yun released the small tower in his hand.

Then I saw the small tower swaying back and forth above the barrier in front of me, seeming to be looking for the weakest node on the barrier.

I don't know how long it took, the small tower stopped somewhere above the barrier, and then it shook slightly as if calling for a red cloud.

When Hong Yun and the others came to the place where the small tower was, they saw the law spinning on the small tower, converging continuously and then attacking a point above the barrier with all their strength.

In the next moment, a gap suddenly appeared above the huge barrier that was originally indestructible.

Hong Yun nodded in satisfaction, and then led everyone into the barrier, still hiding their figures.

Looking at the huge world tree not far in front of them, a touch of excitement appeared on everyone's faces.

Although the world tree in front of you is huge, it is still in its infancy in the strict sense. The most terrifying world tree in the rumor can evolve into a cosmic sea, and it is the top cosmic sea.

Although they didn't know what level it was in front of them, there was nothing too weak in the world tree.

Even if it does not reach the legendary level, it can still evolve into an endless world.

Everyone looked at the Tianyuan Saint Child who was constantly attacking outside the barrier, and there was a touch of sympathy in their eyes.

Just listen to Yue Lingtu sighed and said: "If the Heavenly Son of Yuan sees the World Tree suddenly disappearing, I'm afraid he will collapse!"

The saint Qingluan on the side said with excitement: "It's best to do so, let him watch the World Tree disappear before his eyes, so that this guy is still as proud as before."

Yue Lingtu shook his head and said: "I have learned a word in the mortal world, called the most poisonous woman's heart. Now it seems that it is so."

After hearing this, Saintess Qingluan's face instantly became dull, and then looked at Yueling Rabbit with a faintly resentful expression on her face.

At this moment, the Moon Spirit Rabbit suddenly had a few more small **** in his hand, and then saw the former carefully picking his mouth, not knowing what he was muttering.

After a while, I saw Moon Spirit Rabbit holding one of the small **** and said excitedly: "Finally found..."

Then I saw him throw the small ball in his hand to the ground, and gradually a world tree that was exactly the same suddenly appeared not far in front of everyone.

In terms of breath and coercion, it was exactly the same as the world tree in front of them.

A look of surprise appeared on the red cloud's face, and he said, "What is this again, and it is also a legacy of your previous master?"

The Moon Spirit Rabbit nodded with satisfaction and said: "This small ball can evolve everything. As long as he has touched it, it can evolve. It has exactly the same aura, but at best it is just a blinding technique. If someone touches it, it will be seen through. Give Tianyuan Shengzi a hope."

Hong Yun silently put the World Tree away and stored it in his own space, and then looked at the Tianyuan Saint Child who was continuously attacking outside, not knowing what to say for a while.

When you meet such a black-bellied dead rabbit, take it as bad luck!

Saint Qingluan was even more excited, thinking of the barrier that Saint Tian Yuan had worked so hard to smash, but only got a phantom, and it made her feel excited when she thought about it.

I'm afraid this can make the other party's Dao heart broken!

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