I Have a Trillion Merits

Chapter 923: Ruins

After hearing what the sage Qingluan said, a look of surprise appeared on the face of the red cloud, and then he smiled and said, "It turns out that there is such a fierce man in this world, it's kind of interesting!"

Saint Qingluan thoughtfully said: "This person is indeed far superior to ordinary people in terms of cultivation level and aptitude, but unfortunately he has made too many enemies, and now life and death are unpredictable."

Then she turned her head to look at Hongyun, and said, "Do you want to think about this matter again? If it is really known to others, we will really be over."

So far, Hongyun has robbed four or five saints. Although it was only a secretive action, it is inevitable that there will be no such thing as the Dongchuang incident.

If they were really known by these people, it would be equivalent to provoke four or five holy places, plus the great Qianxian Dynasty in front of them, it really makes people feel a little headache.

Hong Yun shook his head slightly, and said: "No need to do this, no one will know about our cooperation, so there is no possibility of the East Window incident. These people will eventually be kept in the dark."

Hearing what Hongyun said, Saintess Qingluan sighed slightly, then turned to look at where the second prince is now.

Now the second prince and his party have come outside a valley, blocked there by a terrifying remnant formation.

I saw the second prince on the flying boat slowly getting up, floating in front of the formation, raising his hand to stroke the formation that was within reach, and a touch of sigh appeared in his eyes.

"Although this formation has long been broken, I don't know how many thousands of years it has existed, but it can still resist the existence of the ancient sage level. It seems that this sacred place of cultivation is not weaker than some great worlds."

The public who followed it openly said: "The prince said it is extremely true, but although the formation in front of him is shabby, its power is still there. You need to think of a way to break the formation."

The second prince smiled and said: "It's just a surviving formation, what's the problem?"

As he said, he waved his hand behind him, and saw someone coming from behind.

It is the formation mage he is bringing next to him. Although this person is a formation mage, he also has the cultivation base of the pinnacle of the realm master, and his formation attainments are even rarer.

I don't know how many formations have been broken in a lifetime, even the formations of the master of the starry sky have been fortunate to break several broken formations.

Not to mention the incomplete and ruined formation in front of me!

I saw this person step forward, arched his hand slightly towards the second prince, and then focused on the broken formation in front of him.

And not far behind them, Hong Yun and others saw this valley right now, with a look of doubt on their faces.

Then the group of people lurked in the void, marching slowly towards the valley where they were, hiding their figure while approaching the formation where the valley was.

Beside Hong Yun, a small tower flew around, seeming to perceive the formation in front of him, and it made a soft whisper of excitement.

Yuelingtu looked at the small tower not far in front of him, with a look of doubt on his face, and then smiled and said, "This little guy is getting more and more excited during this period of time."

Hong Yun also smiled and nodded. Although he had guessed about the origin of this small tower, he never confirmed it.

He only knew that this small tower could help him break many formations, and even the world barriers could be opened for a short time. This ability had surpassed all the magic weapons he had seen.

He turned his head and looked not far away, the second prince and his party who were thinking about how to crack the formation in front of the valley, with a smile on their faces.

One after another, he gently moved towards the small tower, and quietly moved the small tower close to the formation that was shrouded in the valley above the valley, and then exuded a very mysterious law fluctuation.

Then there were ripples on the formation.

I saw that above the formation, a crack continued to expand at a speed visible to the naked eye.

There was also a smile on the surface of the red cloud, and then he led everyone into the crack and directly stepped into the valley.

And the formation mage who was cracking the formation in front of the valley suddenly felt that his formation was shaking, revealing a look of doubt on his face.

The second prince who was drinking not far away also turned his head, looked at the formation mage who was breaking the formation, and asked aloud: "What happened?"

The formation mage shook his head slightly, and said: "His Royal Highness, nothing has happened. Perhaps the next method is too violent, causing this formation to fluctuate."

Hearing what the formation mage in front of him said, the second prince nodded slightly, and then continued to drink.

In his opinion, the ruins of the spiritual sacred site in the valley in front of him are already in his hands, and he doesn't need to pay much attention to it.

Now he only needs to wait until the formation mage breaks the formation, and then leads people into it to search.

At that time, all the remaining heritage in this site will be used by him.

Thinking of this, the smile on the face of the second prince grew stronger.

As for the formation mage not far in front of him, who was cracking the formation, a look of doubt flashed across his face at this moment.

Because in his opinion, the previous shaking of the formation didn't seem to be caused by his breaking the formation, but now besides him, who can cause the shaking of this formation?

Couldn't someone sneak into the formation silently while they were not paying attention?

The array mage shook his head slightly, removed this unrealistic idea, and then began to concentrate on cracking the array again.

At this moment, Hongyun and others, after entering the valley, were shocked by the sight in front of them.

I saw that in the valley today, there are endless palaces, but most of them are broken arms and ruins, and there are many unweathered corpses among them.

Above these corpses, most of them exuded a wave of mysterious Dao, and it was obvious that the cultivation base was not weak when they were alive.

In addition, there are countless broken spirit treasures on this earth.

Looking at this scene at the moment, it is as if a strong force has come here to destroy the door, and there is still an extremely frightening rule suppressed here.

Saint Qingluan said with a shocked look: "What a terrifying person is that, capable of destroying a spiritual power comparable to the top holy land."

You must know that in a holy land, there must be an existence of the master of the starry sky, and a top holy land or aristocratic family, in addition to the master of the starry sky on the surface, there are many secrets hidden in the secret.

It's just like the current power of cultivation that has shattered.

It is impossible for existence like this to be destroyed, and it shouldn't be destroyed. Why is this top-notch spiritual power being destroyed?

Who has such great power on earth is really shocking!

Hong Yun looked at the ruined wall below, and after a moment of silence, it led everyone to slowly fall into the valley.

Then he took a small ball from the Moon Spirit Rabbit and threw it in front of the valley to cover the perception of the second prince and others, and then began to act quickly.

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