I Have a Trillion Merits

Chapter 924: Stealer

In the valley, Hong Yun looked at the corpses and magical instruments scattered on the ground, a hesitation flashed across his face.

Most of the magical artifacts scattered in the valley are already damaged long ago, and only a small half is still incomplete.

Although the quality of these artifacts may be very high before, but for them now, it can be described as chicken ribs, tasteless to eat, and it is a pity to discard them.

Not to mention that Hongyun was blind to his eyes, even these servants who had been caught by him were not squinting at the moment.

Hong Yun thought about it for a moment, then took out the Killing Spear and threw it directly into the valley.

It seemed that he sensed the extremely rich magical treasure aura in the valley, and the gun body of the Killer Spear trembled and let out a soft noise. It looked very excited.

Hong Yun smiled and said, "All the things inside are yours, enjoy it."

After speaking, I saw the Killing Spear rushed towards one of the magic weapons, pierced directly into it, and began to swallow it with big mouths.

And in front of everyone, a small whirlpool appeared at the tip of the sharpshooter, which seemed to be swallowing the magical energy of the magic weapon.

Moonling Rabbit looked at the God-killing Spear that was constantly being swallowed in the field, a flash of excitement flashed on his face, and said: "It seems that this little guy will be advanced again soon..."

The path to advancement of the Killing Spear is different from other magic weapons. In addition to absorbing the great purple energy at the beginning, it is to devour some spirit treasures to advance oneself.

The treasures that Hongyun hadn't looked up to in these years were swallowed by the Killing Spear, but he still failed to meet the advanced requirements.

After all, at this level, if you want to advance again, you can't swallow a magic weapon that is weaker than yourself.

But how could there be so many magic weapons for him to devour, he didn't expect that there was a remnant of spiritual power in this valley, and there were so many damaged high-level magic weapons inside, which really surprised him.

Hong Yun arranged for the two of them to guard the Gunkiller here, and then led the crowd towards the building.

The life and death of these people are under his control, so he is not worried about the other side's backlash.

Along the way, Hongyun spread out the divine consciousness, and began to constantly search for the residues in these buildings. After all, this place is a power of cultivation comparable to a holy land.

Even if it had been destroyed long ago, there should be many wonderful treasures in it, but Hong Yun did not find a complete and high-grade spirit treasure or other things along the way.

This disappointed him a bit.

The Moon Spirit Rabbit on the side also murmured: "This place seems to have been raided, and there are almost no residues of everything. The looted is too clean."

According to common sense, the person who destroyed the power of cultivation at the beginning should not be weak. How could he be worthy of these ordinary treasures?

This is more like the Wanderer he once saw on certain starry sky battlefields.

Or it can be called a scavenger.

These people never look at the grade when searching for things, as long as they are useful to them, everything will be taken away.

But what qualifications does this kind of person have to destroy a holy land?

It's still a spiritual force comparable to the top holy land, this matter is a bit weird.

Everyone walked inside, the expressions on their faces became more and more cautious.

The red cloud walking in the forefront suddenly glanced in a certain direction, and he was able to faintly sense an extremely obscure aura hidden in the dark.

It seems that someone came to this valley earlier than them.

Is it the group of saints or saints who have met on the road to battle? Or is it some lucky casual repair?

The Moon Spirit Rabbit beside him seemed to feel intrigued. First, he glanced at the place where his breath was hidden, and finally looked at the red cloud beside him.

A smile appeared on the surface of the red cloud, and then waved his hand at it.

Then arranged for Qin Yuan to take a few people to walk towards the place where the Gunslinger was located.

Although he arranged for the two to be strong, unless it was the saints or saints of some holy land, they could take away the sacred spear.

But he still has to be more prudent, after all, he doesn't believe that if he can sneak into this valley secretly, his strength will be weak.

He arranged almost all the attendants beside him to guard the Killing Spear.

Then he pretended to be ignorant and walked towards the hall here.

He could sense that there was nothing left in the surrounding debris.

If there is really something left, I'm afraid it is only in the center of this holy land, some hidden secret caves, or in the main hall of the holy land for time cultivation.

But the people in the dark seem to have no idea who and others have noticed his existence, and they still closely follow Hong Yun not far away.

His method of hiding his figure and breath is only weaker than Hong Yun and the others. If it weren't for the existence of a small tower on Hong Yun's body, he might not have been able to find this person.

The Moon Spirit Rabbit secretly spread the voice: "Master, I'm afraid this kid has some problems."

Hong Yun smiled and said: "Don't worry, no one can take what I want in my hands yet, but if he can figure out how he stepped into this valley, that would be interesting."

According to Saint Qingluan, most of this site was monopolized by the Dagan Xian Dynasty. Outside of the Dagan Xian Dynasty, no one knew the location of this valley.

Even when they first came, they could still faintly see the formation guards that Daganxian Dynasty had set up.

If it hadn't been the last time the road to battle was opened, and the people in the Daganxian Dynasty didn't carry a superb array mage with them, I am afraid that this site has already been evacuated, and I can't wait for the opening of the road to battle.

I am afraid that Dagan Xianchao couldn't think of it. Someone entered the valley earlier than them.

Just when everyone came to the hall, the figure hidden in the dark not far away seemed to be moved, and a faint aura was leaked out.

Hong Yun raised his hand and gently moved towards the dark place, and a terrifying law spread out in an instant, trying to catch the person hiding in the dark directly.

But only the void is broken, but the person in the dark is still missing.

Moonling Rabbit showed a look of surprise on his face, and said with a smile: "It seems that this person is extraordinary in strength. Maybe he really is a saint child or saint woman."

The saint Qingluan on the side was a little confused when she heard the words.

She didn't understand what the two people beside her were talking about, she just stared blankly at the direction Hongyun was moving.

Then I saw Hongyun shook his head and smiled: "Since this little guy is unwilling to come out, then we don't need to look for it."

As he said, walking directly into the hall, a terrifying spirit burst out instantly, enveloped the entire hall, and began to search carefully.

But after searching for a while, nothing was found.

Yue Lingtu said: "It seems that this place has also been raided, and we can only see if that person has found the secret realm cave heaven of this cultivation force."

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